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Eternity Book Series
Part 5 – Life after Death


Eternity Book Series: 4 Books – 8 Parts
Part 5 – Life after Death

(Book 3: Origins and Destination)
Anwar Shaikh
1st Edition: September 20, 2014
2nd Edition: August 28, 2016

Anwar Shaikh, the Indian Author, Philosopher and Islamic Historian

Book 3: Origins and Destination
Part 4 – Mind and Matter
Chapter 10: Epistemology
Chapter 11: The Creative Principle
Chapter 12: Mind and Matter
Part 5 – Life after Death
Chapter 13: Life after Death


Part 5 – Life after Death

Chapter 13: Life after Death

What is Life?

Life refers to the stability gained through dynamic equilibrium which is a continuous state of change yet it does not alter the basic uniformity of conditions that constitute the entity of an organism. In fact, this is the state where change contributes to stabilty. Hence life itself is an illustration of the principle: "stability-through-change". However, dynamic equilibrium or control of the internal environment rests upon the personal effort of the body. Thus life is not only what you make it but its rebirth and continuity also depends upon one's own endeavours.

What is death?

Death, on the other hand, is governed by what is called the principle of microscopic reversibility. It means that though at macroscopic (observable) scale, the things called "dead" seem standing still, at microscopic i.e. atomic level, there is a continuous activity in such objects. Yet they are considered lifeless because they are at equilibrium where each individual reaction occurs in such a way that forward and reverse rates are equal. This type of equilibrium lacks dynamism, that is, the ability to create and control internal environment.

Tobacco mosaic virus

From this description, it is quite obvious that even what seems dead retains some kind of motion, therefore, there is no real extinction, and things have the tendency not only to stay alive but become alive under the right conditions. Take for instance, the tobacco mosaic virus. In its crystalline phase, i.e. as a piece of matter, it does not display any properties usually associated with life. It looks as lifeless an object as any other but when these virus crystals are dissolved in water and placed on a tobacco leaf, they immediately come to life and can be seen moving from leaf to leaf. More surprising still, they multiply rapidly and form virus colonies.

Arguments for possibility of life-after-death

These explanations do reveal that death is not extinction but the lowest form of life because motion, no matter how imperceptible in effect, is a symbol of life, and not of extinction. Potential of life is embedded in atoms; it is realised by their ability to arrange themselves into active patterns. Since our atoms survive disintegration of our bodies, the chances of their *reanimation are more than equal. However, this probability is provided by the Master Spiritual Cell only. In view of the prominence of this subject, I am inclined to develop it by further discussion to show that life-after-death is a distinct possibility.

Varying span of life

1. Length of cellular existence is subject to a great deal of variation. The life of a microbe may be only a few minutes or hours compared to man's 70 odd years. compared to this, a bristlecone (conifer) may live for several thousand years. In a stand of bristlecone pines on Wheeler Peak in eastern Nevada, many of them exceed the life-span of 3000 years and one of them is 4900 years old!
Man has already improved his life-span through improved medical care and spare-part surgery. Of course, it cannot happen indefinitely at cellular level because the genetic code contains instructions which specify that a species cannot live beyond a certain age, no matter how favourable the conditions.
There is no reason to believe that improved medical care and surgery are the only means of lengthening life. Ordinary physical life seems more vulnerable to disintegration than existence at atomic level. Since soul or the Master Spiritual Cell is more akin to an atom, the tree o life germinating from soul is likely to be far more durable.
One should remember that not long ago existence of atoms was ridiculed. Now, we know that atoms are the building blocks of the universe, and also of cells which create life. Why can't the same atoms be the basis of something more subtle and refined such as a soul?

Evolutionary principle

2. Evolution has displayed one undeniable truth: a higher species emerges from the ashes of a lower species. The higher species is genetically superior to the lower species and more capable of adjusting itself to the environment. In fact, evolution is a process of continual upward jumping, and this spiral takes place for two reasons:
a. the lower species can't cope with the rigours of life, but life being an everexpanding phenomenon, seeks a new mode (higher species) to express itself;
b. it is natural for things to seek self-improvement. Man is imperfect. It is natural for him to seek relative perfection. Soul is the realisation of that dream. Is there a cogent reason to believe that evolution ends at man?

Direct propagation

3. Subhuman species can live through their offsprings only, that is, by means of physical propagation. Every species is the expression of its potential, which irnproves as the species leaps to the higher rung of the evolutionary ladder. At human level, man must be sufficiently evolved to possess a potential which is capable of extending his existence without an external medium such as Children He must be capable of propagating himself through himself. This means is provided by his soul. (Since this potential is evolved at human level only, subhuman species are not capable of producing soul).

The greatest human desire

4. Living-for-ever is the greatest human desire. Achieving this aim must be a possibility; otherwise the whole concept of life becomes a hoax. Man represents the apex of consciousness and intelligence, and is also endowed with free will The purpose of these formidable virtues can't be anything but to enable him to realise this goal. Soul is the fulfillment of this dream.

Death is not extinction

5. Death does not lead to extinction but to another form of existence. If an electron and a positron collide, they both disappear, and two photons (particles of light) are seen rushing from the site of clash. This is an example of conversion of matter into energy.
Conversely, when two photons encounter each other, they disappear, but from their disappearance emerge an electron and a positron. Thus the reverse process, i.e. the transformation of energy into matter, takes place. Death is, thus, a process of changing from one thing to another.
Is it not more than likely that human body when it perishes, can lead to the emergence of something else such as soul? We cannot deny that the cessation of spring leads to summer, demise of summer brings about (autumn) winter and the death of winter gives birth to spring. Why should we deny the application of this natural process to man?

Law of sequence

6. This is law of nature that the next stage is determined by the previous stage. For example, if there are atoms, they must compose something; atoms are the previous stage and what they compose is the next stage. Thus there is a definite correlation between the two, and one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, there must be another stage of existence after death, and it ought to be better than the human level of existence because evolution is a process of moving from the inferior to the superior. The more exalted stage than man is soul.


7. People began to hear of the term supernova in about 1933. It refers to a star which rises in brightness to such an extent that it may outshine the total number of stars in the galaxy. In the core of a star are formed massive nuclei through a long chain of successive additions. When a star explodes through contractions it blazes with the strength of a 100 million suns. However, the exploding star or supernova, as it dies, hurls in all directions at a speed of many thousand miles per second, its treasure of the nuclei which it has prepared over a period of long time. The Crab Nebula is the remains of a supernova which exploded on the morning of 4th July, 1054. Its ashes extend over billions of miles and like the Supernova of the past, will give birth to stars of the future. The death of one star serves as the breeding ground for another.
The explosion of a supernova seems to be an integral part of the evolution i e rising from a lower stage of existence to a higher one. It is because through a gradual process it contains heavy nuclei which are essential for extending the ladder of complexity, and it is complexity which is the essence of evolution. We should note that the interior of a star is an unsuitable site for the formation of atoms and molecules due to its extremely high temperature which is injurious to the making of bonds. Bonding can happen only when the supernova has emptied its stellar material in the cold expanse of space. Stars of later generations, like a pheonix, rise from the ashes of the supernova.
Why is it not possible for soul, the germinating seed of next life, to rise from the disintegration of its body? If it is feasible for atoms to change into cells, and for cells to appear in the incredible form known as man, what is so supernatural in assuming that man carries the seed of his future life? Does a chicken not carry an egg to continue its existence? Is it not known that every tree carries spores and uses amazing techniques of perpetuating itself?
This fact is equally observable inside the human body: cells are created from the destruction of cells themselves.

Existence is eternal

8. Existence is not always associated with the present. The atoms that constitute me now, existed billions of years ago. It means that I existed in the past though I was not aware of this fact. What has a past and present, must have a future as well. Again, as my present is far better than my past, it is reasonable to assume that my future can be even better than my present. Again, as my present is different from the past, my future existence is likely to be different from both the present and past, but as a real existence is always subject to rules, the future existence can't be immune from them either.

Life as supposition

9. Life, in a way, is a process of suppositions based on curiosity. The universe with its wonders, was here long before the advent of man. Even the primitive man, as he looked up into the sky, heard the thunder of clouds, saw the dazzle of lightning or listened to the music of dancing waves, felt curious to suppose the existence of a super-being. As a result, he invented many gods and goddesses who governed the various phenomena of nature. Since knowledge comes in stages, and Is never complete, he had to learn the truth through a process of elimination. As most of our knowledge is drawn from supposition, it is quite reasonable to suppose the coming into being of a soul.
It is even more reasonable to suppose that man is an important being, and is thus likely to live for ever, rather than a mammal whose entire aim of life is to eat, drink and mate, and then perish to become ashes. The supposition of a phoenix that may rise out of ashes is far more superior to the ashes which are a form of refuse.

Unity of end

10. Finally, everything has the unity of origin, that is, they all emanate from the same source, i.e. the atoms (or the particles which constitute the identity of atoms). It is logical to assume that they should also have the unity of ending. It is like snow melting to split itself into many streams which combine to make a river, and rivers flowing separately but eventually joining the sea.
Since things have the same identity at the point of origin, they should also be homogeneous at the end. Without being so, union is not possible: it is a mixture of the similar because only birds of a feather flock together. This unity of ending is facilitated by souls whose major attributes must have a lot in common.

Final unity

Now, we enter the last stage of our argument, that is, the purpose of the final unity of souls which also happens to be the purpose of the universe. However, one should remember that inference can be drawn from the available evidence only:

What is a machine?

Before one can talk about the purpose of the final unity of souls, one has to establish that man is not a machine but an organism because machines have no goal; they function over a certain period of time and then become a part of a scrap-heap. Again, a machine is operated by an operator who may also be its designer. It is something stolid, passive and obedient. It lacks will and emotive power and knows nothing about pain or pleasure. Above all, it does not possess the instinctive quality of self-improvement, the ability to create relationships and the glow of consciousness which is the fountain of knowledge, moral values and social discipline.

What is man?

On the contrary, man is characterised with a mind which is the power "to think, know, feel and will". Thus he is motivated by his dreams, desires, designs and determinations. These qualities always have a purpose which man strives to achieve. In fact, his entire life becomes a process of chasing and executing his purpose. He is not only enthusiastic about attaining his goal but also becomes concerned with the right way of attaining it. This is what creates moral conscience leading to the creation of soul.

A machine knows nothing about moral conscience. Man is called machine because he has a body which consists of parts that function like the components of a machine. This is no reason to degrade the status of man because cells of plants and other mammals have a great deal in common with the cells of man; they all have the same functions and perform similar processes, yet nobody has ever claimed that a mango or mouse is a man. It looks to me that it is not similarities but the differences, no matter how minute, which create distinction between one thing and another. Take a computer, for instance. It has an "anatomy" including a "brain" which are claimed to be not much different from those of man. Yet any comparison affected between the two is only superficial. Instead Of going into details, just look at the working of man's nerve cells. The result they produce is way beyond the electronic capacity of a computer: man's unbounded imagination, fiery determination, lofty designs, urge of execution, desire to succeed and aspiration to improve, all stem from the operation of his neurons.

Obviously, man cannot be a machine because his entire functioning is geared to an instinctive purpose which is self-improvement though the notion of self-improvement may differ from person to person. In fact, this urge of self-improvement lies dormant in atoms and is awakened by the whip of change which excites them to assume ever-ascending patterns of form to reach the highest point of existence. Intelligence of the computers shows man's ability to rearrange atoms in a particular fashion to bring forth the intelligence that is latent in atoms. However, this fact does not obviate the difference between man and machine, it simply shows a similarity between the two, and the innate creative power of the former.

Universe, as organism

Similarly, the universe is not a machine either. It expresses its organismic spirit through man who is the manifestation of the universal wisdom, operation and discipline. The evolutionary process is a long chain of change. It has taken the universe some fifteen billion years to create man, the most important link in the concatenation of self-improvement. Improvement from atoms to cells and cells to man, though incredible, is not good enough for the holy plans of the cosmos which seeks the highest form of existence and thus uses man as the matrix of soul. Such an exalted state of being is simply Godhead which is the eternal mode of existence free from the pain of fear and want of favour. It is not that the operation of change ceases here; at this point, change, which was originally infantile and had been evolving all along, becomes the Creative Principle, that is, change contributes to continual integration instead of disintegration.

The Godhead

To state this point more clearly, I must add that Godhead is the stage where three aspects of change, that is, change as principle, change as process and change as product, unite in perfect harmony. The meaning of change as principle is quite clear; change as a process implies evolutionary activity, and change as a product means souls brought about by the evolutionary process from particles (the Primordial stuff) according to the (underlying) principle.

At this stage, we must also bear in mind that it is the nature of principle to manifest itself; for example, the principle HE must manifest itself as water, otherwise it has no value, and its existence cannot be proved. Again, the force of a principle or rule lies in its enforcement. Thus, one can say that the myriads of phenomena that appear everywhere as measured chemical changes (Compounds) are the enforcements of the underlying principles (formulas). In fact, I am inclined to state that enforcement is an integral part of the rule or law as burning is of fire and reflection is of mirror; enforcement is another description of mamfestation. However, both principle and process are abstract but manifestation is the Visible form though it may not be readily accessible to the naked eye.

A soul or Master Spiritual Cell is the product of the underlying principle and process. Therefore, God can manifest Himself through souls only.

As atoms are the building blocks of the universe, and cells make up the identity of man, souls constitute the entity of God. In fact, God is the union of souls, as a river is the assemblage of drops of water or a bonfire is the combination of scintillas. This concept of Godhead is entirely different from the usually mystical idea of man's union with God; according to this view man has a separate identity from God and union denotes a friendly attitude of God towards man who holds his status as an obedient servant.

Man is God and God is man

What I am stating is what I set out to establish, that is, man is God and God is man. Man is God because he has the ability to produce a soul which is a constituent of Godhead, and God is man because of his dependence on man's soul without which the existence of God cannot be imagined. However, the person of God is over and above the sum total of the souls as entity of a radio Is more than its components. This is what makes God an intelligible being. He cannot be transcendent because it makes Him unknowable, and that what cannot be known, cannot be found, and that what cannot be found, cannot be the goal of a search because, as stated previously, the entire human conduct Is motivated by goal. The unknowable God has no relevance to man but the knowable God becomes the goal of man whose nature it is to climb the highest peak for achieving the best. Therefore, the messiahs and messengers mislead people to be treated as God for staying alive through their memory. They do so by exploiting the mystery that surrounds the person of God.

Properties of soul

Souls, the building blocks of Godhead, have attributes of their own. What they are, is a matter of speculation. To start with they must be fairly resistant to change because of the super properties of being they possess. Harmony of existence appears to be another of their attribute because each soul must be able to have on its own yet capable of acting in unison and perfect synchronisation. Again, they must represent a purified state of existence, that is, they do not possess or lead to the lower properties, e.g. aggression, meanness, malevolence, etc. as do cells at human level.

Self-preservation is man's greatest dream, and Godhead represents its realisation I am not prepared to ascribe attributes to God except that He loves piety and good deeds based on sincereity. Since every soul becomes a component of Godhead, race, colour, creed, caste etc. are the Divine abominations. Thus God is universal and cannot belong to or patronise any one particular religion or race.

However, there is one big moot-point regarding the attributes of God because there is hardly any believer who does not think that God wants to be worshipped. If we look into this belief carefully, it ranks as blasphemy. Why?

Aggressive behaviour and worship

Evolution of man starts from the most primitive conditions. His biggest concern is survival which mainly depends upon feeding one's self; predation, that is, one organism preying upon another to sustain life, has been the rule of survival. In fact this seems to be the case even before the start of life. In the beginning, as the oceans became filled with such substances as sugars and alcohols, there came into being molecules which had the ability to split these sugars and alcohols to drain their energy for keeping themselves alive. As life advanced, the rule of predation gave birth to the aggressive behaviour which became an integral part of animal psychology because life could not be prolonged without the ability to kill, or escape the killer. This fight-or-flight attitude grew more sophisticated at human level, especially when man learnt to look cultured without feeling the necessity to practice moral values. This hypocritical outlook was reinforced by the desire of prestige which emanated from the ability to increase one's own possessions by depriving other people of theirs. Those who lose their possessions become weak and easily governable. Thus man's aggressive behaviour emerges as the urge of dominance which demands satisfaction by depriving other people of their will to act as they desire. To look reasonable and cultured, the powerful individuals invent the rule that "might is right" and thus create conditions through various ruses which keep masses weak because it is their weakness that counts as the might of the mighty.

As the wheel of cultural sophistication advances, the dominant feels ashamed of being CONSIDERED an aggressor but not actually being an aggressor because he is obsessed by the urge of dominance and all his life-pattern becomes devoted to the satisfaction of this urge. What is it that actually gratifies him? It is his ability to command people and secure obedience to his commands, the more ridiculous the commands and the greater the desire of the dominated to observe them, the higher the satisfaction of the dominant.

Obeying a rational command of the legitimate authority is a virtue, but when boundaries of obedience merge into the realm of servility, it becomes the vilest vice because it deprives man of his dignity and free will, the true elements of humanity. And there is nothing more servile than the act of worship which is a process of bowing and bending, creeping and crawling, prostrating and palliating.

Dominating or securing the right of worship, are the marks of aggression which Symbolise primitiveness. There are three ways to secure dominance or the right Of Worship. Terror is the first weapon in this respect; one is frightened into Submission by the enormity of punishment such as death or abode in hell. The second method is a promise of favour such as a high reward of paradise. Thirdly it is the power of brainwashing through faith which persuades people to perform acts of self-humiliation to please the mighty who love such perversions. Since Godhead is the summit of evolution, the rules of behaviour applicable at the 10We5t level cannot hold good right at the top. Therefore, desire for worship is not a property of Godhead but the burning ambition of the self-appointed messiahs and messengers who seek to establish their own divinity in the guise of viceroyalty To give themselves prestige and reverence, they do not act like the secular rulers who behead people for disobeying them. Instead, these merchants of holiness create for their followers a psychological environment which induces them to obey their commands with the same zeal as moths have, to cremate themselves alive on a burning candle. And those who do not adopt this mechanical behaviour are punished to please the Almighty who is just a euphemism for the guru, messiah or prophet. Thus, they escape the blame for the desire to be worshipped and all the atrocities that stem from it.

Universe, as the Creator of God

Contrary to common belief, I should also state before proceeding further, that it is not God who creates the universe but it is the universe that creates God Godhead is the highest, the noblest and the eternal state of existence which perpetuates itself; it represents the peak of evolution that started with particles, attained the dignity of man and blossomed into soul. Therefore, God Himself being the goal of the universe (and man) has no goal Himself. Neither He creates nor He legislates. Thus, He has no part in the ills of the world which is self-governing through its own laws. God being the most wise, the most conscientious and the most righteous, does not interfere with the rules of nature until such time that the natural laws become inefficient to regulate the conduct of the universe which eventually suffers entropy through wear and tear or old age. However, there is another situation in which God interferes, that is, when vice becomes so prevalent that man ceases to produce soul which constitutes the fabric of Godhead.

Role of God

God being the greatest and the noblest purpose in Himself, cannot have a purpose of His own. If He did have one, it would be inferior and. thus, He could not be the highest point of existence. Therefore, when He interferes to break the hold of vice over virtue, He does so, not to perpetuate himself but to protect the goal of the universe (and man). His own perpetuation is a by-product of this process and not His own purpose though it can be said that God interferes to save His own identity which is threatened by the lack of supply of souls. Obviously, the role of God in relation to the universe is that of a guardian, and not as the sole administrator though administration is a part of guardianship. The fact that the universe has a purpose does not subject it to determinism because its goal (Godhead) is the highest and is achievable through a good deal of effort only Again, there is no compulsion involved in accepting or rejecting this goal; one can take it or leave it. I shall discuss the concepts of free will and determinism at a later stage to clear the air.

God is one

God has got to be one. There can't be many Gods because there is a tendency on the part of things to reduce their roles from several to few: billions of cells forge themselves to make one human; countless atoms join to form a star; billions Of stars combine to become a galaxy; billions of galaxies participate in the formation of a cluster and myriads of clusters anociate to rank as a superstructure. Thus, organization of the universe is hierarchical and must eventually be presided over by one being whose own entity is naturally composed of countless parts (i.e. souls). However, there is one difference. Whereas transformation of other things such as gas and dust into a star is brought about by natural forces, the change from man to God is wrought by man himself. This is vouched for by the fact that man steers not only his own destiny but also influences existence of the earth. In fact, his actions have a special significance to the entire universe because without his consciousness, the presence or absence of the cosmos makes no sense, and secondly his exploratory zeal as shown by Voyager 2 provides an extra link to the heavenly bodies, and what may be in them.

Since Godhead represents what is the best, the greatest and the noblest, this existence cannot be mechanical but conscious. As man is the only being endowed with the virtue of consciousness, elevation from man to God implies the highest evolutionary point of consciousness. It also shows that the purpose of consciousness is none other than Godhead.

Moral conscience and Godhead

By consciousness, I do not mean just awareness but the knowledge leading to moral sense accompanied by righteous deeds. This is particularly true at human level because without a good moral behaviour, attainment of Godhead is a myth. As moral conscience leads to Godhead, it also remains the pivot of Godhead; God's guardianship of the universe is strictly moral because its purpose is to assist righteousness prosper at the expense of evil.

Why morality and not wickedness?

One can say, why does morality, and not wickedness lead to Godhead? It is because morality is justice-in-action, the practical distinction between right and wrong. It is natural for man to adore justice and deplore injustice. As the welfare of an individual depends upon fairness, so does his spiritual well-being. A society riddled with evil becomes morbid and life begins to rank as a punishment and not a pleasure. As it is the law of nature that sunshine, and not snow, will ripen crops, so it is the inherent function of righteousnes to promote the cause of Godhead. The role of vice is to demote it.

The pivotal question

The relevant question in this context is to ask, "Has man got the ability to rise from the status of humanity to that of divinity?"


It seems to be the law of nature that everything must carry testimony to indicate what it is. For example, when chemical elements are excited they emit light of precisely defined colours which can be decomposed by means of a prism to identify its source and nature. Thus a physicist, by analysing the light of a star, can determine the presence as well as scarcity or abundance of the elements to be found on the surface of the star. The sequence of wave-lengths emitted by excited atoms when displayed in a spectroscope is so regular that it can be expressed by a mathematical formula, and thus serves the same standard of reliability in identification as do the fingerprints of individuals.

Human greatness

Application of this rule of evidence shows the unimaginable greatness of human mind and body. Scientists have discovered that the number of possible organic compounds rise to several billions but the contemporary life on earth employs less than 1500 combinations based on no more than fifty molecular building blocks. As a result, only a few chemical and functional patterns are being used again and again, thus reflecting the very close relationships between all organisms.

The number of possible ways that nucleotides can be placed in a chromosome is fantastic. The nucleotides are organic chemical compounds which make up the basic genetic material responsible for storing and replicating the hereditary information in cells. The likely arrangement of nucleotides raises the mumber of possible varieties of human chromosomes to 4^4 X 10^9 (10^2 � 4 X 10^9). This number is much greater than the total number of elementary particles i.e. electron, and protons which are about 108� and account for the physical make-up of the entire world. Obviously, every human has the potential to be greater than the universe itself but this fact is usually ignored. Of course, some of these nucleotide combinations can be lethal to life but on the other hand, there must be myriads of sequences which can raise the status of man incredibly higher than his present standing. He obviously has the potential to be God.

How souls combine to create Godhead

Another legitimate question is: "How do souls combine to form Godhead?"
On the basis of what is known about the living cell, the ability to create Divine existence must be inherent in soul, the Master Spiritual Cell. It is because cells are the units of life, and in right conditions they can survive and conserve themselves. Of course, a cell is an autonomous unit but a single cell such as a bacterium lives at a very low level. Cells have the ability to unite, and this union leads to complexity, giving birth to a higher life. This happens because the cells are capable of recognising one another. For example, if kidney cells and retinal cells are taken out of an organism and cultured outside, they join their own kind and form groupings very much like the two original tissues. Again, if the same type of cells are taken out of two different species, they combine according to the nature of the function in their basic organisms. The fact that cells join to form well organised wholes or organisms, clearly shows that their inherent qualities
are much greater than the sheer ability to combine; they must possess the skills to communicate, synchronise all the sequences, and must be capable of a harmonious co-existence to found a highly integrated entity stemming from free will.

Theory of collaboration

There are about two hundred varieties of cells in the human body each having a fixed role. Each kind could exist on its own to protect its individuality but its magnitude of life would be inferior owing to its simplicity. Their combination into a whole gives them a complexity which results in a marvel like man. Scientists have developed the "theory of collaboration" which states that the simple cells joined together to form the complex cells of living beings and thus each primitive organism became a particular organelle. The speculation about the ordinary living cells equally applies to the Master Spiritual cells. The harmony of their individual character emerges as the regulatory control of the union i.e. the Godhead.

Individuality and collectivity of soul

Soul or the Master Spiritual Cell, which is the ultimate unit of divine life, must be far superior to an ordinary living cell, and thus capable of recognising and joining the fellow-souls to create the identity of Godhead. However, I am inclined to believe that Godhead is both an individual and collective mode of existence, and this fact is made possible by the harmonious powers of the souls.

Destination of souls

This discussion leads to yet another enquiry: "How do souls find their destination, i.e. the point of mutual association?"
One can speculate on the basis of available evidence only. Flight of soul from human body to the final destination, is an act of migration which is usually undertaken for survival or better prospects of life, and it happens at all levels - vegetative to human. Soul is no exception, and must have a mysterious way of reaching its goal. For example fruits of burdock and agrimony have developed hooks for clinging to the feathers of birds or furs of animals to be carried away from their place of growth. They usually enjoy a free ride of several miles before they are dropped to another place.
There are several plants which use localised air currents or large-scale updraughts for migration. This is especially true about the plants which produce very fine spores or seeds.

Aeronaut spiders

The way an aeronaut spider migrates may help to explain this mystery. It starts its migration by getting hold of a straw and exposing into the air its abdomen which extrudes silk. As the wind strikes at the silk, it produces a still longer thread of this material until it is sufficient to support the spider's weight. At this stage, it discards the straw or whatever it is clinging to, and is blown up into the air Suspended by its own yarn to be transported away.

Birds migration

Birds may be involved into very long migrations, indeed. For example, an arctic tern may fly over 12,000 miles to reach home from its breeding site. How does it find its home? Nobody knows the true answer. However, it is claimed that in addition to using their powers of seeing and smelling, birds use the earth's magnetic field for finding their way, and can also take cue from the stars, the moon and the sun. Even after an absence of eight years, some birds can recognise their home! How do buntings, tiny birds, cross oceans to reach the same clump of trees where they were born? How do snakes return to the same hole of birth after hibernation? Even more amazing is the migration of the offsprings of the monarch butterfly (Danaus Plexippus). Each winter these butterflies migrate from North America to the Gulf of Mexico. On their homeward journey, they mate and lay eggs but because of their short span of life, it is not they but their offsprings that return home. How do they find their home which they have never seen?
It is these mysteries that make life sweet, challenging and attractive. Soul ought to be the deepest mystery to generate the greatest thrill, excitement and exhiliration. It is the most sacred masquerade of nature packed with marvel, magic and medley.

Life as process of combinations

What I have said so far about Godhead may sound strange but if we remember that life is a process of combinations i.e. how things join and stay together, then the concept of Godhead that I am advocating ceases to be incredible. Godhead is the superior and eternal mode of existence. Naturally, God has a body which cannot come into being without parts. However, the divine body is composed of spiritual cells compared to other (living) bodies which are made of (ordinary) living cells. To explain the concept of composition or combination, I find it necessary to prolong this discussion:

No existence without body

However, before proceeding further I may dispel one misunderstanding. Some people claim that God has an "immaterial body". It is a contradiction in itself because what is immaterial i.e. does not have a body, cannot exist independently: thoughts, feelings, moods etc. are the conditions of a body and not the body itself; likewise fragrance and beauty are the properties of a rose, and not the rose itself.
A deeper study of biology may help to understand the subject under discussion; life as we know it arose, mainly, from two groups of molecules: the amino acids which join together to form proteins, and the nucleotide bases whose combination emerges as DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).


Proteins have innumerable shapes which are generated by a coiling and twisting arrangement of atoms. These different shapes are linked by a backbone composed of a simple six-atom repetitive unit which may recur several hundred times. Twenty amino acids participate in the formation of proteins. They are attached to each other by what is called peptide bonds, and are designated residues; the resulting chains are known as peptides.
One should remember that the diverse molecular assemblies i.e. the innumerable living bodies that we see, owe their existence to the right combination or sequence of amino acids. Unless sequence of the amino acids is correct, the biological structures, as we know them, cannot come into being. We are told that the right polypeptides which made a primitive cell, combined four billion years ago. It is also believed that the odds of getting one polypeptide right are as small as 10^-130. It makes happening of an event very nearly a figment of the imagination but when we realise that the present evolutionary diversity involves 100 different polypeptides, the probability of arranging them in the right order rises to 10^-13000 It is simply impossible because on this basis it would take many, many, many trillions of years to produce the right sequence of amino acids. This is against the available evidence which suggests that life on this planet began 4 billion years ago. Some scientists believe that life on earth is the result of an exceptionally lucky chance, and others hold that when suitable conditions appear for the right combinations of amino acids, they assemble spontaneously. This statement also relies on the chancesuitability of environment. The truth, as already stated repeatedly, is that atoms (particles) have the innate tendency to be, and the process of becoming is evolutionary, based on trial and error.


DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) also results from the sequence of molecules. It is an organic chemical of complex structure; it occurs in cell nuclei as the basis of chromosomes and serves to encode genetic data. The genes are stored in the nucleus of a cell and contain all the instructions for living and reproduction. One peculiarity of the DNA is that it occurs in a constant amount in all body cells of a particular species and its molecules have been faithfully transmitted at the time of reproduction. Because of this constancy or stability since inception of life on earth, DNA is considered immortal. The day this constancy is disturbed, life will cease to exist. Thus life is a controlled affair and this control is exerted from within the organism.

Cytoplasm - Symbiosis

An example of this fact is provided by cytoplasm which is a gelatinous substance surrounding the nucleus, and is itself enclosed by a membrane that marks the cell's interior world. As previously stated, cytoplasm defines the internal environment of the cell and is populated by a large number of small entities known as organelles each having a distinct function of its own. For example, mitochondria serves as the lungs of the cell. According to a theory of origin, these organelles or organs of the cell, came into being as a result of the symbiotic union of different cells. Symbiosis refers to a union (combination) which is mutually beneficial to each partner. For example, as the theory goes, an anaerobic cell (capable of living without respiration) swallowed an aerobic cell which needed oxygen to live. With the passage of time, this union became obligatory and the captured aerobes started functioning as mitochondria thus bestowing on its captor the benefit of aerobic respiration. Yet another example of the symbiotic union is provided by the algae which live within the cells of fungi in the lichen partnerships. In fact, some biologists trace the evolution of organelles (organs of the cells) to such partnerships (combinations); flagella or cilia, centrioles, plastics etc. further explain this theory.

Three principles

I said previously that life is a process of harmonious combinations; now I may add another element to this truth, that is, the principle of combination must remain constant e.g. as molecular sequence of the DNA. Here, the phrase ''molecular sequence" suggests yet another principle, that is, the magnitude of existence depends upon the quality of arrangement of the constituents of a combination. Put it another way, it implies the mutual relationship of things within themselves and to the outside world. For example, every iron atom has innate magnetic qualities, yet every iron bar does not possess the attracting force. Why? Because the atoms of an unmagnetised bar are arranged randomly, and as a result the force of one iron atom is neutralised by another but the bar which is magnetic, its individual atoms are aligned in such a manner that their individual magnetic fields reinforce each other and thus turn the bar into a magnet.
The concept of Godhead is easier to understand when we cogitate upon it in the light of these three principles, namely, combination, constancy of the basic principle and the manner of arrangement of the constituents. In the light of these facts, I may state that:
Godhead is the union of souls which are, in fact, the spiritual cells, and therefore inherently possess all the virtues of becoming at a much higher scale than the human cells whose stunning properties create the marvel of man.

One of the properties of the human cells is that they are reluctant to die, yet their dream of eternity is likely to be realised through death if they can produce a Master Spiritual Cell (soul). One should remember that a normal human adult contains more than a hundred thousand billion 10'4 cells and an average cell consists of some 10'2, that is, one thousand billion atoms. These fantastic numbers unite in so baffling a complexity to create the marvel of man that millions of pages cannot explain it. Our present knowledge of cells is infinitesimal, and possibly the more we delve, the still deeper we will have to dive only to suffer a proportionately increasing disappointment, disputation and disillumination. Even more stunning is the fact that one fertilised human cell can divide itself into 1044 i.e. a hundred thousand billion cells of several hundred kinds, each with a different function! Thus existence or reality becomes so great a picture of beauty that the more one gazes, the more it dazes. May be the only way to appreciate beauty is to admire it. Yet inspection is an integral part of appreciation; one cannot admire it genuinely without gazing at it, no matter how dazing its effect.
In view of these facts, it is wrong to state in extravagant details how souls unite to create Godhead. It will be equally fallacious to describe their manner of arrangement. However, one dare assert that the union of souls is based on an extraordinarily efficient rule of harmony.

Soul and individuality

However, I must emphasise that Godhead is a union i.e. combination of souls, and not a chemical compound in which the constituents lose their individuality Such a hypothesis will be wrong because evolution from particles to man is, in fact, the evolution of individuality. Every cell has the ability to exist independently Nature provides evidence to this effect. For example, the singlecelled Euglena Gracilis which is seen covering the stagnant surface of ponds, looks like a green plant when weather conditions are bright but in the absence of sunshine, the green disappears and it swims like a creature in search of food as any other animal. A still better example is provided by the slime mould Dictyosteium Discoideum which feeds on bacteria. When supplies are abundant the individual cells can survive independently and are seen moving about as individuals but when supplies of bacteria are scarce, the individuals through a chemical process, cluster together to form a single creature; it looks like a slug and is called pseudoplasmodium which moves about in search of food. Amazingly, differentiation sets in leading to specialisation of the individual cells as in any other multicellular organism, capable of shedding spores which hatch to become new slime mould!

The solution

Similarly, members of the solar system or a galaxy represent the basis of the union I am trying to explain. They are bound by the force of attraction into a system, yet act as individuals. Souls, the constituents of Godhead, must possess super qualities of combining together yet staying apart. It all springs from the tremendous power of harmony that souls have. Speculating about the form of God, or the shape of souls and their mode of living, is the mystery that cannot be solved until one becomes a part of Godhead. It suffices to say that Divinity is the level of existence suffused with peace, serenity and happiness, and totally free from the fear of death and need of favour.

Divine homeostatis

Godhead is the state of dynamic equilibrium i.e. this is a condition constantly subject to the law of change but it (change) does not affect its basic uniformity. This is a process of staying alive by controlling one's internal environment through personal effort. It is called "homeostatis" and applies to everything which is alive. God is no exception to this rule but the union based on harmony and consciousness of souls, gives God the knowledge, power and discretion which enable Him to maintain this homeostatis to eternalise Himself. This ability emerges at the level of Godhead only.

Cosmic march towards freedom

Godhead is not only the apex of existence but also the realization of the cosmic dream which shows that the cosmos has a purpose. The fact that through a constant travail of evolution it seeks to raise higher and higher forms of existence, clearly shows that self-improvement is the true purpose of the cosmos. We can also see that connected with every higher form of existence is the greater desire for independence and freedom of conduct based on individual choice. Thus, the cosmos is marching towards freedom, that is, release from the iron grip of natural laws without violating them and creating its own identity through Godhead which seeks to regulate itself by its own rules. This fact becomes obvious when we look at man: his entire physical constitution and chemical processes are governed by the laws of nature but his personal conduct is subject to his own choices i.e. the moral will.

How does God maintain His homeostatis to eternalise Himself?

A clue is provided by the activity of human cells which are autophagous, that is, they eat and digest small pieces of their own substance. Thus, they continuously destroy themselves but possess the ability to rebuild themselves. This process of self-demolition and reconstruction is akin to the old fable of phoenix rising from its own ashes. Constant self-rebuilding tendency shows their desire not only to stay alive for ever but also remain young because this molecular renewal, known as "turnover" is an act of continual renovation of the same type as a vintage car receives through repair and replacement of its worn out parts to stay efficient and also retain its good looks. Different cells have different life-spans: protein molecules may live only a few hours or a few days whereas hepatic cells may last several years without suffering any alteration in their structure. However, DNA is an exception to the ravages of change and proves that immortality is not a myth: it has the ability to repair any local injuries that it may suffer.

Autophagous activity, as understood in our time, is the fountain of rejuvination and adaptability. Without self-destruction the chances of reconstruction will be non-existent. Thus, turnover facilitates not only rebirth of young cells but the cells are also better adapted to the condition of the internal environment (homeostatis). Of course, brain cells last until man breathes his last. They are also the first to reach maximum development at the earliest age - about eight. The reason appears to be that man needs the longest possible period for the development of the spiritual environment. However, they are equally subject to the law of change but it does not destroy and remake them; instead it rejuvinates and renovates them. This is the reason that their mitochondria, ribosomes, membranes and other organelles are no older than one month at any time.

Bearing in mind what I have just said, the interior of the human body is a life-manufacturing factory where life is being created out of death every moment through a process of change. The role of change is so rapid that all our cells which constitute us, are being replaced about every six years. Thus a ninety year old man has fifteen physical lives. Can he say so? No, he can't, despite the fact that billions and billions of cells which originally constituted him, are no longer there. This unbroken identity is partly sustained by the continuity of the brain cells but the act of replacement itself carries the germs of restoring the original identity. Brain cells which are themselves subject to renovation may assist but cannot be the sole cause for the preservation of the basic identity. A bonfire is made of flames, and each flame is ephemeral, that is, very short-lived. As long as one flame is succeeded by another, the bonfire retains its identity irrespective of the fact that the original flames are no longer there. Similarly, a (sea) tempest holds its identity as long as one wave is replaced by another. Thus, the identity of a thing does not depend upon the originality of its constitutents. Again the identity of a thing is over and above its components e.g. identity of a car, radio or television set etc. is over and above its parts; a heap of components does not have the identity of a car, radio or television set. The spare part surgery also reinforces this principle; a replacement lung, heart or kidney merges in the physical identity of the body.

Man, the Divine microcosm

An atom is considered the working model of stars because the positive charge is supposed to be concentrated at the centre of the atom and the electrons form rings around it similar to Saturn's rings. Exactly the same way, man is the microcosm i.e. the miniature model of God. Thus God's physical entity must have something in common with that of man. Human cells are reluctant to die but do not possess the ability to attain immortality. However, they stand a chance of eternity if they can produce a soul at the time of total collapse i.e. death.

Nature of Godhead

It is the union of souls which creates the identity of God. As atoms are the fountain of cells, and cells are the source of souls, God has a physical existence and therefore subject to certain physical laws but not in all the details as we know them. There must be many exceptions because He is the most exalted being. His moral conduct is the noblest and self-regulated. Because of His great knowledge, wisdom and insight, He is capable of interfering with the laws of nature but cannot be immune from them: a being is a being only because its person is based on an underlying principle. This view is not far-fetched. Look at man. His being is governed by physical laws but his conduct is mostly motivated by his free will i.e. personal choice. Thus in the field of behaviour, he is law unto himself.

Man, the fountain of Godhead

"Survival through personal effort" is the rule which applies to God exactly the same way as it does to humans. As man cannot survive without rebuilding his cells, God cannot maintain his integrity without fresh supplies of souls. Here is a big difference: man has to manufacture his cells but his ability to rejuvinate them is limited, and therefore, he dies after a short while but God does not manufacture souls, He procures them, and the only source of such supply is man. This is what makes man the fountain of Godhead, and gives him very high dignity, indeed. And this is why I hold the view that man is God and God is man, owing to their mutually reciprocal existence. However, there are certain differences; man is imperfect but God represents what is the greatest, the noblest and the best, and this transformation is made possible by the leap from cell to soul. Thus Godhead is the highest rung in the ladder of evolution. Another significant difference is God's ability to eternalise Himself but this is beyond human capability. If it were not so, evolution would stop at man and the wonder of Godhead would not come into being.
Yes, man is God and God is man. Yet he is afraid. Why? It is because of igrorance he is not aware of his divine potential which is the guarantee of eternity. If a lion begins to believe that he is a lamb, he is bound to feel and act like a lamb. In exactly the same way, man has been misled by gurus, messiahs and prophets, to believe in his insignificance which acts as the fountain of fear and he clutches at any straw to save himself from drowning. This straw is the faith which does not have the ability to act as an oar to steer the ship of life to eternity but he desperately clings to it for fear of death.
Revelation is a myth, a cruel joke based on the contempt of human dignity Knowledge is the only true guide for man.

Morality and Godhead

Basis of Godhead appears to be strictly ethical. When social conditions are righteous they help mankind to live a good moral life and members of the human species produce enough souls to serve the cause of Godhead but when vice dominates virtue, people become incapable of producing souls thus acting against the divine purpose. It is because as dead cells in the human body require replacement, the souls need a process of rejuvination which is made possible by the fusion of the new souls with the old ones. This process is so unique and refined that union leads to oneness and not duality of essence. Nor does it add to the weight or size of soul. This point is no more baffling than the laws of relativity which state that at the light velocity the size of a thing reduces but its weight increases.

Fusion of souls

The fusion of new souls with the old ones, in a sense, is an act of replacement but it is imperceptible and leads to oneness without affecting the identity of the individual soul or that of God. Biology does provide a clue to this type of fusion. It is believed that the organelles (cell organs) known as mitochondria contain DNA but the genetic code used by them is somewhat different from the one that is obeyed by the DNA. From this, biologists conclude that the mitochondria were once free living bacteria that entered a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship with the eucaryotic cells and were eventually incorporated by them. However, a soul is unimaginably greater in magnitude than a bacterium. This fusion of two souls leads to perfect oneness owing to their super traits of harmony. At this juncture, one should also realise that eternity emerges from the way souls merge together, it is not a superimposed principle. It can be easily understood with reference to the union of protons and neutrons - the example previously given. Again, eternity does not imply cessation of time because change, the Creative Principle cannot become inoperative and is integrally interwoven with time. Therefore, eternity means an everlasting existence in defiance to extinctive conditions.

Divine administration of the universe

It is obvious that lack of souls is likely to endanger the identity of God but it can't happen. Firstly, Godhead is the realization of the cosmic dream to exist at the summit. Therefore, evolutionary forces must guarantee the birth of intelligent life, which can practice a moral code, in several planets at the same time or at finely spaced intervals so that if wickedness annihilates the spiritual potential of people in one place, the inhabitants of some other planet can make up the deficiency Secondly, God being the peak of the universe, is obviously the most knowledgeable' the most wise and the most powerful. He does not make the natural laws, which are subject to error, but being the guardian of the cosmos, He can use His discretion as how to adminsiter them: He can either use certain laws to correct the error for rejuvinating life on a certain planet which will otherwise perish or He can let the error take its full course for the elimination of that particular life. The criterion is simple: if the people of a planet are capable of adopting righteous ways, they will be saved but if wickedness has destroyed their moral potential, God does not interfere and thus allows them to reap the fruit of what they have sown.

Final rejection

This is no fairy tale but a fact which is easily understood by realising that man is, biologically, a species. A species must adjust to its environment by a process of adaptation, which leads to survival through natural selection, or it must die. Authoritative estimates of the number of extinct species range from 15,000,000 to 16,000,000,000! This total extinction is an act of final rejection and implies the inability of a species to rise to a higher rank of existence. It follows that which loses the ability of self-improvement, the purpose of the evolution, also loses the right to exist.

Faith and brain

One must realise that the cause of extinction is the inability to evolve to a higher stage of existence; it denoates apathy, lack of right action, or excess of wrong action. Right deed, which a biologist may call adaptation is the source of survival and faith hardly plays any part in it though it is not to say that it is unnatural for man to have a faith; this fact is supported by the study of mind. It is claimed that brain has opiate receptors, and produces a substance which has the same effect on its function as morphine has in regulating the process of pain and pleasure. Faith is beneficial only when it creates self-confidence and stimulates the urge of righteous action. But when it becomes the sole guarantee of salvation it acts as the largest single source of self-destruction. It has no salvation value whatever.

Atheist and salvation

Salvation depends upon the quality of deeds only. It means that a righteous atheist is more likely to be saved than a wicked believer. Why? Because if you want to go to London from Cardiff but start walking in the opposite direction, you will never reach there even if you honestly believe that you are on the right road to London. But if you are marching in the right direction you will reach London even if you are not sure of the right way.



God is the noblest, the ablest, the greatest and the best being. He is the divine symposium of the souls of the people who were once philosophers, sages, scientists, teachers, poets, inventors, engineers, and so on, and whose intellectual and practical abilities were packed with the virtues of sincerity, honesty and integrity. This fact gives God an unlimited potential of intelligence, power, sagacity and the ability to use these virtues with the utmost justice, compassion and honour As a mark of reverence to His most Holy Uniqueness, which is all munificence through a sense of care, concern and concinnity for the ordinary mortals, I salute Him, and prefer to address Him as Mag to acknowledge His magnitude' magnificence and magninimity, and to differentiate Him from the ordinary concept of God.

Mag and guardianship

I am as reluctant to ascribe various functions to Mag as I am unwilling to assign Him certain attributes. Like everything else, Mag has no purpose Out the guardianship of the universe which is best achieved through genuine care and concern for man who is the cosmic dream and on whose realisation depends the fulfillment of the universal purpose and the existence of Mag Himself.

Universal purpose

As I have repeatedly said before, the purpose of the universe is self-improvement and it wants to create the highest possible point of existence capable of regulating itself without defying the laws of nature. This is the reason that Godhead despite being subject to the rule of change is perpetuated by change itself. The theory of Godhead that I have propounded raises many questions. The reader, sincerely searching for the truth, should have no problem in finding the solution if he/she refers the matter to his/her own conscience. However, I must answer one or two questions:


If it takes, say, 15 billion years, to evolve man, then Mag could not have existed for all that duration. Could He? The divine theory that I have propounded clearly states that Mag being the summit of evolution can't be in the beginning. He is at the end; and by the end I mean the highest point of existence; there is nothing beyond or above Him.

It must take a sufficient number of souls before the basic entity of Mag can emerge. At this initial stage of Godhead, Mag can't perform the function of guardianship. It is the function of the fully evolved divine personality which depends upon the sufficient supply of souls.

Since evolution of man on earth is a comparatively recent phenomenon, does it mean that Mag is only a few thousand years old?

Not at all. The universe is a very great mystery and the only way to know it is by becoming a part of Godhead which is even more arcane than the univerSe. However, one can guess that the universe proceeds in cycles of evolution, devolution an re-evolution. It is quite likely that there are many universes, and when one is devolving another one is evolving. Thus no limit can be put on the process of evolution which produces intelligent life leading to the formation of souls, and Godhead. Hence the antiquity of Mag cannot be measured.

Is God a creation?

No. He is the apex of evolution which is the principle of growing from simple to complex and from the lowest to the highest. He is not a creation but the most highly evolved principle.
Does man need faith for salvation i.e. securing eternity by becoming a part of Mag?

No. A righteous atheist is superior to a wicked believer. The proof lies in the fact that if an atheist saves your life you will be pleased with him but if a believer tries to murder you, he will be the target of your displeasure. It means that a deed has preference over belief. Exactly the same way Mag appreciates good deeds because they strengthen Him and the universe. Obviously, Mag does not like flattery, usually known as worship.

Origin or destination

Which is the more relevant question: where does man come from or where is he going?
It has got to be the destination because this is the direction in which we move; this is our purpose and the target of our desires and determinations. If we reach our destination, the journey of life has been worthwhile; otherwise it has been a total fiasco.

Man's destination

Of course, it does not mean that the origin or starting point has no relevance. It is nice to know where one comes from but the knowledge of destination remains the true goal. In human terms, eternity is man's true destination.

I think that I have said enough about man's destination, now I may trace the way that leads to eternity. Since eternity is the reward for good deeds, the way to eternity lies in structuring a righteous society which is free from fear, injustice, hunger and disease. Tolerance of fellow-beings is one of its main features. Though law plays its part in running the society, it is chiefly operated by people's moral force.
The society which I intend to suggest in the next book is not a utopia but a practical reality. Since I am not a god or guru, the reader is perfectly entitled to differ or agree.


As stated previously, Book III is likely to be abstruse and complex owing to its philosophical nature but as it seeks to solve the enigma of existence and unveil the Reality, I ought to catechise its salient features:

1. Where does the universe come from?
Either it comes out of nothingness or it has always been here. If it does come out of nothingness, then nothingness is the fountain of existence, and the difference between the two disappears. Therefore, the straight answer is that the universe has always existed in one form or another.

2. What is the basic form of existence?
This question is for the scientist, who has already made a major contribution towards it. However, the basic principle of growth has been known to man for centuries: that is, things grow from small to large, simple to complex, low to high. In other words, the basic situation is always embryonic which is endowed with a potential to be; existence or life is all about becoming. Therefore, there is no room for a Creator God because this concept implies the reverse order of growth i.e. from perfection to imperfection, high to low and complex to simple. It is because the Creator God has to be perfect to exist in the beginning.

3. Is God transcendent?
No. God is within the reach of human capacity. It is the ultimate aim of man to be a part of God. The God that cannot be understood or contacted is not worth looking for because He plays no part in human life.
In fact, man is God and God is man because man is the only species that gives birth to souls. God is nothing but the union of souls, though the entity of God is over and above its components as the entity of a motor car, for example, is over and above its constituting parts.
God is the greatest mystery and can be understood by becoming a part of Godhead. It is the state of total illumination.

4. Does man need revelation to know God?
No. Revelation is the biggest fraud that man invented to use it as the most effective tool of dominance. Since man is potentially God, the Reality lies inside him. He needs knowledge for this purpose. It means that the knowledge of one's self is the true knowledge which is achieved through observation, meditation and pious conduct.
Again, the universe is based on the principle of mystery. Therefore, God does not reveal Himself. He has to be found. This can be done through knowledge only.

5. Does man need religion?
Yes, he does. The only religion for man is human brotherhood based on active philanthropy; colour, creed and race have no place in it, whatsoever. Again, religion is a strictly personal affair.

6. Is faith in God necessary to become part of Godhead?
No. Righteousness automatically leads to Godhead, and faith is irrelevant to it. However, consciousness of the goal is likely to make the search for it less tough and more interesting.

7. What is reality?
a. Simply stated, it means existence. In philosophical terms, it is an enigma: does the universe exist or is it an illusion? Of course, the universe is real. If it were not so we would not be interested in avoiding pain and looking for pleasures. Illusions cannot have such problems.

b. Things appear and disappear, grow and die, and evolve and devolve. Thus the process of existence is founded on the principle of change which operates through the mechanism of polarity such as push and pull and action and reaction. In layman's language, things come into being and operation because they are based on directly opposed principles which happen to be exactly equal in efficiency and intensity. For example, sweet cannot exist without bitter, nor does intelligence mean anything without stupidity. This equally applies in the field of physics where negative and positive forces serve as the agents of becoming. However, polarity or the opposition is not real but operational because poles (the opposite sides) are liable to undergo depolarization and repolarisation. It is the tool of change.

c. Change, initially, is a random force. It is restless and keeps tossing and turning without any reason. This is its nature. While evolution is essentially the process of change, it gradually develops into an Evolutionary Principle through interrelationships which it initially creates haphazardly. For example, a savage becomes a father through rape but he naturally develops a bond of mutual love and care with his children and grandchildren. Why? Because interrelationships have the latent tendency to preserve themselves. This is the reason that the loss of a child or friend hurts badly. This mechanism of interrelationships is evident at human level because it gives birth to morality, law, customs and culture to regulate interrelationships and shows their magnitude. This example equally applies to the things inorganic; atoms develop family traits like the family traits of human beings; and everything small or large exists in relation to something else. It is the tendency or urge of preserving these interrelationships that gives birth to mathematical precision or definite formulas of existence to preserve these relationships. This is the special trait of change which evolves from its infantile position to become the Evolutionary Principle, and acts as the fountain of gradual development.

What is change? Originally, it is restlessness or all motion, but the interrelationships it evolves represent stability which ranks as the opposite pole to change the same way as negative is to positive or sweet is to bitter. It follows that the true purpose of change is to create stability, microbe to moon, and the galaxies are examples of stability. They may last for billions of years but eventually perish at the hand of change. Reality emerges when stability is no longer subject to the process of dissolution. This stage is referred to as the Dynamic Equilibrium, that is, a body remains subject to the law of change but instead of causing dissolution, it contributes to the stability of that body.

The entity of all live things, from plants to man, is preserved by dynamic equilibrium (homeostatis). Animates or cells die for lacking the ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium indefinitely, but God eternalises Himself because souls have the qualities of perpetuating dynamic equilibrium as man has the power to decide whether electricity should roast or refrigerate.

Of course, this is an assumption, but there are good reasons for it. The ability of the cosmos to rise from nothingness, the elementary particles or the primordial stuff, and its most mysterious nature, absolutely stunning laws of precision and flexibility and countless baffling manifestations allude to its extraordinary powers and the urge to exist at the highest possible level which is not subject to devolution This is not a silly assumption. Why? Man is a product of the cosmic activity and is operated by a mechanism of desires and dislikes. Obviously, cosmos, the giver of life, is not a machine but a live and kicking organism. Therefore, it must also have some desires and dislikes. As we know, the Evolutionary Principle, which is nothing but a constant search for self-improvement, is the cosmic way of living; it must be the desire of the cosmos to attain the highest possible point of existence, and its main dislike is to see the pinnacle of existence or stability subjected to Revolution. When change acts as the sole agent of stability through dynamic equilibrium, it ranks as the Creative Principle and becomes an integral part of Godhead, which is the highest, noblest and eternal state of existence. This is the Reality.

8. Is it God that creates man?
No. God is the union of souls which are produced by mankind. Therefore, the truth is the other way around: it is not God who creates man but it is man who creates God. Why? Because to be the Creator, God has to be perfect, but perfection or complete growth always comes at the end and not at the beginning. Even the concept of perfection itself implies a process of growth, having a simple beginning and rising to complexity. Thus God (MAG) has to be at the end, and not in the beginning. What comes at the end, cannot be the creator.

The entity (that is, existence as you, I, tree, mountain, etc.) of everything is governed by its underlying principle, and the underlying principle is the formula which decides that if certain conditions are met in a certain ratio, a certain thing will come into being.

For example, when atoms of hydrogen and oxygen unite in the ratio of two to one, water emerges. Thus HERO is the underlying principle of water. This principle can neither be created nor destroyed. Of course, one can decompose a glass of water into hydrogen and oxygen but one cannot call it the elimination of the principle H20 because the combination of hydrogen and oxygen in their basic ratio will always lead to water.

It means that principle must exist before the phenomenon that it controls. This assumption is logical for several reasons because it meets the preconditions of existence:
a. The underlying principle is the simplest thing compared to what it creates i.e. the phenomenon, which represents its complex form.
b. Since a principle cannot be created, it vouches for the automatic and eternal existence of the cosmos in one form or another.
c. As a principle cannot be seen, it is compatible with the mysterious nature of the universe.
d. A phenomenon reveals itself to the observer but the underlying principle has to be discovered. Thus, it negates the value of revelation.

Since everything is based on a principle, it may be convenient to call the underlying principles of different things as subprinciples. Again, each subprinciple is a direct or indirect offshoot of the basic principle i.e. the Change which I have variously described as the Fundamental Principle, the Evolutionary Principle and the Creative Principle according to its stage of development or mode of operation.
After this description, I may add that the self-manifestation is a trait of the principle because its existence cannot be known unless it exhibits itself. In fact, everything that we see is a manifestation of its underlying principle, which is a form of change. However, manifestation takes place through a process. For example, water comes into being through the process of two atoms of hydrogen combining with one atom of oxygen. Thus things come into being because the principle has the urge to manifest itself through a process. Therefore, what follows is the product i.e. the phenomenon. Enunciated as a general rule, Change is the fountain of becoming because it is at once, the principle, the process and the product (manifestation).

9. Can change come to an end?
No. Restlessness or constant motion constitutes the nature and basic character of change. Coming to an end means changing the change. It is impossible. Thus, change cannot cease to exist.

10. Why does mystery pervade the fabric of the universe?
Without mystery there will be no excitement or urge for exploring the unknown. Though mystery is a form of darkness, it arouses man's curiosity leading to the development of his consciousness which serves as the interconnecting link between various phenomena of the world. In fact, life starts, and reaches its climax through consciousness Without it, existence or non-existence of the universe will not matter. It is mystery which makes life a practical affair. If, we all knew the future, the intentions of our fairweather friends and the time of death, people would die of apathy and boredom. Without mystery, knowledge will become absolute, and thus fatal. The purpose of knowledge is survival not only at the elementary stage, as the instinctive behaviour of animates reveals, but also self-elevation and enlightenment, leading to eternity, the goal of existence.
Of course, true knowledge is the knowledge of one's self but as life is a relative affair, knowing one's fellow-beings through social intercourse and mutual understanding is an integral part of knowing one's self.

11. Have messiahs and prophets any relevance to salvation?
No. None whatsoever. These men want to dominate the human mind to preserve themselves through the imagination of their followers. All inorganic things and physical phenomena are governed by the natural law, but man, to a large extent, takes over his conduct in his own hands. It clearly shows that salvation or securing eternity is an individual's own responsibility, and he/she is quite capable of achieving this goal through a determined effort.

12. Is there really life after death?
Yes. Definitely.
This world is the manifestation of its underlying principle. Since a principle cannot be created, it also cannot be destroyed; negative and positive electric charges vouch for this fact.
What we call "death" is, in fact, a change in the state of existence. As all things come into existence from the same source i.e. particles or primordial stuff (that is, whatever existed that manifested itself as the universe), it clearly shows that the Unity of beginning must also express itself in the Unity of ending. However the Unity of beginning has to be humble compared to the Unity of ending which must be of the highest quality. Beginning represents the origin whereas end refers to the destination. It is only the best horse that wins the race. In terms of mankind, the righteous person is the best horse that gallops to the destination, which is Godhead.
As repeatedly stated, Godhead is the Union of souls which portray the Unity of ending. If you are righteous enough to produce a soul, eternity is not your problem. Achieving eternity is the natural goal of mankind because all human actions seek self-preservation.

13. Is soul not a fiction?
Not at all. It is a fact. Physical existence automatically creates a spiritual state. In fact, physical and spiritual aspects have a polar relationship with each other like the negative and positive charges, and life cannot be sustained without their mutual reaction. Take human body, for instance. It is not just a physiological process because human conduct is affected by moral considerations, leading to the emergence of a social environment, which represents the spirit of the society and exerts a considerable influence on it. Has ever anybody seen the social environment? Wherever humans live, social environment, which is the spiritual aspect, comes into being spontaneously.

Just look into your self carefully, you will find that you are not just a piece of flesh; your interior is a tempestuous ocean of dreams and desires, dedications and detachments, determinations and ditherings - all impatient for realization. These are the traits which constitute the individual spirit. They may be
contradictory to one another in many ways but when it comes to preserving one's self, they act in unison. It indicates that the wish to live for ever is an integral part of human nature. However, this dream cannot be achieved through this body which decomposes after a few decades. Its realisation must depend upon a spiritual mechanism, that is, human spirit must transform into a soul which is the seed of future life. This is not a nonsense. If the cosmos evolves particles into atoms, and the atoms into cells to create life, it must evolve cells into souls to create a superior and eternal life because the physical life as we know, is inferior and imperfect. It is against the evolutionary principle which is a constant process of self-improvement. Since human life requires a good deal of further elevation, evolution cannot stop at man and must continue beyond this life. This goal is achievable through the agency of soul only.

Can you honestly say that man, whose conduct is motivated by fiery dreams, designs and determinations, is meant to become a part of dust after a few decades? Modern sciences have persuaded us to measure man's magnitude by inferior standards. Look at his intelligence and ingenuity, his engineering and scientific skills, his artistic and cultural attainments! Are these the traits of someone who is destined to stay a mammal?

14. Does man have a soul?
No. It comes into being at the point of death which serves as the opening of a door to new life.

a. Are subhumans capable of producing souls?
No. As salt cannot act as a sweetener for not having the saccharine ability, a subhuman like a mouse or monkey lacks the virtue to produce a soul. It seems the rule of nature that a lower species evolves into the species immediately above it. Put it another way, as it is only 8 that follows 9 and not 7, 6 or 5, it is only the existence at human level that can lead to the emergence of soul but subhumans cannot.

15. What is final rejection?
I have coined this phrase to emphasise the collective destiny of mankind in its biological sense. Millions of species have become extinct in the past for lacking the ability to adapt themselves to their natural environment. Exactly the same way, when humans persistently fail to create a decent social environment, conducive to the emergence of souls, Mag (God), after a good deal of tolerance, eventually withdraws His protection from the wicked human race which faces annihilation. It shows that salvation is as much a collective affair as it is individualistic. Mag is not one but the union of countless souls. Unless a planet such as earth, can supply sufficient number of souls to maintain the divine homeostatis (dynamic equilibrium), the person of God is threatened. This points to the significance of the righteous social order. However, threat to the person of God cannot materialize because He represents the apex of evolution which is not subject to Revolution for the reasons already given. Godhead means freedom from the principle of evolution - Revolution - re-evolution. Everything is subject to Revolution except God.

16. a. Is God perfect?
No. Structure of the universe is relative, that is, everything exists in relation to something else. This relative existence negates the concept of perfection. Since God's existence is relative to souls, He cannot be perfect, yet being the highest point of existence, He represents what is the best, the greatest and the noblest. To explain this point further, I should add that what depends for its existence and growth on something else, cannot be perfect because perfection denotes absolute existence, that is, total independence of relationship with anything else. This is completely impossible.

b. If God is not in the beginning, then who guarded the universe while He was not there?
Existence refers to the state of being which can be lower or higher. Things exist because of their interrelationships, and nothing can exist without the necessary relationships coming into being: birth of a baby and death of an adult are simply the emergence of necessary relationships and their disappearance. However, these relationships are subject to evolution, and a thing can exist irrespective of its stage of growth though it goes without saying that the advanced stage of growth is superior to its initial stage. The intellectual and physical difference in a baby and adult prove this point.

It follows that because of interrelationships, the cosmos has the ability to exist on its own but its existence is inferior until Mag comes into being because He represents the highest and noblest form of existence. This point can be easily understood with reference to a garden and gardener; a garden can exist without a gardener, but its growth will be wild and untidy. With a gardener it will be tidy, symmetrical and far more pleasant.

After this discussion, now I ought to consider the outline of a righteous society which relieves man of most worries and gives him a chance to cultivate his divine potential. No society can ever be righteous unless it is fairly free from the fear of injustice, hunger, disease and ignorance. It is based on the brotherhood of mankind. Though law plays its part in a righteous society, it is mainly operated by the moral force of the people.

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