CIA Fabrication of Iran Assassination of Trump!
Official IPC Announcement
August 24, 2024
Iran Politics Club Official Announcement
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Iran Politics Club supports the fight to establish Freedom, Secularism, Federalism, Human Rights and Democracy in Iran.
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IPC Announcement
Members, Readers, Activists, Opposition and Patriots:
As American Patriots, Iranian Nationalists and Global Individualists, a good number of our readers have been questioning us and demanding an answer on this critical issue.
Many of the readers ask us in email that why IPC does not take a position on Iran Assassination Attempt of Trump? We respond to the readers that we are not fully convinced of these plots because we are convinced that CIA and FBI have played this charade in the past to put the blame on Iran! In fact the complete Trump Assassination plot was designed by CIA. USSS told to stand down and FBI flat out lied.
We are not even sure about Iran hacking of Trump accounts! We don’t believe in FBI words as far as we can throw them! CIA, FBI and Deep State has a history of spying on Trump campaign and accounts since 2016 and 2020 elections!
Historically speaking, when it comes to hardcore action, IRI shouts loud slogans but takes a little action! This particular assassination attempt and hack job is more aligned with CIA Bluebook than VAJA blackbook!
It is not farfetched that IRI would possibly design to hack Trump accounts, cyber sabotage and plan an assassination because IRI knows that Trump presidency will bring the IRI one step near death, but on the other hand, Who gains from putting the blame on Iran?
CIA as the head of Deep State, and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) would put the blame on Iran and start a war with Iran to sell weapons! They are all Democrats and legendary for fishing from the Swamp Waters! They create the Swamp Waters to fish!
All of these never-ending wars fabricated by the Democrats are beneficial for the CIA and the MIC. Unnecessary Wars such as wars in Ukraine, Israel, Africa, Middle East and around the world are agitated by the CIA, financed by the US government and arms marketed by the MIC. Democrats finance both sides of the wars and play a dreadful game on the American people.
CIA has been governing USA unofficially for 30 years and officially since 2021 when they stole the election, ousted Trump and installed a puppet usurper president Biden and now they intend to install another puppet president, a Marxist Kamala Harris.
CIA, FBI and the complete US Intelligence Agencies and Government has been forced by the Democrat Party to operate as the Police Force in the Police State created by the Democrats. They have been using lawfare, espionage, hacking and mob tactics since 2016. It does not surprise us to see the CIA and the Deep State are behind all the treachery.
CIA and the Deep State has the most to lose if Trump becomes the president! Since 2016, CIA drafted the media, big tech, Hollywood and the US government as wings of the Democrat party to destroy Trump and MAGA by all means possible.
Unfortunately in today’s USA, we do not have a Free Press as the watchdog. Media is a wing of the Democrat Party which conducts business as the Communist Party USA. Media to Democrat Party is like Pravda to the Russian Regime! People cannot rely on the corporate media to interview, ask tough questions, investigate and report the real news. Media is all fake news and propaganda.
US government is the greatest enemy of the American people. CIA and Deep State are a fundamental threat to Trump, MAGA Movement and the American People. CIA and Deep State literally have destroyed the American vision designed by Geroge Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the Great Founding Fathers. American people must and will take back their country.
We cannot officially blame Iran for neither assassination nor hacking of Trump accounts because the charade and the show is very much the CIA style! We need more time to research, study and decide upon the facts if Iran had anything to do with the Trump Assassination and Cyber Sabotage.
At this point, everyone including Ahreeman X, Cat, Atusa and others are doubtful of IRI having anything to do with attempted murder of Trump and hacking of his accounts.
We have been at war with the IRI for over 4 decades and we seek no compromise with the Islamist Regime. We seek the death of the IRI Regime, but this will not make us blind to the atrocities and treacheries of the CIA and the Deep State in America.
American Democrat Regime (Communists) and the Iranian Islamic Regime (Islamists) are best of friends and have had over 4 decades of cooperation. Illegitimate American Democrat Regime and the Illegitimate Iranian Islamic Regime are enemies of the American and the Iranian people. We are with the American and the Iranian people. We are with the workers and against the Globalist slavery of the workers.
American Patriots and Iranian Nationalists have common enemies. The enemies are the US Democrat Regime and the IRI Islamist Regime. The bigger enemy is the Globalists consisting of the Woke Internationalist Corporations, Big Tech, EU and CIA, all directed by the Davos WEF which is in direct responsibility for people’s misery!
Trump, his book and the MAGA Movement are the greatest threat to the global domination of the WEF Globalists. Trump did not only change America but he changed the world!
Trump MAGA Book: How to Make America Great Again?
We support the Individualist Free Workers of the Globe Against the Globalism.
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