Sadegh Zibakalam and Neo Iranian Reformists
Ahreeman X
February 3, 2025

Sadegh Zibakalam the Iranian Neo Liberal Islamist Reformist and Islamic Apologist
Sadegh Zibakalam: Damn Ahreeman is on to my cheap tricks and dirty deeds!
Neo Liberal Islamic Apologism
Have you ever wondered that at the time which the IRI Regime jails and tortures singers for singing merely a song, how come people like Sadegh Zibakalam residing in Iran are allowed to openly critic the regime on YouTube debates debating the future of Iran after IRI? The regime just beefed up the hejab laws, then how come Tour Companies display a Free Iran without hejab on YouTube tourist attractions channels? Is Iran suddenly a free country or all of these are regime’s new shenanigans to display Fools Façade of Democracy for the naïve?
There’s a new toy in the market! Mix Liberal Democracy and Islamic Apologism and you will get the popular new fads of the left, the Neo Liberal Islamic Apologists such as Akbar Ganji, Shirin Ebadi, Mohsen Sazegara and now their new fabricated hero, Sadegh Zibakalam! Welcome to the Neo puppet of the Democrats and Muslims filthy coalition and the latest “In-Tell-Egg-Chew-All” (Intellectual) liberal “Hee-Row” (Hero)!
Intro Reaction
IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) has 3 fractions: Fundamentalist (Khamenei group), Moderate (Rafsanjani group) and Reformist (Khatami group). All 3 groups are faithful to the constitution of IRI. Any person faithful to the constitution of IRI is referred by the Iranian opposition as “Hezbollah” which means “Party of Allah” and have in mind that the original Hezbollah group was formed in Iran (Today’s Ansar-e Hezbollah). The Lebanese fraction of Hezbollah which is world famous, is only a fraction of Hezbollah which was created by the IRI.
Through the years, step by step, primarily the Fundamentalists eliminated the power of the Reformists and then Moderates, then both groups were kicked out of the regime’s circle of power and organizations.
Eventually the Reformists and then the Moderates and even some Fundamentalists (Ahmadinejad group) had become the so-called opposition. They becoming opposition, was not due to opposing the IRI regime but due to being set to the side, out of the power cling, by the Fundamentalists!
From that moment on, the Reformists and the Moderates gave birth to characters and erected them as heroes of the opposition. All of these so-called heroes were in fact part of the regime and participated in the so-called Islamic Revolution in 1979. All of them were pro-Khomeini and all of them were once officials of the IRI Regime; however, once they were kicked out of the power, they had become opposition! This is opposition, Islamic style or as we call them Lampoons of the opposition!
What these people are is not opposition but they are in fact Reformist Hezbollahi and Moderate Hezbollahi kicked out of the IRI Regime circle of power by the Fundamentalist Hezbollahis.
Through the years we seen so many of these people, so called “Hee-Rows” such as Akbar Ganj, Shirin Ebadi, Mohammad Khatami, Mehdi Karroubi, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, Hassan Rouhani, Masih Alinejad, Mohsen Sazegara, Amir Hossein Jahanshahi, Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani and so many others.
Many of these people had colluded with Reza Pahlavi II in his coalitions. Once Reza Pahlavi II made his secret deal with the IRI Regime and had become a puppet of the Reformist and Moderate Hezbollah, he made various coalitions with these characters.
Reza Pahlavi’s Secret Deal with IRI
In fact we vastly described the opportunist nature and ambiguous rhetoric of Reza Pahlavi II in the past. We described how Reza Pahlavi betrayed the Iranian opposition, blew by the direction of the wind and his opportunistic nature with no principles at all.
Reza Pahlavi II Betrayed Iranian Opposition
One of these Reformist characters whom Reza Pahlavi did not collude with; however, in the past years had become famous and has been erected on the YouTube and Social Media as a so-called scholar and expert in political analysis, is Sadegh Zibakalam, a university professor of Tehran University.
Sadegh Zibakalam History
Sadegh Zibakalam was part of the Imperial Iran opposition who helped the 1979 Islamic Reaction (Revolution) to occur. After 1979 total control by the Mullahs, Zibakalam worked for the IRI Regime. Through the years, whether as a government official or university professor, whether as a scholar or author, he was part of the regime, approved by the regime and worked for the regime. This shenanigan went on until the regime kicked all the Reformist and Moderates out of power. Once out of power, Zibakalam become the opposition!
Step by step, he had become vocal off line and online. He started his interviews with foreign media and as the result jailed, paroled and banned by the Islamic Regime. Now he is a famous character on YouTube and Social Media.
He become famous when he started to openly criticize the regime. People were amazed on his boldness to openly criticize the regime from inside the Iran! Now he conducts online debates and YouTube debates with Fundamentalists. He even has his own cronies of Reformists on his side whom are also called scholars and experts!
Question on Zibakalam?
In the era that the IRI Regime cannot even tolerate singers such as Toomaj Salehi and Shervin Hajipour singing songs criticizing the regime and they end up in jail, how is it that Sadegh Zibakalam goes around the Internet and openly criticizes the regime online and from inside Iran?
Have you ever wondered about the nature of all of these YouTube Channels and TV Stations from inside Iran, which all of a sudden conduct political debates on the future of Iran after IRI? How about all of these YouTube Channels inside Iran which display a free Iran, without hejab and with the latest women’s fashion in North Tehran, to attract tourists to Iran? All of these tour agencies and open political debate TVs and so on and so forth who reside inside Iran and act like Iran is a free country, careless of hejab and careless of censorship are making you think twice about the true nature of Iran today, no? That is the whole point! The regime is displaying a façade of democracy to the world! A fools façade of democracy!
If Sadegh Zibakalam was truly a voice of freedom, free speech, a true opposition and a threat to the regime, then the Regime would instantly arrest him and dump him in jail for years with torture and beating on the side as side dishes, like they done to Toomaj Salehi!
This is all Bull Shiite! This is all the same old show displayed by Tehran, the same old show of freedom inside Iran!
Who is Sadegh Zibakalam?
Sadegh Zibakalam is a Reformist Hezbollahi and a Islamist Liberal. He never calls for the end to the regime but he calls for reforms under the Islamic constitution and the Shari’a Law. Sadegh Zibakalam is an Islamist Apologist. They call themselves 1979 opposition but the reality is that they are con artists!
Sadegh Zibakalam Views on Trump
Zibakalam calls Trump a racist! He openly calls Trump a racist against blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and others. He calls Trump a misogynist who is sexist against women. He states that Trump is Anti-Iranians!
Trump has decades old history going back to 1980s having friendship with blacks, Hispanics and others. He had hired so many minorities in his organizations. He hired so many women in his organizations.
Trump has Persian friends in Real Estate and other businesses. He knows them so well that he calls them Persians and not Iranians. He is very informed about the history and culture of Iran.
Trump got between 15% to 20% of the black vote in 2024 and almost half the Hispanic vote in 2024. He even got the Muslim vote in Michigan and everywhere else they live! How is it that he is racist?
All his life he promoted blacks, Hispanics and women in entertainment, sports, business and his organizations.
So basically Sadegh Zibakalam and his ilk are full of Shiite!
If Trump is racist, then the majority of Americans are racist because they voted for him!
Who Calls Trump a Racist and a Sexist?
These people brand Trump as Racist and Sexist:
I. Liberal Democrats
II. Iran Lobby
III. Uninformed
Which is Sadegh Zibakalam? One or all? He is a university professor. He speaks English, even with a cheesy Persian Dahati (village) accent but still! He simply cannot be politically and historically that illiterate, not knowing about the history of Trump!
The reason he lies about Trump and bashes Trump is because he is a Reformist Hezbollahi and a Liberal Democrat! He is part of the regime and sees Trump with the perspective of the IRI Regime.
Sadegh Zibakalam Views on Reza Pahlavi II
Sadegh Zibakalam’s problem with Reza Pahlavi is not RP’s decades of crimes against the Iranian opposition and people, but his problem with RP is that RP does not talk about the Palestinian’s rights! RP takes Israel’s side but not a word about Palestinians!
Who talks like that? An IRI Regime insider, that’s right! In the era that almost all Iranians despise Palestinians, Palestine and Palestinian cause, Zibakalam defends them!
Palestinians have been a solid supporter, promoter and servants of IRI since the creation of IRI! Palestinians are a solid base of the IRGC Foreign Legion. When Iranian Anti-Riot police would not open fire on protesters in 2009, 2020 and 2022, the Palestinian IRGC Foreign Legion did!
Yasser Arafat & Palestinians Helped the Rise of IRI to Power Post
Yasser Arafat and Palestinians Helped the Rise of IRI to Power
Historical Facts on Israel - Palestine Issue
Carter Finally Croaked!
Don’t Mourn for a Month, Let's Celebrate!
Sadegh Zibakalam Views on Islam
Sadegh Zibakalam always refers to Khomeini and Khamenei with much respect, starts his lectures and debates with praising Allah and speaks with opening of a Muslim man. Actually he is a Muslim man; furthermore, a believer in the Islamic constitution and an Islamic Apologist. He does not want to end IRI but to reform IRI. He is a Liberal Neo Islamist.
Sadegh Zibakalam Views on Palestine
The only people amongst the Iranians who still defend the Palestinian cause, rights and agenda are Hezbollahis, Iran Lobby, Marxist Islamists and Liberals. It is obvious where Zibakalam is coming from! His views are aligned with the official views of IRI Regime, his mater!
Sadegh Zibakalam Views on Politics
Zibakalam is not mad at Reza Pahlavi for treason against the Iranian opposition and Iranian people but he is mad at him for ignoring the Palestinian cause! In fact he is possibly mad at him because unlike including many other Reformist Hezbollahis in his coalitions, RP did not include him in to his coalitions!
Now Zibakalam debates in YouTube about the future Iranian government, should it be in hands of Liberal Monarchists or in hands of Reformist Hezbollahis like him or maybe both?
Sadegh Zibakalam is an Islamist Apologist, a Liberal Islamist, an Opportunist and a Double Talker! He eats the bread at the daily price and belongs to the Party of Wind, any which way the wind blows!
“Aqa-ye Sadegh Zibakalam nun ro be nerkh-e ruz mikhoran va be hezb-e baad ta’aloq daran!”
End Notes
Through the past almost 5 decades (46+ years) of struggle for freedom of Iran as an opposition member, and over 25 years with IPC, I have seen them all! I have seen characters come and go and fade away! I have seen fads of the day; hypes of the month and Johnny Be Lately type!
These erected IRI Regime characters, opportunists, ambiguous talkers, escape artists, double dippers, liberal reformists, leftist Bull Shiiters, and “In-Tell-Egg-Chew-All’ political analysts, I have seen plenty! They come and they go! They seek publicity and their 5 minutes of fame in the media and silver screen! Today’s game is YouTube and Social Media!
Sadegh Zibakalam is yet another erected “Hee-Row” by the Reformist Hezbollah Fraction of the IRI Regime and their Iran Lobby cronies in USA amongst the long list of so-called Doctors, Professors, Scholars and Political Analysts such as Trita Parsi and Mir-Hossein Mousavi!
Iran Lobby Billion Dollar Industry
These Liberal heroes are erected by IRI and promoted by the Liberal Media in the west as the future of the Islamic world and Globalist Heroes! The reality of the story is that they are not heroes but Zeroes!
A word of advice for Mr. Zibakalam as the University of Bradford, UK graduate is to work on his cheesy Dahati Persian accent when speaking English! With top Hezbollahi Ex-students in his classes such as Saeed Hajjarian and Fatemeh Hashemi Rafsanjani, he should leave the opposition business to the true opposition and take a break from YouTube Bull Shiite debates, to take a trip to Caspian Sea Shores for some fun in the sun!
Likes of Sadegh Zibakalam may create a hype as a Social Media Sensation amongst the naïve Persian youth but I been with the Iranian opposition since 1978 inside Iran and 1979 outside Iran. I been there and done that. I seen them all. In today’s age of Social Media, they will take their walk of fame in the limelight for a while and then they fade away on the bookshelf of bad ideas in the old dusty library of Persian Dead Beats!
My advice to the Persian Youth is to please avoid getting out of the ditch but falling in to the well!
“Lotfan az chaleh dar nayayin ke be chah biyoftin!”
"Without a proper knowledge of the past, you will remain only a slave to your future."
(Ahreeman X)
"No Compromise
No Negotiations
No Reforms
No Deals
Absolute Over Throw of Islamic Republic of Iran, by All Means possible."
(Ahreeman X)
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
More power to all freedom fighters of Iran
Dr. X
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