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Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock
Ahreeman X
January 9, 2025

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock, singer, songwriter, musician, composer and actor

On Music

I don’t often write music reviews; however, once a blue moon, I see a phenomenal artist which I have to write about and promote. Those who are not aware, may ask what is my qualifications? Let’s say as much as I am in to politics, history, philosophy, science and poetry, I am also in to music. I am a music historian, collector and player. I have a massive archive of music LPs, Cassettes and CDs, many out of prints. I had my first Rock Band in Junior High in Tehran, I played the local Rock Clubs in New Jersey. I wrote the lyrics, music, played the Piano, Keyboards, some Drums and was the lead vocal. Presently as a hobby, I play the Blues Piano and Rock Synthesizers.

Reza Yazdani Pose

Scientific Music

Classical music, opera and naturally Persian classical music, opera and traditional are scientific music and mathematically well written. Those are valued by me and I have a huge archive of them; however, Blues and Rock are my obsessions.

When it comes to Classical, I love Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Aminollah Hossein and Fikret Amirov. When it comes to Traditional Persian, I dig Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Parisa (Fātemeh Vā'ezi) and Rashid Behbudov.

I will be frank with you; I don’t believe Rap and Hip Hop are art. Pop music and Top 40 are commercial garbage and I do not care for fad of the day Pop which is Lollypop music.

Why Rap and Hip Hop Have No Value?

Rap and Hip Hop are simple music for simple minds. Repetition of the same beat without the usage of any musical instrument, produced by synthesizers and machines, over and over takes no talent. Lyrics are about gangster gangbang, Hoes and Pimps, Bitches and Niggas, Cop killing and Hood Episodes, same garbage over and over. Musically it is garbage and lyrics have no value.

Critics may ask, what about dancing, what will you dance with? I reply, Really? You can dance with Rock dance music, we do have Rock specifically made for dancing, you know? Also, there are Latin dance music and songs, 20 different styles of them like Salsa, Rumba, Mambo, Reggae, Cumbia, Lambada and more! You can dance with Dance Rock, New Wave, Punk, Alternative, Latin Rock and so on. No shortage of dance music!

In other words, musically speaking, Rap and Hip Hop have no musical or poetic value, no purpose; therefore, they are not art forms. Except very few Rap styles such as Persian Political Rap, American Political Rap, and American Poetic Rap, the rest are Raps from the Hood performed by lowlife and Hoe criminals! Same goes for Hip Hop, music created by dumb broads, bimbos and no talent wanna be cool cats produced for the simpletons listening to Top 40 garbage. That is not art! Rap and Hip Hop are insults to intellectual capacity of humanity!

I bet with you after this analysis, I just added another segment of society to my enemies! I just can’t help myself not being controversial at the cost of silencing the truth!

Reza Yazdani the Persian Rocker

On Blues

When it comes to Black music, I dig Funk, Reggae, Rhythm and Blues, somewhat Soul but no way Rap and Hip Hop. Bunch of baboons jumping up and down with their pants falling off their asses jiving about Bitch this and that and Nigga this and that is not art but trash!

When it comes to Black music, I’m a Blues man. Even though the best of today’s Blues artists are white, yet the music was created by Blacks and the original masters were black. I love Blues, it soothe the soul, I dig the Blues and I play the Blues Piano. Allow me to quote myself:

“Blues is a state of mind; you must feel it in your soul and in your bone marrow!”
(Ahreeman X)

"I play the Blues Piano
I wear the Blues Shades
I dig the Blues
I feel the Blues
I live the Blues
I am the Blues Man”

(Ahreeman X)

Reza Yazdani songs have soothing music, fine arrangements, deep lyrics and warm lovely voice of a fabulous singer.  

On Rock

Rock music, I love and I grew up on it. When I was in Iran, through the first 16 years of my life, I barely listened to Persian music. Rock was my savior, my soul and my hobby to play it and to listen to it. I was what you may call Westoxicated! I loved it all, 50s Rock and Roll, Classic Rock, Soft Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Operatic Rock, Electronic Rock, Heavy Metal and so on.

Aside Elvis who was God, some of my favorites were Pink Floyd, Queen, Jethro Tull, America, Chicago and Rolling Stones. Later on when I grew up more, I got into Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, The Who and Styx.

Reza Yazdani is one of the top guitar players of the Persian Rock and the best Rock Star of Iran.  

On Persian Music

Back in Iran and even now, I don’t listen to much Persian music and when I listen to it, I listen to Persian Blues, Persian Traditional and Persian Rock. I can tolerate Persian Pop Masters such as Ebi, Dariush, Fereydoun Foroughi, Amir Aram and Simin Ghanem. If you want to torture me, play Persian 6/8 Dance beat, Techno and specifically Rap or Pop, loudly and confine me in a room with no way out so I must listen to them!

Rap is garbage, the only Rap that I can listen to is Persian Political Rap which I have respect for, such as Toomaj Salehi, Hichkas and so on.

When you are deeply in to Blues and Rock at the level of global masters, then Persian modern music will become elementary to you! That is why I often do not listen to Persian music specifically cheesy Persian Pop.

Persian Rock is phenomenal, if you can find a decent band to listen to! Not many Persians are able to play, compose and perform Rock at the global level.

With that intro said, now we will get to the beef of the article.

Reza Yazdani live in concert with a super performance of giant screens video production, light, sound, dry ice steam, special effects and theatrics.

Reza Yazdani Rock

In the past, we had musicians who started the Rock in Iran such as The Black Cats and Kourosh Yaghmaei, we had bands which played semi-Rock like Xeno and we had people who evolved Rock such as Kaveh Yaghmaei. We had bands who played Rock such as PersRock, Control, Soroush Arani, and so many others. Some good, some average, some terrible and some cheesy. We had pretenders to the throne but we never had a Persian Rocker at this level, yes we are talking Reza Yazdani!
I have been following Reza Yazdani’s career from the beginning, he ages like wine. Reza Yazdani started his musical career in 1998, so we are talking over 3 decades of musical career. On 2000, he released his first album which means he has been professionally playing Rock for over quarter of century! His first album was Shah-re Del (City of Heart).

Reza Yazdani the King of the Persian Rock on stage.

Reza Yazdani was born in Tehran; his musical style is Rock, yet he also plays Pop Rock and Blues. So far, he released 12 albums.

Reza Yazdani is a singer, songwriter, composer, musician and actor. In addition, he does musical arrangement and film soundtrack.

Reza Yazdani is one of the best electric guitar players in Iran and the best Rock musician of Iran. Hands down, he is the Master of Persian Rock.

Reza Yazdani is a superb musician, awesome songwriter and soundtrack maker. He wrote some of his lyrics but mostly he works with top poets and lyricists to write the lyrics of his songs. He arranges some of his musical arrangements but he also works with professional musical arrangement masters. His guitar playing may it be acoustic or electric is full of soul and masterful. He plays fabulous acoustic guitar but when it comes to lead electric guitar, he dos not only play but he makes love to the electric guitar! He feels the melody in his soul and he blasts that guitar and make it scream!

Reza Yazdani composed many movie soundtracks; he played in many movies and series. He is a good actor of films, series and theatre. His acting is good but it is nowhere near his music. He is a superb musician.

Reza Yazdani Live in Concert

In concert, the guitar riffs, guitar licks, guitar chords, melodic synthesizers, band arrangements, and Reza Yazdani’s voice as the cherry on the top, combinedly will shoot you off in to the space in an absolute state of homeostasis!

Reza Yazdani performance is stunning.

Reza Yazdani works with some awesome musicians, poets and professionals in the field. Basically this is his crew but he also works a number of other professionals:

Reza Yazdani: Singer, Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Composer, Film Soundtrack, Arrangements, Actor
Ali Oji: Manager, Music Producer, Video and Film Director, Concert Promoter, Actor
Shahyar Kabiri: Video, Documentary and Film Director
Karen Homayounfar: Composer
Arash Zamanian: Bass
Milad Adl: Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Harmonica, Arrangements
Mohammad Khoraminejad: Drums, Percussions, Arrangements
Behrooz Paygan: Piano, Keyboards, Arrangements
Shahruz Bardudeh: Piano, Keyboards
Andisheh Fouladvand: Poet, Lyricist, Film Soundtrack Composer, Actress

Reza Yazdani the Rock Star and Ali Oji the Producer are the perfect Rock duo, odd couples, best of friends and the two who complete each other.

2 Important People in Reza Yazdani’s Life

Reza Yazdani has 2 important people in his musical and artistic life, Ali Oji and Andisheh Fouladvand.

Ali Oji

Ali Oji is Reza Yazdani’s Manager, Music Producer, Video and Film Director and Concert Promoter. Ali Oji is also an actor. Ali Oji does professional music production for other artists and he directs and produces films and theatre plays. Ali Oji also produces classical music and large orchestra concerts. Ali Oji is Reza Yazdani’s best friend. They even played in film and theatre together!

Ali Oji to Reza Yazdani is Keith Richards to Mick Jagger of Rolling Stones! Like Richards and Jagger, they are extremely close, best friends and music partners. Even though they are both married, yet the same as Richards and Jagger, it seems like they are married to each other! Friendship like that is rare!

Reza Yazdani the Rock Star does the music and Andisheh Fouladvand the Poet does the lyrics. The two create masterpieces together. They do not only produce songs but they also act together in the movies and produce soundtracks for the films. The Duo Artists are compatible and complete each other.

Andisheh Fouladvand

Andisheh Fouladvand is Reza Yazdani’s partner in crimes! She is a fabulous Poet, Lyricist, Film Soundtrack Composer and Actress. Reza Yazdani and Andisheh Fouladvand made songs together such as Tehran Tehran and played in movies together such as killing a Traitor (Khaen Koshi 2022) and Crocodile (2019).

Andisheh Fouladvand is a top Persian poet and her poetry books are well sold. She is also an actress, a good actress but her acting is nowhere near her poetry! Tehran Tehran, Sellule Shakhsi, Ahange Qadimi, Samte Hich and Qarantineh are some of Andisheh Fouladvand’s bets lyrics for Reza Yazdani’s songs.

Andisheh Fouladvand the marvelous Persian Poet, Lyricist, Film Soundtrack Producer and fabulous Actress of the Persian Cinema.

In Defense of Reza Yazdani on his Critics

Critics state that Reza Yazdani songs are not political and social critics. Allow me to defend Reza Yazdani. Many of his songs are deeply political and social critics but incognito! He does not want to openly critic the regime or else he would end up in jail like Toomaj Salehi and others. Instead, he does it with delicacy, incognito, obscure and under the curtains! Indirectly he loads many of his songs with social critics and political critics but with finesse! Why is that? A rock Star of his level does not want to go to jail!

Look at the correlations between the uprisings of 2009, 2012, 2015, 2019, 2020 and 2022 and his songs a bit afterwards. For instance “Tehran Tehran” was released on 2010 a bit after the 2009 uprising. What do you think Tehran Tehran is about? Listen to the poem, it is pretty obvious! It is simply not fair to line up Reza Yazdani with artists on the regime’s side or artists who do not care about the people. Reza Yazdani has always been on the people’s side and he is the popular singer of the people. He is a hardcore nationalist.

Andisheh Fouladvand the Persian Poet with the world famous Neurosurgeon Professor Majid Samii and Reza Yazdani the Rock Star.

Just listen to songs such as Tehran Tehran or Sellule Shakhsi (Personal Cell) as examples of social criticism. You want deep poetry, may it be romantic, social critic, political, metaphorical or philosophical, Yazdani is your man. You want deep poetry? Here is an example:

Personal Cell

Personal Cell
Song: Reza Yazdani
Poet: Andisheh Fouladvand
Translation: Ahreeman X

Sellule Shakhsi (Personal Cell) - Studio

Sellule Shakhsi (Personal Cell) - Live in Concert


Sellule Shakhsi
Poet: Andisheh Fouladvand

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam,
Ke seda-ye saram nareh birun
Tu-ye andaze-haye yek dar yek,
Qad-e sellul-e Shakhsi-ye Halazun

Tebq-e zhurnal-haye sabk-e jadid,
Vase kaf-push, parket mod bud
Sar-e man ba moket acostic shod,
Sabk-e man bar khalaf-e market bud

Tu saram gowd misheh in kalamet,
Tu tane-ye zhaketam foru miram
Chand vaqt-e be pishnahad-e tabib,
Ruzeh-haye Sokut migiram

Ruzeh-hayi baraye aramesh,
Sobh-ha yoga, shab-ha meditation
Duri az maslakh-e dialectic,
Didan-e film-haye cartoon o action

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam,
Vase nashti-ye zahr-e ash’aram
Bu-ye chasb-e moket, khafam kard-e
Ode cologne mizanam be afkaram

Yeki ru maqz o qalb o a’sabam,
Potk-e ahangar-ha ro mikubeh
Lashgar-e 27-e roya-ha,
Qabl-e aqaz-e jang maqlubeh

Festival-e tanavo’e hasharat,
Dor-e sham’e boutique-i tu teras
Opening-e marasem-e zareh,
Tu jonub-e jazireh-ye ehsas

Khubeh ke nisti tu in ruzha,
Zendegim bar khalaf-e Tarikh-e
Khubeh ke halam-o nemibini,
Hal-e man, hal-e chakosh-o mikh-e

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam

Tumor-e she’r-amo to vardashti,
Shod ye she’r-e classic o tabi’i
Mesl-e mo’jezeh amal kardi,
Mesl-e aqa-ye professor Samii

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam,
Ke seda-ye saram nareh birun
Tu-ye andaze-haye yek dar yek,
Qad-e sellul-e Shakhsi-ye Halazun

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam,
Vase nashti-ye zahr-e ash’aram
Bu-ye chasb-e moket, khafam kard-e
Ode cologne mizanam be afkaram

Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam
Kaf-e afkaram-o moket kardam


Personal Cell
Translation: Ahreeman X

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts,
So the sound of my thoughts won’t exit
In the 1 by 1 measurements,
Size of snail’s personal cell

According to journals’ latest styles,
For flooring, parquet was fashionable
My head become acoustic with moquette,
My style was against the market’s code

Your words ring in my head,
I crouch in to my jacket
Lately by doctor’s order,
I take silent fasts

Fasts for relaxation,
Yoga in the morning, meditation at night
Staying away from Dialectical slaughter,
Watching cartoons and action movies

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts,
For leakage of my poems’ poison
The stench of moquette is unbearable,
I spray cologne on my thoughts!

Someone on my heart, mind and nerves,
Bangs ironsmith’s sledgehammer
The 27th army of dreams,
Had lost the battle before it begun!

The variety of insects’ festival,
Around the boutique candle in roof Terrace
Opening of the mourning event,
At the south of the emotion island

It’s good that you’re not here these days,
My life is opposite of historical evolution
It’s good that you don’t see my mood,
The mood of hammer and nail

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts

You removed the tumor of my poem,
It become a normal classical poem
You operated a surgical miracle,
Like the surgeon, Professor Samii

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts,
So the sound of my thoughts won’t exit
In the 1 by 1 measurements,
Size of snail’s personal cell

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts,
For leakage of my poems’ poison
The stench of moquette is unbearable,
I spray cologne on my thoughts!

I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts
I moquette the bottom of my thoughts


Yes, it is surely hard to be an intellectual and live under the Islamic regime in Islamic Republic of Iran! Reza Yazdani’s music is for people who understand music and poetry.

Of course you understand that when you translate Persian poetry to English, you must be creative for it to make sense and basically write the poem from scratch. One must be a poet to translate Persian poetry into English!

How about this one for a romantic sentimental piece to bring back a sea of memories and tears?

Age 15

Age 15
Song: Reza Yazdani
Poem: Mehdi Ayoubi
Translation: Ahreeman X

15 Salegi (Age 15) - Studio

15 Salegi (Age 15) - Live in Concert


15 Salegi
Poem: Mehdi Ayoubi

Khaterate to ke bashe, ba gozashteh bi hesabam
Tu kodom sandoq-e post, Nameha-ye bi javabam

Junam-o barat midadam, har chi migofti, Hamun bud
Qam-o qoseh ke nadashtim, donya qad-e kuchamun bud

Donya ro be ham mirikhtam, ageh to lab tar mikardi
Vaqti ayandeh ajib-e, to be gozashteh bar migardi

Man ye qab-e aks-e kohneh, tu hojum-e khateratam
Be cheshat kholaseh misheh, akharin rah-e nejatam

Dore-ye divunegim-o, hayajan-e zendegim-o,
Eshq-e 15 salegim-o, cheshmay-e to yadam andakht
Lahzeha-ye entezar-o, del del-e aqrabeha-ro,
Hal-e avalin qarar-o, cheshma-ye to yadam andakht

Dore-ye divunegim-o, hayajan-e zendegim-o,
Eshq-e 15 salegim-o, cheshmay-e to yadam andakht
Lahzeha-ye entezar-o, del del-e aqrabeha-ro,
Hal-e avalin qarar-o, cheshma-ye to yadam andakht

Khaterat-e man, ye dasht az, susana-ye chelcheraq-e
Khandeha-ye to hanuzam, hame ja-ye in otaq-e

Man ye qab-e aks-e kohneh, tu hojum-e khateratam
Be cheshat kholaseh misheh, akharin rah-e nejatam

Dore-ye divunegim-o, hayajan-e zendegim-o,
Eshq-e 15 salegim-o, cheshmay-e to yadam andakht
Lahzeha-ye entezar-o, del del-e aqrabeha-ro,
Hal-e avalin qarar-o, cheshma-ye to yadam andakht

Dore-ye divunegim-o, hayajan-e zendegim-o,
Eshq-e 15 salegim-o, cheshmay-e to yadam andakht
Lahzeha-ye entezar-o, del del-e aqrabeha-ro,
Hal-e avalin qarar-o, cheshma-ye to yadam andakht


Age 15
Translation: Ahreeman X

With your memories alive, I’m even with the past
In which mailbox, are my lost unanswered letters?

I would lay down my life for you, if that was your desire
We had no worries, our world was the size of our alley

I would destroy the world, if that was your desire
If the future is strange, you return to the past

I’m an old frame in the invasion of the memories
It lies in your eyes, my only escape route

My old wild times, the exciting times of my life,
Your eyes reminded me of, my age 15 poppy love
Moments of waiting, counting the minutes on the clock,
Your eyes reminded me of, the feeling on the first date

My old wild times, the exciting times of my life,
Your eyes reminded me of, my age 15 poppy love
Moments of waiting, counting the minutes on the clock,
Your eyes reminded me of, the feeling on the first date

My memories are a prairie of lilies in the Chelcheraq Persian valley,
Your laughter is still present all around this room

I’m an old frame in the invasion of the memories
It lies in your eyes, my only escape route

My old wild times, the exciting times of my life,
Your eyes reminded me of, my age 15 poppy love
Moments of waiting, counting the minutes on the clock,
Your eyes reminded me of, the feeling on the first date

My old wild times, the exciting times of my life,
Your eyes reminded me of, my age 15 poppy love
Moments of waiting, counting the minutes on the clock,
Your eyes reminded me of, the feeling on the first date


Andisheh Fouladvand and Reza Yazdani, the partners in crimes, lyrics and music, poetry and sound, depth and beat, actress and actor, light and dark, Sun and Moon, are the perfect artistic couple who create works of art in both music and film industries.

Promoting Reza Yazdani

As popular as Reza Yazdani is in Iran and he even throws concerts in Canada, Australia, Sweden and abroad, yet he is mostly unknown outside Iran, specifically in USA. Majority of even Persians in USA, UK and West have no clue who he is!

Reza Yazdani live in concert

If you want to make it in global music, you must conquer America or else you will remain unknown! This is a fact. Some of this is because of the political tension between IRI and USA now in its 5th decade. Reza Yazdani avoids travelling to USA and mainly because he wants to stay in Iran, work in Iran and live in Iran. He is a hardcore nationalist. He got a good thing going on with the Persian film and Rock scene. If he did not care so much for Iran and his life over there, then just like many others, he would have left Iran and end up in America. Love of Iran, keeps him in Iran and somewhat he sacrifices his fame for the love of Iran. He could be a smash hit if he would move to USA but he is the type who decided to stay in Iran, rain or shine, war or peace, tragedy or glory!

Reza Yazdani the popular singer of the people.

The purpose of this article is to promote Reza Yazdani and make him known to the music lovers and Rock and Rollers outside Iran, particularly in USA. A worthy artist of Reza Yazdani level, must be promoted in the west, particularly in USA or at least be known in USA. As I stated before, I don’t often write music articles and reviews unless the subject is someone highly valuable and worthy. Reza Yazdani is surely worthy and he is indeed the Master of Persian Rock.

Reza Yazdani is a sensitive artist, magnificent musician, lovely singer and a deep thinker.

Selection of Reza Yazdani top songs:

Live Concert Videos

Tehran Tehran - Simeh Akhar (Tehran Tehran, Final Straw)

Sellule Shakhsi (Personal Cell)

In Rooza - New Version (These Days)

Medley: Lalehzar, Koocheh Melli, Café Naderi (Lalehzar Area, National Alley, Café Naderi)

Man Bayad Zang Bezanam (I Gotto Call)

Eshghet (Your Love)

Café Naderi

Koocheh Melli (National Alley)

Ghooye Siyah (Black Swan)

Koja Gomet Kardam (Where have I lost You?)

15 Salegi (Age 15)

Ahange Ghadimi (Old Song)

Gerye Ke Mikoni (When You Cry)

Divoone Khoone (Nut House)

Navar (Tape)

Jasad (Corpse)

Ghatele Khoonsard (Cold Blooded Killer)

Yani To Rafti (It Means you Left)

Mahtab Too Fanoos (Moonlight in Lantern)

Shomal (North Shores)

Tanaffos (Breathing)

Chai (Tea)

Tanhayi Talkhe (Loneliness is Bitter)

Samte Hich (Neutral Side)

Tunnel Kandovan (Kandovan Tunnel)

Aparatchi (Film Projector Operator)

Shahrivar (Summer Month)

Miresam Be To (I Will Reach You)

Reza Yazdani Live in Concert Full 2024

Reza Yazdani Live in Concert Full 2020

Music Videos

Too Khodam Misoozam (I Burn from Inside)

Eshghet (Your Love)

Mahtab tu Fanoos (Moonlight in Lantern)

Paykan (Paykan Automobile)

Daastane Akhar (The Last Fiction)

Abi be Range Aseman (Blue Like Sky)

Take Off

Sellule Shakhsi (Personal Cell)

Bedune To Hicham (Without You I’m Nothing)

Jaddeh (Road)

Lanat (Condemnation)


Bi Hava (Suddenly)

Kooche Zhaponiha (Japanese Alley)


Qarantineh (Quarantine)

Vaghti To Rafti (It Means You Left)

Cafe Roya

Ey Kash Eshgh (Hopefully Love)

Harfhaye Bi Mokhateb (Talks without Listener)

Af’iye Tehran (Tehran’s Viper)

Borj (Tower)

For more Reza Yazdani songs and info visit:

IPC Iran Multimedia Index

IPC Iran Music Index


Dorehami (Get Together) TV Show

Mehran Modiri is one of Iran’s top talk show hosts, actor, comedian, director, producer, screen writer and singer.

Mehran Modiri is Iran’s top Talk Show Host and his main show is Dorehami (Get Together). This 4-part funny and enlightening interview was conducted in this show:

Reza Yazdani and Ali Oji Interview by Mehran Modiri

Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4

Surprise Birthday Cake

Reza Yazdani the Nationalist Artist of the Masses loves Iran and Iranians.

E-mail Contacts

Reza Yazdani

Ali Oji


Reza Yazdani Channel

Reza Yazdani YouTube Channel

Shahyar Kabiri (Documentary Filmmaker) YouTube Channel

Reza Yazdani Sites

Reza Yazdani Website

Reza Yazdani IMDB

Reza Yazdani Instagram


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Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

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