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Reza Yazdani Persian Rock Guitar Riff Challenge
Producing a Heavy Fast Beat Persian Rock Song

Ahreeman X
January 29, 2025

Reza Yazdani plays guitar live in concert

Intro Rock


After the release of my article and the discussion thread:

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock Thread

Some of you have been e-mailing me and stating that I should give Reza Yazdani a musical challenge to see how good he is with the guitar. To be frank with you, I don’t need to give him a challenge to see how good he is, because I already know he is good; however, I shall obey the readers wishes and give him a challenge to see if he can go a few steps above what he is today, to be great! Not to worry, I shall give Reza Yazdani the “Challenge of His Life” to prove that he is truly the Master of the Persian Rock in Iran!

Reza Yazdani with one of his many guitars, wondering what will the challenge be?

Before I state the interesting musical challenge to Reza Yazdani, I need to elaborate on a few guitar musical terms for those readers not familiar with these terms used through my post to get acquainted to them.

Guitar Musical Terms

Guitar Riff

A guitar riff is a short, catchy melody or chord progression that is repeated often in a song. It serves as the main hook, gimmick or theme of the song and can be played on the guitar. Riffs are typically rhythmic and may often consist of 3 to 12 notes with pauses in between some. The riff is played at the beginning or all through the various parts of the song.

Guitar Licks

Guitar licks are short melodic lines played on the guitar. A guitar lick can be a single note or a series of notes strung together to create an artistic, rhythmic pattern. Licks are like mini solos. They might fill space between choruses and verses.

Guitar Chord

A guitar chord is a set of notes played on the guitar. A chord's notes are often played simultaneously, but they can be played sequentially in an arpeggio. A chord is usually three or more notes played simultaneously.

Guitar Arpeggio

A guitar arpeggio is essentially a “Broken Chord,” where the notes of a chord are played one after the other rather than simultaneously. It is created by rolling through the chord notes from bottom to top or top to bottom.

Guitar Solo

A guitar solo is a melodic passage, instrumental section, or entire piece of music, pre-written or improvised to be played on a classical, electric, or acoustic guitar.

Guitar Half Notes

Guitar half notes also known as “Blue Notes” means playing a note for half the duration of a whole note. In time signatures with a denominator of 4, such as 4/4 or 3/4 time, the half note is two beats long which is half. Half Notes are often used in Blues music and Blues Rock.

Reza Yazdani live in concert

Best All Time Rock Guitar Riffs

In my opinion and up to my standard, I shall display for you some of the top guitar riffs of all time in the Rock music and in live concerts:

Deep Purple: Smoke On The Water

Ted Nugent: Stranglehold

Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Love

Sweet: Windy City

AC/DC: You Shook Me All Night

Jethro Tull: Cross Eyed Marry

Jethro Tull: Aqualung

The Animals: House Of The Rising Sun

Procol Harum: A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Musical Pattern

So as you can see, the guitar riff is the short rhythmic melody played from the beginning of the song often in this order:

Guitar => Drums => Base

Often the guitar starts the riff, drums follow and then bass kicks in.

Reza Yazdani with his Azadi Tower (Shahyad) guitar live in concert

Guitar Riff Sequence

The guitar riff plays at the beginning of the song, stops at an intermission where the music goes down with keyboards and guitar licks or the music goes up with blasting drums and loud guitar licks. Next, the guitar riff kicks again until the second intermission and then after the second intermission whether down or up, the guitar riff kicks in again until the end of the song. The ending can lower the sound of the riff or end in mellow keyboards. So basically the guitar riff in rhythmic rock music does whether plays at the beginning and possibly the ending or else it plays all through the song except the intermissions where you bring the music down or up.

Reza Yazdani with his Azadi Tower (Shahyad) guitar “When You Cry” Single Cover Art

Now on to the challenge:

Reza Yazdani Guitar Riff Challenge

It is not easy to mix the Persian and eastern music with Rock to the point that it is smooth, harmonious, pleasant, has eastern values, has technical Rock beat, it is heavy and it Rocks!

This is why Persian Rock musicians often stick with Rock Ballads, Soft Rock, Scattered Guitar Pieces, Guitar Licks in between the song or at the end, Mellower Rock beats and such.  

My suggestion is for Reza Yazdani for the first time in Persian Rock history to produce a heavy hard Guitar Riff Rock song which plays the riff from the beginning to the end except the 2 intermissions where he will bring down the sound with keyboards and guitar licks or bring up the sound with drums and loud guitar licks or do both!

Reza Yazdani Persian Rock Star “Hiss” Album Cover

The Challenge Conditions

It is surely a challenge because:

I. The poem must be chosen to fit the fast beat guitar riff, yet sooths the heart.

II. The poem must fit the song pattern, yet to make sense and still holds its Persian poetry poetic value.

III. Playing the riff is not hard but you must keep it through the song all the way to the end.

IV. Transition between the riff and intermission pieces in between the song must be smooth.

V. The guitar licks during the intermission pieces must Rock.

VI. I’m not holding you to play the guitar riff all through the song yourself, because you need to focus on your singing, you can allow your band member to play the riff; however, you must play the guitar licks during the 2 intermissions in between the song where you bring down the music or bring up the music or both.

VII. You must release a studio version and live version in concert and film them both as video clips on your YouTube channel. Studio version does not have to be a music video, just an audio clip is fine but the concert version must be a live music video, so it must look great.

VIII. The Music beat must Rock heavily and the Poem must be poetic.

IX. Take your time as long as you desire, no rush. This is not a speed test. The quality of the produced song is what matters. You need to produce the best according to your ability.

X. The music piece must have both Persian Eastern theme and lyrics, also western Hard Rock beat and rhythm. Best of both worlds indeed!

XI. May your God help you, because I can’t! Even though an atheist, I pray for you!

Reza Yazdani Persian Rock Star live in concert

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Reza Yazdani Master of the Persian Rock in action

Reza Yazdani the Actor.
Reza Yazdani is not only a Rock Star but also a Film Composer and Actor.

End Notes

Note 1

If Reza Yazdani takes this challenge and successfully pass the test by producing a super heavy fast beat Rock song with meaningful Persian lyrics, this would be the first in the history of Persian Rock.

Note 2

Reza Yazdani will prove that he is the ultimate and undisputed Persian Rock Master and King of Persian Rock.

Note 3

Reza Yazdani will raise his musical talent and importance, a couple of levels above what it already is, which is pretty high!

Reza Yazdani Master of the Persian Rock with his Eagle Tooran

Reza Yazdani Master of the Persian Rock with his amazing trained Hunting Eagle Tooran

Reza Yazdani has a very close relationship with his Eagle Tooran
Reza Yazdani is into Rock, Poetry, Leather, Fast Cars and Eagles!

Reza Yazdani Rocks the Stage

Reza Yazdani Look

Best wishes to Reza Yazdani. See folks, I always obey the wishes of my readers!


Dr. X

Related Article

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

E-mail Contacts

Reza Yazdani

Ali Oji


Reza Yazdani Channel

Reza Yazdani YouTube Channel

Shahyar Kabiri (Documentary Filmmaker) YouTube Channel

Reza Yazdani Sites

Reza Yazdani Website

Reza Yazdani IMDB

Reza Yazdani Instagram


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