looked at her eyes, and Death smiled back at me!
With The Death!

With The Death!
1st Edition: October 26, 2002
2nd Edition: July 26, 2016
3rd Edition: March 9, 2020
I believe Death has a design!
So far, I have managed to cheat Death.
I have done so by discovering her design and being one step ahead of her!
Is it luck or is it my method of madness?
Time will tell how long I can keep it up, time will tell ……
wrote this little poem, a long time ago ..........
This poem has been Inspired by True Events of My Life ......
In tradition of The Master "Edgar Allan Poe",
And Sadeq Hedayat, The Persian Allan Poe,
I dedicate this little poem to "Death", My Eternal Love:
I looked at her eyes,
and Death smiled back at me!
I touched her thighs,
and Death invited me ......
Racing With The Death!
was a heavy fog,
It was a cold, dark and hazy night
We were racing The Night,
She was chasing me,
and I was racing The Death.
looked at her eyes,
and Death smiled back at me!
I touched her thighs,
and Death invited me!

is the color of The Death?
A Truck hit the driver side,
and Death almost took her away!
I looked at Death's eyes,
and Death whispered:
Your turn was not tonight,
I laid back, took a breath,
another night, she'll come back for me!
That's when I first met her,
Death my old friend!
have met a few times before,
She whispered gently,
We have met before?
I questioned curiously!
Yes, curious one,
We have met quite a few times.
time, we met at the old house,
The house with the white marble stones
near The Senate, back in Tehran, remember?
You were just a kid, so young,
You dove through the wall size window into the balcony
I was there to meet you, I reached my hand for you,
but The Black Dog jumped up and tossed you to the side,
your head did not hit the Iron Fence
You were showered with blood, from head to toe,
I always hated that Dog,
she was your Guardian Angel!
and I am your Angel of Death.
You were in state of a shock and panic,
close, I smelled your cologne, I felt your heat,
alas, it wasn't your turn yet,
but I was ready for the trip,
a month later, I took The Black Dog, in your place!
You never saw me,
but I was there for you,
I reached my hand for you,
So close, but our hands never touched!

time, it was a cold, dark and hazy night in Jersey,
The Road was like a snake, crawling,
The Road was wet,
The Road was slippery,
and I was there again!
You were a young man then,
A rebel without a cause,
on your bike with the girl at the back seat,
you had to take a sudden front break, remember?
the bike's front wheel stopped, the back wheel up in the air!
you done a sixty degree,
this time the girl dove above your head,
it was almost time for her,
we had almost met in the dark,
once more, you were in state of a shock and panic,
close, I smelled your cologne, I felt your heat,
alas, it wasn't your turn yet,
but I was ready for the trip,
a month later I took The Girl at the back seat,
in your place!
You never saw me,
but I was there for you,
I reached my hand for you,
So close, but our hands never touched!

time, it was a brawl!
You were all grown, big and strong!
The boy was fighting next to you,
The Dark Men with Allah gold Necklaces were circling you,
The Dark Man threw a knife at your heart,
it missed and hit you in the bladder!
The boy covered for you,
You escaped with the knife in your body straight to the healer,
riding the bike, shower of blood, escaped again!
This turn around, no panic, no state of a shock!
You got used to it!
close, I smelled your cologne, I felt your heat,
alas, it wasn't your turn yet,
but I was ready for the trip,
a month later I took The Boy who covered, in your place!
You never saw me,
but I was there for you,
I reached my hand for you,
So close, but our hands never touched!

Fourth time, was tonight
this time we met, we talked!
At last, you met me,
at last, I talked to you,
we know each other a little bit better now!
Next time, we will go together...
smirked at her,
You don't spook me old lass,
sing this song for others,
I know the drill,
My life is a charade,
I have lost my faith in humanity, long ago,
I live a life of Horror,
I live in The Dark,
I live for The Night,
I am The Dark One,
I am The Essence of The Night,
I am of The Night,
You don't spook me old lass,
I live The Night.
she smiled,
Death smiled at me,
and gently whispered,
close, I smelled your cologne, I felt your heat,
alas, it wasn't your turn yet,
but I was ready for the trip,
in a month, I will take her in your place!
You never saw me,
but I was there for you,
I reached my hand for you,
So close, but our hands never touched!

was a heavy fog,
It was a cold, dark and hazy night
We were racing The Night,
She was chasing me,
and I was racing The Death.
was running, jumping the roof tops of old houses,
I was running the streets,
I was riding my bike,
I was driving the get away car,
I was storming down the street,
and she was right behind me,
she was following just a few steps behind,
we started from a dark alley,
we went through the roofs, houses, old lanes,
streets, freeways, roadways,
and back to the alley,
we ended up in a dark road,
it was a Dead End!
she caught up with me,
felt a choking feeling in my throat,
something was choking me,
I felt cold finger bones with long nails pushing into my throat,
she stuck her boney hand with long finger nails in my throat,
she pressed, choked, pushed her nails into my Adams Apple,
nails were in my throat, pressing hard,
I felt her heavy breath,
I felt her vibes,
I smelled her scent,
I know that scent,
woke up breaking in an icy sweat
I woke up choking,
I thought it was a nightmare,
I am awake now,
but life is a nightmare!
I woke up with her nails in my throat,
it was her!
and it was real!
It was Death my old friend,
Death my eternal woman in The Dark,
The last woman that I shall meet,
The last woman in my life.
Evening old lass
"Good Evening Dark One"
We meet again
"Yes we do"
Is it time?
"I wish it was, we're almost there, but not quite!"
Not this time?
"I'm afraid not, but there will be other nights."
I am sweating like a Dog!
"You are so Hot, not to worry, I shall keep you Cold!"
One of these nights.
"We shall finally be together, and forever...."
been here before!
We always meet in The Night,
My Eternal Woman and I,
We always reach to The Night,
I looked at her eyes,
and Death smiled back at me!
I touched her thighs,
and Death invited me!

was a heavy fog,
It was a cold, dark and hazy night
We were racing The Night,
She was chasing me,
and I was racing The Death.
Ahreeman X
October 26th, 2002

My Eternal Love 
Raven, The Dark
Spirit connecting the Beyond to Now and Under to Above!
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What I Believe?
The Mirror
A Nightmare, Together We Share!
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The Dog Who Saw the Rainbow!
Plastic Persian 1: Persian Sunset
Plastic Persian 2: Persian Sunrise
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