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Google Censors IPC
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Google Censors 1000s of Iran Politics Club Links

Google Suppresses Iran Politics Club Links
Google Censors Thousands of Iran Politics Club Links
Google from a Search Engine to a Liberal Censorship Tool

Ahreeman X
December 17, 2020

Google Election Collusion Globalist Socialist Censorship Espionage Branco Cartoon
Google rigged the US Election 2020 for Joe Biden and Democrats by hiding all the news from New York Post and other Sources about the “Biden Crime Family Enterprise” corruptions.
Google rigged the elections for Obama, Clinton and now stole the election for Biden!
Google censors conservatives and brainwashes the people via Globalist Socialist Indoctrinations.
Google is Anti-American Workers and Americanism.

Google is Anti-Iranian People’s Fight for Freedom and Anti Persian Culture
Google Iranian American Management Hates Iranian Culture!

Google is a False Source of Information.

Google Mass Censorship of Iran Politics Club

Google has started a mass censorship campaign of the conservative sites to hide the truth about the stolen US Election 2020. Google, through YouTube, Google Search and other Google tools is suppressing the links to the conservative sites and anyone who questions the legitimacy of the US Fraudulent Elections 2020. Google is establishing a Cyber Globalist Socialist Oligarchy to oppress, suppress and brainwash the people!

Google has suppressed over a thousand major Iran Politics Club links in the Google search engine. The censorship in Google search got intense during the week of election and then it cooled down but now once again Google is heavily suppressing the Iran Politics Club links. In addition, Google is heavily suppressing my links. Google has been suppressing the links of the conservative sites for a long time, sites such as Breitbart and InfoWars, but Google has never been suppressing the links of any other site as heavily as they are suppressing the Iran Politics Club site!

In the past, When you searched for “Iran Politics Club” name, like every other search engine, you used to get 1 bold link to the “Iran Politics Club” homepage with 4 to 8 bold links to “Iran Politics Club” index pages or important pages under it, right on top of the first search page.

Now, when you search for “Iran Politics Club”, on top of the first search page, you will get other site’s links to “Iran Politics Club” and pages mentioning “Iran Politics Club” and linked to it, but the actual link to the “Iran Politics Club” homepage is hidden all the way down the first search page without any other “Iran Politics Club” index pages or important pages links under it.

Google has actively suppressed over a thousand most important links of the “Iran Politics Club” website. Google hides them and makes them disappear in the search engine. Google uses fabrication of its Google Algorithms to rig the search. In addition, Google also suppresses the number of other websites’ links to “Iran Politics Club”! Google reduces them and hides them down in search pages by the thousands.

Google in total, suppresses thousands of the “Iran Politics Club” links and other websites’ links to the “Iran Politics Club” and about the “Iran Politics Club”.

Google Mass Suppressing of Iran Politics Club Links

When punching “Iran Politics Club” (name of the website) and not “” (Website URL),
Other search engines put 6 to 10 IPC sub links of index pages or important pages in 2 columns under the link to the home page. Google used to do the same but now doesn’t!

On an average day, when you punch in “Iran Politics club” (name of the website) in Google Search and not “” (Website URL), you will get between 10 to 40 million search results. These are our search results because they are either our links or other websites’ links to us. These links are referred to as our “Total Links”.

Google Deceit of People about Iran Politics Club

Eventually Google started to pretend that the search for “Iran Politics Club” is not only our IPC search results. This is a lie. When people search for “Iran Politics Club”, they are surely searching for the IPC Website (our website) or else they would have searched for the:

Iran Political Organizations
Iran Political Parties
Iran Political Groups

But they are specifically searching for the “Iran Politics Club” and that is us! Google’s sad attempts to disguise the search, twist the search results and hide our links to make them disappear is well exposed and people are clearly aware of them!

Google Search Experiment on IPC

Let us together make a test to prove to you that Google is actively suppressing the IPC links, shall we? Now watch, as soon as they read this article, they will go and fix their algorithm to reinstall all the IPC suppressed links, so it shows no bias! The links will be normal again for only one day and afterwards, Google rigs the search again to hide the IPC links! Google plays this game with the algorithms.

Test on Other Search Engines

- Go to any other search engine beside Google
- Punch in “Iran Politics Club” the name of the website, not “” which is the URL of the website. This way, you will get all our links and all other sites’ links to us, so you will get our “Total Links”.
- For instance, try it on DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo or anywhere else.
- On top of the search page, you will get the IPC homepage in large print. Under it, you will get between 4 to 10 IPC index pages or important pages in bold and in 2 columns.
- Under the bold links, you will get a small link which states: “More Results” which leads you to another search page with many of our other links from our website. These are the search for the “”.
- After our bold links on the top of the search page, you will get the links of other sites who link to us through various pages of IPC.
- In general, the combine links of the search makes up our direct links or indirect links to us which all and all are considered as our “Total Links” and our search results.

Test on Google Search

- Go to Google search
- Punch in “Iran Politics Club” the name of the website, not “” which is the URL of the website. This way, you will get all our links and all other sites’ links to us, so you will get our “Total Links”.
- On top of the search page, you will not get the IPC homepage in large print. Instead, you will get many links from other sites which are linking to IPC which reads “Iran Politics Club”. Of course, these sites love IPC and are promoting IPC but Google uses these links to demote IPC. This is Google’s new deceitful scam.
- Somewhere at the bottom of the first search page, you will get our homepage link because Google hides “Iran Politics Club” homepage link at the bottom.
- At the bottom of the search page after the IPC homepage, you will also not get between 4 to 10 IPC index pages or important pages in bold and in 2 columns; furthermore, you will get no IPC sub-links!
- In the past, under the homepage link at the bottom, you would get a line of 4 small print links to selected IPC pages by Google (politically correct pages which don’t criticize Google) but now you will get no links at all!
- Under these small print links (if any), you will not get a small link which states: “More Results” which leads you to another search page with many of our other links from our website. So, Google also hides the “” search links from the people.
- After our homepage bold link at the bottom of the search page, you will get more links of other sites which link to us through various pages of IPC. These pages are reduced via algorithm to show less sites linking to us.
- In general, the combine links of the search makes up our direct links or indirect links to us which all and all are considered as our “Total Links” and our search results; however, Google reduced our bold links to only one (our homepage) at the bottom of the first search page and also reduced the links to other sites who link to us drastically.

In other words,

* Google suppressed the IPC bold links to only 1 link at the bottom of the first search page.
* Google reduced the IPC bold sub-links to zero.
* Google reduced the 4 mini links barely visible under our main link to zero.
* Google eliminated the mini link under our bold main link which states “More Results”.
* Google reduced the number of sites which link to IPC.
* Google suppressed the IPC total links.
* Google rigs the search to demote IPC.
* Google suppressed thousands of IPC Links.

When you punch in “Iran Politics Club”, you must get all of our links because that is the name of our website but instead you will get only one major IPC link at the bottom of the first search page, plus a reduced number of other sites linking to us!

Google Fading Ahreeman X from Cyber Space

Now forget about my links, they are reduced to only 1 direct link plus a reduced number of other sites linking to me. My links were all over the Google, until I criticized Google! I have massive number of links on the Internet, either direct or indirect. Google eliminated all my direct links and is actively suppressing all of my indirect links. Google is intentionally trying to make me disappear from the Internet!

Punch in “Ahreeman X” on other search engines and then punch in “Ahreeman X” in Google and see what you will get?

If Google could, they would have made me vanish from the cyber space but unfortunately for Google, I am not a lonesome blogger or a social media dweller, yet I am a major author and publisher on the net, so it is very difficult for Google to fade me out of the net!

Google Iranian American Management surely despises me and hates my guts because I really expose their true nature to the world!

At least, they are not promoting Hezbollah and NIAC Iran Lobby on our traffic, anymore!

It all started here:

Google Promotes Hezbollah and NIAC on IPC’s Traffic!

As long as Google could not make a buck selling ads to Iran Lobby Groups and Islamist Terrorist Groups on our traffic (because we exposed and shamed them), now Google does anything to suppress the IPC links, demote IPC and make it disappear from the cyberspace.

Google’s complete search is rigged to suppress sites such as IPC and conservatives.

Why Google Heavily Censors Iran Politics Club?

Google management are Persians. We are Persians. No one knows Persians better than Persians! We are on, to these guys. We know every trick they implement, every move they make, every dirty trick they play, every method of censorship they draft and every detail of their corrupt lives. We have whistle blowers inside the Google. No one exposes Google like Iran Politics Club.

Google Big Brother is Watching You Cartoon
Google spies on you, tracks you, steals your information and sells it to the highest bidder!

How Google Spies on You?

Google spies on you through various means:

* Google spies on you through Google apps on your mobile phone, even when your phone is off.
* Google spies on you through Mobile Phone tracking.
* Google spies on you through Google Phones.
* Google spies on you through Google Smart Nest and Google Smart Home controls.
* Google spies on you through Chrome web browser.
* Google spies on you through Gmail.
* Google spies on you through any Google online applications and tools.
* Google spies on you through Google Search
* Google spies on you through Google Groups
* Google spies on you through Online cookies, bots and spyware.
* Google spies on you through Google Meet Video Conferencing.
* Google spies on you through Google Analytics Statistics for the Websites
* Google spies on you through any download on your hard drive.

Plus, various other methods …

What Google does with Your Information?

- Use it to sell you products.
- Use it to pitch you with proper sales pitches through ads.
- Use it to make profile of your history, habits and interests.
- Sells your information to third parties.
- Sends your information to FBI, CIA, DOJ and homeland Security if asked.
- Send your information to foreign Regimes like China and IRI if asked.
- Marketing research purposes

Plus, other means to profit …

Why Iran Politics Club Uses Google Products?

We are perfectly aware that Google spies on us through Google products; however, we give Google as much information as we desire! For instance, Google Management loves to get their hands on my mobile or private e-mail where I conduct sensitive political and private business with Iran, overseas and inside United States, but they will never get it!

Google products are popular, functional and practical. Many of the Google products are free and people love them, that is why many people use them. What people do not like is Google’s active espionage.

Google Alternatives

These are Free Speech Alternatives to Google and Tech Giants Censorship:

YouTube alternative = BitChute
Google alternative = DuckDuckGo
Twitter alternative = Parler
Facebook alternative = Gab

Google Exposes

Review Google’s reasons for animosity against the “Iran Politics Club” and the history of Google actions against IPC:

Google Promotes Hezbollah and NIAC on IPC’s Traffic!

Google Iranian American Corrupt Management

Is Google a Cult?
Google Cult of Censorship, Espionage and Mind Control

Google, Persian Gulf and IRI Iranian Agents in USA

Is Google a Cult? – Thread

Google is not a Reliable Source of Information

The complete Google Search is programmed with rigged algorithms to display only the politically correct and liberal approved results. Google is similar to a totalitarian Socialist Regime which censors the flow of information. When you search in Google, you will be fed with what Google wants to indoctrinate you with! The truth is well hidden from you!

Google from a Search Engine to a Liberal Censorship Tool

When Google primarily Came out on 1998, we welcomed it as a breath of fresh air and a great search engine, an alternative to the search monopoly by other tech companies. We had no idea that power would eventually corrupt and Google would eventually become the most ruthless and blood thirsty immoral global corporation driven only by profit, liberal indoctrination, immorality, censorship and global domination!

I love it when Google states that Google fact checks people on YouTube! The question is that who fact checks Google?!

Google is Anti-Iran and Anti-Iranian People

We also assumed that because the Google management are Persians, they would promote the Persian Culture and the Iranian people’s fight for freedom and democracy. Boy, were we wrong! Google Iranian American Management hate their own kind, culture and freedom of Iran! Google Iranian American Management is Anti Iran Politics Club, Anti Iranian Opposition, Anti Iranian Culture, Anti Iranian Struggle for Freedom and on the contrary pro Iran Lobby and IRI.

Google Iranian American Corrupt Management

Iran Politics Club is the backbone of the Iranian Opposition and Iranian people’s Struggle to achieve freedom and democracy. Google is actively suppressing, oppressing and censoring the Iran Politics Club. In addition, Google is actively suffocating the voice of the American Patriots fighting for Freedom, Democracy and Free Markets. This should clearly ring a bell for you on Where Google stands on the global drive for freedom and democracy.

Google Tyranny

Google’s Billionaire and Millionaire owners and managers have changed Google and transformed it to a censorship tool for the Globalist Corporate Greed, Globalist Socialist Cause, Corporate Deals with Communist China, Arab Oil and Iran Lobby. What a pitiful miserable sellout Google turned out to be!

We cannot allow Google to dominate the globe and establish a Globalist Utopia by shafting the good patriotic workers and labors of America, Iran and other nations. We cannot allow the Google brainwash and mass indoctrination to continue globally.

Section 230 must be repealed which gives Google the God-like power to mass brainwash, mass censor and mass global dominate. Google is the most powerful corporation in the world to the point that now rigs US elections by hiding the Real News, Real Biden Crime Enterprise Corruptions and feeding lies to the public. Google is not a search engine, it is an indoctrination and censorship tool to establish Totalitarianism, Elite Rule and Tech Oligarchy!

More Power to Google Whistle Blowers who are True Freedom Fighters fighting for the global freedom and democracy.

“Google and Tech Giants, as the Big Brother serve one purpose in America: to censor and silence half the people (Conservatives) and to brainwash the other half (liberals) to remain as obedient sheep!”
(Ahreeman X)

More Ahreeman X quotes:

Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes

More Power to Global Freedom Fighters Against Tyranny

Dr. X


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