I Took the Red Pill.
Ahreeman X
August 24, 2024
Red Pill or Blue Pill? Choice is Yours?
Find Out How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes!
There are those who work for the government, are on entitlements or too naïve to think for themselves. They have convinced themselves that Government is God, is scientific, makes to mistakes, in charge of everything and knows best. Most of these people don’t produce any wealth or jobs. These people are users or follow the government by tradition doing a 9 to 5. They follow the leader like mice follow the pied piper! They are obedient folks, believe in the media, social media, tech giants, search engines, and the Big government. These people took the Blue Pill.
There are those who work in private sector, they want Big Government off their back, they don’t collect entitlements, they are very skeptic of everything said and done by the big Government. They think for themselves because they are critical thinkers, deep thinkers or at least think on their own! They are producers and not users. They are the people who create wealth and jobs. They believe in limited government and trimmed down version of the government. Government is only there to provide basic needs such as safety and security of the people. They believe in free markets, life and liberty American style. These people took the Red Pill.
How can we deny what we see with our own eyes if we are not liberals? We see how CIA intervened in internal affairs of the America where they have no rights and jurisdiction! They are in charge of foreign affairs but they pull ranks and intervene! They intervened and got Hunter Biden out of jail because he is a CIA Asset or protected by CIA because of his family’s authority.
Do you live so deep in the fantasy land that you believe CIA and US Government with all its power and tech, space satellites and equipment, hi tech systems and connections allows Mexican Drug Cartels to traffic women, children, migrants, drugs, guns and terrorists in to USA by tens of millions without interruptions? CIA can follow a desert rat with the space satellite! They can see every move you make from the sky by satellites, yet child sex slaves flood America and nearly 325,000 of them get lost, maybe dead and some sex trafficked without a trace by the Biden – Harris Regime, and CIA and Deep State don’t know about it? Are you truly that naïve?
Democrats are allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens from around the world to flood USA. In Blue states, they hand them drivers licenses, register them to vote in hope of cheating in 2024 election! If along the way, thousands of Americans get murdered and raped by the illegals, well, that will be the casualty of war! Which war? The War on America and the American people by the Democrats to remain in control and turn America to a Communist Regime!
Rationality and Reality tells us that CIA as the head of Deep State been in charge of the US government since 35 years ago but since 2021, owning the US government by committing an internal coup and placing a usurper president, a braindead, senile old man with Parkinson disease named Beijing Joe in the White House. Now they want to install another usurper president, this turn around, an airhead bimbo on drugs, the “Comrade Kamala.” CIA operates the government. Without CIA blessing, Obamas, Susan Rice and Staffers who run the US Government will not make a move.
CIA has been dealing with Latin American Drug Cartels, Guerrillas, Militias, and Gangs, trading information, having informants, trading guns and doing tits for tats since the end of 1980s. Nobody makes a move in Latin America without CIA permission. CIA owns the American government.
Things were not like this when Founding Fathers visioned our Republic.
Once upon a time, an enthusiastic woman was asking questions from Benjamin Franklin,
Lady: What type of government had the Founding Fathers created for America?
Benjamin Franklin: “A Republic if you can keep it!”
Lady glanced with inquiring eyes wondering about the part “If you can keep it?”
Then Ben clarified:
Benjamin Frankin: “The Republic requires active and informed participation of people to survive!”
The Lady nodded her head as she understood the concept put forward by the Founding Fathers and elaborated by Benjamin Franklin.
So get very clear here:
“A Republic if you can keep it. The Republic requires active and informed participation of people to survive.”
(Benjamin Franklin)
Government of United States have dumbified the youth by indoctrination in the public schools and the liberal hags in the Teachers Unions. In American schools, they teach gender ideology, social justice, DEI, CRT, Gay Promotion and other nonsense. History, English, Math and science are not taught! That’s how US is always ranked as down in double digits in global education ranking. Kids graduate high school and go to college not able to spell, count, not even know who is the president or what is the capital of USA?! These kids are in need of pop idols and dumber than themselves Hollywood starlets to tell them how to vote and who to vote for! These kids are lacking brains and follow Taylor Swift or Beyonce as role models and Gods! These kids graduate high school and become ANTIFA, BLM and on the payroll of Soros Family as professional Communist paid protesters, agitators and young braindead Democrats!
Ones who have brains, think on their own, research, study, identify the problems and seek solutions. Thinking people do not fall for the media lies and government statements. Thinking minds do not follow the government rules owned by the Democrat Party talking points and phrase of the week memo sent to the media!
You must be working for the government, indoctrinated, on entitlements or simply braindead to worship the US Government as God and follow the words of the Government as science, enlightenment and bits of wisdom!
This here government is not what designed and destined by the Founding Fathers. This here government is a stolen government by the Tyrannical Deep State. This here government is not government of the people but the government of the CIA! Yes, we live in a police state run by the Democrat Party whom are the Communist Party USA. The RINOs are their lap dogs and bitches!
This is not what the Founding Fathers visioned, this is a 3rd world Banana Republic and we will lose our Republic unless we become informed, active and fight for it. That’s why after the assassination, with a bloody face, Trump rose up, stood straight, raised his fist and stated:
“Fight, Fight, Fight!”
(Donald John Trump)
Trump made it clear from the start that what was his intention: to revive GOP, free America and stand for the working people:
“In 5 years, there will be nothing left of GOP but its name. GOP will become a different party; you’re going to have a Workers Party. GOP will be a party of the working people, the American workers Party.”
(Donald John Trump)
Trump also made it clear from the beginning that this government is not incompetent but has other intentions directed by Davos WEF and Globalist Corporations, that’s why intentionally tens of millions of illegal aliens, criminals and psychos flooded the USA to change the fabrics of this republic:
“The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.”
(Donald John Trump)
Get educated to the reality hidden from you:
Donald Trump’s Best Quotes
5 Decades of Quotes: 1980s - 2020s
I do not seek to lecture you here about the illegitimacy of this Regime, that has been stated before; however, I will remind you again of this important statement:
"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
(Thomas Jefferson)
Stand up to tyranny, do not live like sheep and get informed. For those still liberal, open up your horizon to reality, get some real news, concepts and agenda in to your robotic, digital and sheepish lives. For those who have the ability to think on their own, stop your passive and indifferent lifestyle. You only have one chance to save this Republic.
Get registered to vote, get informed, get others informed, get active, become poll watchers, become poll workers, ballot harvest and ballot chase wherever it is allowed, and if you don’t have time or desire to do any, then the least you can do is to vote! If Trump can take a bullet for you to live in a free country, then the least you can do is to vote.
Get real, Democrats the same as 2020, will do their best to cheat in 2024 because they have nothing better to stick by. Who wants open borders, high taxes, high crimes, defund the police, high gas prices, high food prices, inflation, unemployment, no security and safety, destroyed neighborhoods, flood of criminals, rapists, drug cartels and terrorists from the 3rd world and a bankrupt country?
When you have no policy, plan, agenda and goal except the destruction of America, fundamentally change America, destroy Capitalism and change America to a 3rd world Banana Republic under the yoke of the Davos WEF and Globalist Corporations, then you must brainwash the public via Media, Tech Giants’ Search Engines, Hollywood, lies in the convention, twist everything upside down, tell people not to trust their own lying eyes, and cheat in elections to survive!
Democrats’ goal is to create a parallel universe, a fantastic universe, an unreal virtual reality where everything is hunky dory, everything is great, a utopia with EVs, CRT, DEI, Social Justice, everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya! In this Utopia everyone wins a trophy. Fantastic tales such as Manmade Climate Change, Transgender Ideology, Systemic Racism, and Big Government knows best are created. In this universe, same as how British people are subjects of the king, you will be subjects of the Big Government. You will get your Government cheese, Kool-Aid, Welfare, Food Stamp, Housing, Healthcare, and Dick-care! Government will provide for you because you are an insignificant subject of the government! Government will make sure that you will lead a happy life living with your bicycles and EVs in your 15 minutes range cities, obedient, submissive and cared for forever! Your lives will never improve and you will never be anybody but you will forever be cared for like a pet, a dog. All you need to do is vote Democrat!
Democrats are amazing con artists. They own the Big Government and they pay for all the Entitlements but not with their money, yet with Working People’s tax dollars. They get the Producers to pay for the Users on Welfare! They play the game of distributing wealth which is Communism. They have created a culture of dependency to the Big Government. The reality is that Government has no money and never created any wealth. Government pays for all of these social programs with working people’s tax dollars.
In Persian we have a famous expression:
“Ba Kir-e mardom raftan khanum bazi!”
(Going to brothel, banging whores with other people’s borrowed dicks!)
That’s what the government does! Government owns a Liberal Plantation; on this plantation losers live. Government pays for these losers by the producers’ money stolen from them via high taxes. Big Government steals the producers’ money to pay the losers on entitlements, to keep them in line as happy slaves forever! The slaves will never gain a better life and will always remain slaves as happy slaves in the Liberal Plantation!
Liberal Plantation System and Globalism
Liberal Bizarro New World Order!
In this created Virtual Reality and fabricated Fantastic World, you the citizen live. The Puppet Masters from the above are in control. You are being offered a Blue Pill which if you take, the Shiite Show will go on and you will remain a happy camper living on the Plantation! You are also being offered a Red Pill which if you decide to take, this whole charade of a Fantastic Virtual Reality will break down and crash right in front of your eyes so you will be able to see the Real World outside this Video Game!
You are being offered the “Blue Pill” and the “Red Pill” and now It is up to you to which one to take?
Long ago, I took the Red Pill.
Clock is ticking, what you gonna do? Choose your pill? Tick Tock, Tick ……
“US Government is like a beautiful seductive transsexual with a foot long pole whom you primarily assume that she is lusciously French kissing you until you feel an excruciating pain in your backdoor, finding out that she is ripping you apart by screwing you deep! At first, US Government seduces you with rainbows, flowers, hearts, DEI, CRT, Affirmative Action, Social Justice, Lift Every Voice, Transgender Love, liberal holding hands, singing Kumbaya and everyone wins a trophy. Suddenly you find her behind you pumping you vigorously and violently with taxation without representation, cyber censorship and police state taking away all your rights and amendments including but not limited to the first, second, fourth, fifth and eight amendments to the constitution!”
(Ahreeman X)
“Informed people are in charge of their own future!”
(Ahreeman X)
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
Freemen and Freewomen do not live on the Liberal Plantation!
Think on your own, build your own future.
Dr. X
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