Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War and Rebels?
Who Benefits from the Never-Ending Wars?
Ahreeman X
December 1, 2024

Syria Provinces and Important Cities Map
Never Ending War
Syrian Opposition Coalition started a new round of Syrian civil war, revolution or whatever else you want to call it which so far has killed over 300,000 people and sent over 6 million refugees to exile out of the country. This civil war also had wider ramifications across the Near East and the Middle East.
Syrian Civil War started in 2011 and basically went in remission and coma in 2019 but all of a sudden in 2024 with only a few days it enflamed again! Who sparked it?
The coalition consists of various groups:
Coalition Groups
HTS (Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham) whom are Sunni Islamists, an off shoot of Al Qaeda
SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) whom are Kurds.
Other Groups
The question is how all of a sudden in a few days, the rebels invaded the Bashar Al Asad armies, positions and Iranian military residing in Syria, pushed Syrian military back and killed Iranian general and officers plus a number of IRGC? General Kiomars Pourhashemi commander of IRGC in Syria serving as a military adviser in Syria got killed with a number of IRGC troops.
Question comes to mind that who finances and supports the rebels?
In a few days Rebels almost captured the complete Aleppo (Halab), launched an offensive from the northwestern province of Idlib towards Aleppo and areas in south and central part of the nation. Aleppo International airport is in the hands of Rebels. Now the rebels are moving south to the Hama. Have in mind that Aleppo is the most populated city in Syria which has a larger population than Damascus (Capital) and Homs (Emesa).
All of this makes one wonder that who finances the rebels to conduct such sudden project of uprising and invasion? To find out on that question, we must see who gains from this war and chaos?

Syria in the Middle East Map
Short History of Arab Spring
As I have stated before, Obama-Clinton administration as the puppet of CIA, Deep State and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) started the “Arab Spring” supposedly for freedom and democracy; however, this Arab Spring resulted in destruction of the Functioning Arab Secular Dictatorships and replacing them with the Islamist Regimes around the Middle East and North Africa. One after another Obama collapsed Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and on and on. General el-Sisi fixed Obama’s mess, made a coup and saved Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood but the rest of the Arab nations were not that lucky and fell into chaos. Bashar Al Asad after a long civil war got back by the support of Russia and Iran. The bottom line is that Obama created chaos in Middle East and North Africa via backstabbing America’s Dictator Allies, destruction of functional regimes and replacing them with Islamist groups and regimes or civil wars!
Who Benefited from Arab Spring?
MIC got rich selling weapons, Deep State including CIA gained more control, power and wealth but the America’s Arab allies in the Middle East got shafted and got betrayed by the US Regime. Since then, the Arab Dictators figured that they cannot rely on America as an ally. America is not a reliable ally and could even back stab them to become their worst enemy. Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia completely understood this fact! Obama done this due to ideological reasons of being a Marxist Islamist but CIA done this for power and putting more dollars in the pocket of MIC Corporations.
Who Finances and Supports the Syrian Rebels?
To answer this question, we must see that who gains from this chaos in Syria? Let’s see the players and analyze them!
CIA – Deep State
CIA gains from this chaos by handing the upcoming Trump administration yet another civil war with no end in sight. CIA figures that if Trump will demolish them, then may as well create never ending civil wars in Syria and other nations and possibly WWIII with Ukraine–Russia conflict!
Israel just bombed Gollan Heights, crushed Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine, bombed Iranian IRGC in Syria, the Syrian Shiite Militia of pro Iran forces, Syrian military and Islamist groups. In a way Israel gains from a weak Syria not fully backed by Iran and Hezbollah on its border. Israel welcomes chaos in Syria and the last thing it needs is a powerful Syrian army on its border.
Saudi Arabia
No matter how moderate and reformist is Mohammad Bin Salman, still Saudi Arabia supports the Wahabi Islamists around the region to antagonize the Shiite Forces of pro Iran. Saudi Arabia has its own satellites to confront the Shiite proxies of Iran. To have a strong Sunni opposition in Syria, it is very logical for Saudi Arabia to flood the oil money towards Syria.
Erdogan is a Pan-Turkic expansionist and a Suni. Erdogan does not like it a bit that IRI expands a Shiite Empire from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, east to west, and from Caspian Sea all the way to Bahrain, Qatar in Persian Gulf and Houthis in Yemen in Gulf of Aden. Turkey has no desire to see the IRI, Neo Safavid Empire next to its borders! Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a hardcore Sunni and Turk Nationalist. As he insists on internationally for the world to call the country Türkiye (not Turkey) so he is insisting to regain the once mighty colonial and political power of the Ottoman Empire.
WEF (World Economic Forum)
Globalist WEF enjoys more chaos around the world, more disfunction in the 3rd world, more migration from the 3rd world to the west and US and ultimately destruction of the west and the US to control the world via a Globalist regime. While WEF and Globalist Billionaires control the weather with their hi-tech tools to agitate a minor climate event to a major climate catastrophe, they also create wars around the world to give legitimacy to their “Climate Change” Nonsensical theory.
They blame everything on climate change and bless mass migration to destroy the western civilization and naturally the eastern civilization!
Manmade Climate Change!
No fossil fuel mean no fertilizers which means no farm crops which means no food which means high food prices. No fossil fuel means no gas which means high cost of supply delivery to stores. All mean high cost of food. That’s why we have high inflation designed by the Democrats to destroy the American system of Capitalism and Democracy to install a Communist Regime in USA.
Of course for now, there is no proof and evidence that CIA played with the satellites and secret weapons to expand the hurricane levels from 1 to 5, so they could commit election interference by avoiding South East USA people (conservatives) to vote and furthermore killing them! Maybe one day in the future, it can be proven; however, nothing is farfetched from the depth of crimes which can be committed by the CIA against the American people and the global population!
Manmade Climate Change Methods
Satellite Manipulation of Ocean Tides
Electro Magnetic Manipulation of Gravity of Ocean Waters
Turbines Manipulation
Cloud Seeding
Rain Making Systems
Weather Cooling Systems
Water Cooling Systems
Laser Systems
Liquid Nitrogen Systems
Think about it, these methods to manipulate the weather and climate are scientific methods which the public never suspects are happening!
Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Climate Cult is Not Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers
Now even UK admits that EU and WEF are actually committing the “Replacement” of the West Europeans with the Illegal Aliens and Muslim Refugees from Middle East, Africa and around the world!
So as you can see, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, US Deep State Regime, and WEF Globalists all gain from this chaos!
Who Loses from Syrian Chaos?
Russian Federation
Naturally Russia loses its ground and base in Syria. Russia being busy in Ukrainian war, has less chance of getting involved in Syria; however, they can still mass aerial bomb and aerial support the Syrian troops.
IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran)
IRI had no desire to lose its ally and colony in Syria. This way they are right at Israel border and connecting with Hezbollah in Lebanon; however, the IRI will not evacuate Syria so easily! They can mass drone and missile blast the rebels. IRI can still hold a good size military presence of IRGC in Syria.
Syrian People are the Greatest Losers of War!
The ultimate loser of the situation are the Syrian people who got their country destroyed originally by CIA, Obama and MIC. While Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Goodrich, Hewlett Packard, General Dynamics and others made bundles, Syria got destroyed and the Syrian people scattered around the world. Syria was never a democracy but it was a prosperous secular dictatorship, same as Libya, Iraq and many other places destroyed by the Democrats and Deep State. Democrats turned these nations to civil war stricken fallen states and ultimately handed them to Islamists.
Look what Carter and Democrats done to the Shah and Iran! They turned Imperial Iran, the strongest US ally to IRI, the strongest US enemy in the region!
Democrats are masters of destroying countries around the world, make them nonfunctional and then flood America with their refugees! It is like this patterns is intentional to screw up these successful countries by creating chaos and screwing up America by mass migration of illegal aliens and Muslim refugees!
Syria a Fallen State
CIA and Obama’s Arab Spring started this shenanigan and the Big powers each joined in to take a piece of Syria, destroy the country and feed on its riches like vultures! It is hard to believe that Syria will ever become a united and a strong nation.
Big Boys will have their conferences and most likely Iran, Russia, Turkey and USA, each will have their own sphere of influence (neo colonies) in Syria. A deal will be made! Same as other fallen states of Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and so on, Syria will become another victim of Globalism!
End Notes
After years of civil war, destruction and mass murder, once again the CIA, MIC, Deep State, Globalists and bad actors are up to once more destroy whatever have left of Syria via creating another civil war and chaos. This is the routine with CIA, MIC and Globalists. Syrian scenario is only one example from a book load of plots and crimes committed around the globe for a greater agenda which is the slavery of the Individualist Workers by the Globalist Corporations. Indulge:
Globalist Illegal Alien Invasion USA
Liberal Plantation System and Globalism
Liberal Globalist Billionaire Jews Who Rule the West
Who are the Liberal Billionaire Jew Masters Running the World?
What is Patriotism? - Patriotism vs. Globalism Thread
As I have stated before:
“I believe in the American Founding Fathers, American Exceptionality, American Unique Form of Democracy, American Patriots, Iranian Nationalism, Iranian Opposition, Iranian People and the Global Workers. In our global battle between the Individualist Workers and the Globalist Establishment, I am with the Workers. More power to the people.”
(Ahreeman X)
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
All around the world, rich or poor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd world, the workers and the producers are taking a stand against the globalists and their welfare state users. It all comes down to National Populism vs. Globalism. This is our battle; this is our war and this is our route to salvation.
We will get back on the path to a Shining City Upon a Hill ……
Dr. X
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