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Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?
Ahreeman X
December 10, 2024

Syria Map After the Fall of Assad December 7, 2024

Intro to Disaster!

While everyone abroad and in Syria celebrates the victory of so-called Revolution, I am skeptic because I have seen this movie before! This Syria movie reminds me of another movie directed by the Globalist WEF, produced by the CIA and acted by the Democrats in 1979 Iran! This movie has been played over and over in the history of the Middle East and North Africa, particularly during the Obama-Clinton’s Arab Spring! Yes, I have seen this movie before!

Short History of the Arab Spring

As I have stated before, Obama-Clinton administration as the puppet of CIA, Deep State and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) started the “Arab Spring” supposedly for freedom and democracy; however, this Arab Spring resulted in destruction of the Functioning Arab Secular Dictatorships and replacing them with the Islamist Regimes around the Middle East and North Africa. One after another Obama collapsed Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and on and on. General el-Sisi fixed Obama’s mess, made a coup and saved Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood but the rest of the Arab nations were not that lucky and fell into chaos. Bashar Al Asad after a long civil war got back by the support of Russia and Iran. The bottom line is that Obama created chaos in Middle East and North Africa via backstabbing America’s Dictator Allies, destruction of functional regimes and replacing them with Islamist groups and regimes or civil wars!

The Dark Crow brings the news of Crescent and Star!
Once Islamism takes control, it runs deep roots to grip the power.

Never Trust a Bearded Muslim Man!

We have an idiom in Persian which states:

“5 Zar be Mollah bedi, dige nemituni pas begiri!”
(If you give 5 cents to a Mullah, you will never be able to get it back!)

Now imagine on 1979, the naïve simpletons handed the control of one of the richest nations in the world to the Mullahs, so good luck taking it back! As you can see, it is over 45 years and in the 5th decade that we the Iranian opposition are trying to take it back!

The same players who played the 1979 Iran, also played the 2024 Syria! The Globalist WEF (World Economic Forum), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MIC (Military Industrial Complex) directed their puppets (Democrats and Carter) to take advantage of the foolishness and naïve nature of the everyday Persians in the streets of Iran to topple the Shah and bring on the Khomeini!

Remember the dancing in the streets abroad and in Iran on 1979? Remember how westernized hejab-less women in miniskirts and men in 3-piece suits and bowties along with Hejabi Chadori women and bearded Hezbollahis danced and partied in the streets of Iran and around the world? Same thing is happening now abroad and in Syria!

What happened next? One by one, every political party and organization including but not limited to Jebhe Meli (National Front), Hezb-e Tudeh (Communist Party), Mojahedin (PMOI Marxist Islamists), Fedayeen (Communist Guerrillas), Social Democrats, Socialists, Democrats, Republicans, and everyone else was eliminated, jailed, exiled and murdered by the Hezbollahi Islamists, Mullahs and Khomeini!

Iranians toppled the Shah and the Imperial Regime in search of Democracy and Freedom but they ended up getting dicked by the Mullahs and Hezbollahis! In Imperial Iran they only lacked political freedom but in Islamic Iran, not that they did not gain Democracy and Freedom but they lost all of their freedoms which they enjoyed during the Imperial Iran! Basically, they ended up getting shafted by the Mullahs’ Big Schlongs!

The moral of the story is to never trust a Bearded Muslim Man and his promises of bringing you the gift of Equality, Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy for all!

Metaphorically, expecting a Bearded Muslim Man to give you Freedom is similar to:

Expecting a Jewish Rabbi to willingly hand you a Million Dollar or even a penny of his wealth!
Expecting a Nazi to care about Jews human rights during the Holocaust!
Expecting the KKK to dine with Black Boys from the Hood!
Expecting a Flaming Faggot to give up BBC (Big Black Cock)!

Get real, will ya?

Now you have yet another bearded man whom people see the picture of a benevolent spiritual man in his face (Abu Mohammad al-Julani) same as they saw the picture of a holy man in the moon on 1979 (Imam Khomeini)! The only thing that a Bearded Muslim Man will give you is a Big, Thick and Long Baba Ghanoush Eggplant up your Shiiter! He will bang you with no mercy like there is no tomorrow! He will take everything you have, plunder your nation, take away all your freedoms and hand you a Big Dick to consume! He will not even hand you a free Quran but he sells it to you to get occupied with Bull Shiite religious prayers while he robs you blind off of your rights!

So in Fools Façade of Democracy, never ever trust a Bearded Muslim Man to bring you the present of Freedom and Democracy! Once Islamists take control, they will never let it go unless with a bloody revolution!

Arab Spring Brought Islamists or Civil War

Result of Obama-Clinton’s and Democrats’ Arab Spring until this day, has been Islamist Regimes or Civil War which both will destroy nations!

Why Syrian Regime Toppled in 10 Days?

For 14 years the Syrian civil war was ongoing, then how come all of a sudden in 10 days, the so-called Revolution succeeded?

Because back then, the Globalist Big Boys wanted depopulation to kill half a million Syrians, they wanted millions of Muslim Refugees to flood the west to destroy the western economies, racial demographics and capitalist systems. Back then, the Globalist Big Boys wanted total destruction of Syria as a functioning state. Now the Globalist Big Boys want the business to rebuild Syria! Back then the MIC wanted to sell weapons and equipment. Now Big Globalist Corporations want to rebuild Syria, build big business, housing, infrastructure to mega profit and with it enslave the Syrian labor force!

Globalists wanted the war AKA phase 1 to go on for a decade and now globalists decided to end it in 10 days, so they could begin phase 2 which is Reconstruction of Syria with mega profits!

Syrian Opposition

Here are major Syrian Opposition Groups:

Coalition Groups
HTS (Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham) whom are Sunni Islamists, an off shoot of Al Qaeda
SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) whom are Kurds.
Other Groups

All with different fundamentals and ideas for desired future Syria! Can they come to term with a united agenda?

Assad is Gone, Now What?

Bashar Al Assad was a western educated boy who never wanted to become president but Hafez Al Assad his father forced him to do so! Now Assad father and son are gone, now what?

Big Boys Chopped Up Syria

As I have predicted in my last Syrian article, toppling Assad, it does not mean that democracy and freedom is here! Big Boys, each got a piece of Syria:

Russians hold a couple of Syrian ports and all the Syrian coastline to Mediterranean and vicinity as their hook on the Mediterranean sea region. Russia got naval and air bases in this western region of Syria. What is left of Assad Syrian forces still wanting to hold a presence have also joined with the Russians.

Turkey has a couple of regions in north Syria with pro Turkey groups holding them to tame the Kurds next door. Turkish military advisors are also there. Turks back Sunnis in Syria.

US Government / CIA
Us Government and CIA are backing the Kurds who hold the north eastern Syria. Deep State is solid in support of the Kurds. US also owns a Outpost in south east of Syria as the equivalent of the North and South Korea Demilitarize Zone called the “Al Tanf Deconfliction Zone” which is basically a US base of command with its surrounding.

Israel did not only bomb Gollan Heights and vicinity but fortified the Gollan Heights and in addition occupied the buffer zone which was before, between the Syrian land and Israeli occupied Gollan Heights, so Israel now occupies more Syrian land.

Islamic Republic of Iran got heavily bitch slapped by Israel. The Israelis demolished Hamas, Hezbollah and IRI forces in Syria; however, not for a minute assume that the IRI presence in Syria is over! IRI maybe evacuated its diplomats, military attaches, IRGC Generals, Qods Forces, IRGC personnel and Proxies back to Iraq and Lebanon, yet imported groups of Iraqi Shiite Militia with IRGC supervisors back to Syria! IRI Neo proxies and forces are logistically positioned mostly in the south east and east near the Iraqi border and in the west near the Lebanese border. IRI is still in Syria.

Little Boys are Playing!

As I have predicted, various groups incoherently own each a piece of land and are hopelessly competing to gain total control. Coalition is a word which you hear and take it with a grain of salt! Assuming that all groups will come together to build a united Syria is farfetched! Here are these groups:

HTS (Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham) whom are Sunni Islamists, an off shoot of Al Qaeda
They own parts of north, central and south of Syria. They are blessed by Turkey.

SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) whom are Kurds
They own parts of north and north east Syria.

Pro Turky Militia
They reside in two regions of north Syria.

Moderates / Islamists / Other Groups
Known as “Unidentified Opposition Groups” hold land in east and south which consists on various so-called moderates, Islamists and other groups participating in this land grab under the guise of coalition!

Biden Bombed Syria

Trump told Biden not to interfere in Syria but Biden bombed parts of Syria supposedly to avoid ISIS to return!

Revolutionaries Ransack Started

Pillage and plunder already stared. So-called Revolutionaries already ransacked the presidential palace, some government offices, and IRI embassy.

Manmade Climate Change!

You may ask what does the Syrian scenario has to do with WEF, Globalists and Climate Change Hoax? Valid question and here is your answer:

The goal is for the Globalists to depopulate the earth via never ending civil wars and manmade pandemics. Next step is to migrate and flood millions of Muslim Refugees and Illegal Aliens to the west to destroy Capitalism, Western Culture, Racial and Cultural Demographics and History. Final Step is to create one world with one mongrel race, one mongrel gender with no identity, no National heritage and no cultural value. A reduced population earth with a weak race and a weak gender (60 Transgender genders), a unified herd of slaves, easy to control and enslave by the WEF Globalists.

These never-ending wars enriches the MIC, empowers the CIA and puts the WEF and Globalist Corporations in charge of the world to enslave the masses and the “Individualist Workers” as the 2nd rate citizens. This is the method to destroy the East and the West, the 3rd world, the 2nd world and the 1st world!

No fossil fuel mean no fertilizers which means no farm crops which means no food which means high food prices. No fossil fuel means no gas which means high cost of supply delivery to stores. All mean high cost of food. That’s why we have high inflation designed by the Democrats to destroy the American system of Capitalism and Democracy to install a Communist Regime in USA.

Of course for now, there is no proof and evidence that CIA played with the satellites and secret weapons to expand the hurricane levels from 1 to 5, so they could commit election interference by avoiding South East USA people (conservatives) to vote and furthermore killing them! Maybe one day in the future, it can be proven; however, nothing is farfetched from the depth of crimes which can be committed by the CIA against the American people and the global population!

Manmade Climate Change Methods
Satellite Manipulation of Ocean Tides
Electro Magnetic Manipulation of Gravity of Ocean Waters
Turbines Manipulation
Cloud Seeding
Rain Making Systems
Weather Cooling Systems
Water Cooling Systems
Laser Systems
Liquid Nitrogen Systems

Think about it, these methods to manipulate the weather and climate are scientific methods which the public never suspects are happening!

Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Climate Cult is Not Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers

Now even UK admits that EU and WEF are actually committing the “Replacement” of the West Europeans with the Illegal Aliens and Muslim Refugees from Middle East, Africa and around the world!

Observe how globalists swallow the world under the guise of social justice and enslave the “Individualist Workers” with false promises of equality and “Cultural Marxism” AKA “Fools Façade of Democracy” indeed:

Liberal Bizarro New World Order!

Liberal Globalist Billionaire Jews Who Rule the West
Who are the Liberal Billionaire Jew Masters Running the World?

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism

The Show Must Go On

I certainly hope that I am wrong about the Syria and I hope that the Syrian people achieve freedom but unfortunately as I have stated, I have seen this movie before! The Big Boys get the Little boys involved in boondoggle and steal the titties away from them! Globalism and Globalists are the greatest enemy of the people and indeed “Individualist Workers” of the globe; therefore, this charade must continue.

Syria the same as Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and so on, is only the latest chapter and victim in the long line of the Fallen States to accomplish the Globalist Utopia where in this Utopia, the Globalist Corporate Lords who know what is best for the mankind will decide who lives, who dies, how to live and even how to die! In this Utopia, the New World Order will be established and the Globalist Corporate  Overlords and Oligarchs will rule the world. They know what’s best for you and they decide your life for you. After all, the Show must go on …..

The only problem with this Globalist fairytale is that “The People” in the west and the east are waking up from the fairytale they been told for decades! People are opening their eyes and smell the stench of Globalism and the depth of the lies they been told!

You best recognize that:

“There are only two things worse than living under Socialism and Communism, first is living under Islam and second is Death! Democrats are Communist Party USA!”
(Ahreeman X)

“Will of the People is greater than the wealth of the Globalists.”
(Ahreeman X)

Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes

My first quote was proven by the world history and my second quote was proven by the election of Trump for presidency in 2024. We the people can do anything if we truly devote our focus on them.

More power to the people

Dr. X

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