Iran Politics Club is the largest Iranian website/network on Internet.
must you support IPC?
Are donations to IPC, safe?
Are donations
to IPC, tax deductible?
How can you support IPC?
Donate to IPC
Link to IPC
* Why must you support IPC?
It is crucial for any true American Patriot, Iranian Nationalist, friend of Iran,
and freedom lover to support IPC. When you donate, advertise and
affiliate with other sites, you are basically supporting the lifestyle
of a fat-bellied Iranian webmaster, his luxury house, luxury automobile,
champagne, caviar, Chelo Kabob and
When you support
IPC, you support American Patriots, Iranian Nationalists and the fight to establish Freedom, Secularism, Federalism,
Human Rights and Democracy in Iran.
When you support
IPC, you support Iranian Resistance and "All" Iranian
Resistance to tyranny, because IPC advertises, promotes and supports
"All" Iranian Opposition political parties and organizations
of Iran. When you support IPC, you support The Opposition to tyranny.
When you support
IPC, you support the survival of Iran's culture, heritage, traditions,
history, celebrations and "Persianhood". Westoxication
outside Iran, promotes Westernization and Arabtoxication inside
Iran promotes Arabo_Islamization. IPC promotes Iranization, Persianhood
and keeps our culture alive.
Who watches
out for your children? By supporting IPC, you help your children
to grow up as Iranians. Our culture and language is on the verge
of collapse, inside Iran by Arabtoxication and outside Iran by
Westoxication. Do your children speak Persian? Do they know
their own culture? Do they even know where Iran is? An 8000 years
old culture is under threat of destruction, help us to save our
culture. We fight for the survival of our culture. Help us to
help you!
When you support
IPC, you support the future of your children to live as proud
Iranians. IPC educates and informs the future generation of Iran,
and expands their horizons to "Persianhood". IPC introduces
the Iranian Culture, to the future generation.
As an Iranian,
It is your national duty to support IPC.
As a global citizen, and a freedom lover, it is your human duty
to support IPC.
So put them
in a scale:
Should you
support IPC or should you support some Iranian Tabloid?
Should you support Iranian Culture or should you support some
webmaster's fat belly?
Should you support freedom of Iran or should you support financing
some webmaster's new luxury house?
We believe
it is a no brainer!
We are here
to keep the Iranian Culture alive and to free our homeland. How
about you?
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* Are donations to IPC, safe?
Donations to IPC are of the highest level of security and confidence,
so have no worry, IPC Network is safe and secure.
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* Are donations to IPC, tax deductible?
No they are not. We are a global network and our readership is
also global. So, to make donations tax deductible, we have to
register IPC as a non-profit organization in "All" countries.
Doing so,
would be extremely costly, not to mention, it would put IPC Operation
members' lives in danger! Donations are not that large to be worth
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* How
can you support IPC?
. Join IPC Club (Forum), say what's on your mind, post
your work and input, and debate issues.
. Word
of mouth, tell everyone you know, about IPC.
· E-mail everyone in your list and inform them about
· Write about IPC and post links to IPC in the social media, other
forums and websites. Spread the word.
· Mention IPC to media, websites, webmasters, authors
and journalists.
· Inform the public by printing flyers about IPC,
and distributing them.
· If you are a student, print and distribute our
material in universities.
· If you are a good writer, author, cartoonist,
graphic designer, photographer, animator or an artist, then send
your material to IPC. For more information, read Write
for IPC.
· If you are a business, write us to affiliate as
an affiliate program with IPC.
· Advertise in IPC, for more information read Advertisement.
· If you own a website, post IPC banners and buttons
in your site and link them to IPC (look below).
. Purchase IPC recommended books and other merchandise through ads.
· Donate to IPC, use our secure and confidential
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* Donate to IPC
Secure and Confidential

Donation System Instruction
We are in the business of security. IPC is a highly secure organization. Your donation is secure and confidential. Your private information will only stay with us. We will never sell or reveal your private information to anyone outside the IPC Operations. Our lips are sealed. Once you donate to us, we consider you as our brother or sister and one of our own. We never betray one of our own. We take a solemn oath of honor that your private information is safe with us. In return, we must be assured that you are you and not an IRI Lobbyist, an IRI agent or an Islamist wanting to collect information on us, sending us bombs, anthrax or other goodies!
* Donors can be billed for donation amount and pay online With Credit Cards, Debit Cards or e-Checks.
* Donors inside USA can send Personal Checks, Certified Checks, Cashier’s Checks or Money Orders.
* Donors outside USA can send Certified Checks, Cashier’s Checks or Money Orders (no Personal Checks).
For your security and our security, we collect private donations. This is how the system works, follow these steps:
I. You will send an e-mail to titled “IPC Donation” or it will move to the spam folder and get deleted. Write your information as below:
Donation Amount: (Donation amount in Dollars + if outside USA in other currencies)
Donor’s Name: (Your First Name + Your Last Name)
Donor’s Location: (City, State, and Country)
Donor’s Phone Number: (Area Code + Phone Number)
Donor’s Address: (Your Complete Mailing Address)
II. We will research and check if you are who you are.
III. We will e-mail you with an online bill and you will pay online or we will e-mail you a name and an address to mail your donation Certified Checks, Cashier’s Checks or Money Orders to IPC under this name and address.
IV. Pay online or mail your donation to IPC.
Remember, the donation e-mail is:
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* Link to IPC
link to IPC, you can either save below images on your computer,
upload them to your site, and link them manually to:
Or you can
copy and paste below HTML codes into your text editor:
IPC Text
Politics Club
and paste the following HTML code:
href="">Iran Politics
IPC Button Link
(150 x 45)

and paste the following HTML code:
href=""><img src=""></a>
IPC Banner Link
(250 x 62)

and paste the following HTML code:
href=""><img src=""></a>
IPC Large Banner
Link (410 x 75)

and paste the following HTML code:
href=""><img src=""></a>
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