Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!

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Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:18 pm

Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!
August 6, 2006
Part One

Greetings to:
Persians, Comrades, Activists & Friends

Ahreeman is my name,
Revolutionizing Iranian Media & Politics is my game!

With talent given to, only by our Father @ Under,
With wisdom transferred to, only by The Evil Spirit (Raven), connecting the two
(Father & Son),
And often given credit to, for the survival of the Iranian Net Community,
The one who gives meaning to Iranian politics & online networks,
Live & in person, broadcasting from,
IPC Networks, excellence in Iranian Net Broadcasting,
The one & only "Ahreeman X" in person @ your service!

Ahreeman is back in the House!
It is good to be Home.

Instead of separately responding to a great number of e-mails piled up in my box, & instead of posting various topics in various rooms, separately; it is best to pile them up in one large topic & post it to "All"!

So without further due,
Lets Roll ...

On Shirin Ebadi

Shirin Ebadi (Shashid Ezafi), the Piss Nipple Price (Peace Noble Prize) winner was in my town! Shirin Ebadi was in San Diego, a few days before I got back. As always, she is going around the world, making a name for herself, creating an artificial fame & cause for herself, making money for herself, conferencing with some of the ugliest old pacifist feminist lesbians of the globe! But you may ask, what does all this, have to do with Iranian Political Prisoners, Opposition & Student Movement? And then, I shall tell you: "Nada, Zero, Zilch, Nothing"!

Ayatollah Ebadi is not here to serve Iran, Iranians, Democracy, Change or any type of positive move towards the prosperity of Iran. Ayatollah Ebadi is here for her own ego, pocket, "Reforms under the Islamic Constitution's Framework" (What a joke), & indeed safeguarding the Islamic Republic of Iran! After all, she is a Muslim woman, no?!

A friend of mine, not knowing I'm out of town, e-mailed me to ask: If I wanted to go to the event, where Ebadi was speaking?!

Well, it was a good thing that I was not in town, because if I was there, & I would have gone there, then there would have been many unwanted interruptions during Ebadi's speech, with me questioning her, right & left on her meaningless facade of the crusade on human rights and women's rights! I would have crucified that Bull Dyke, right there on the stage!

But on the other hand, now that I am thinking about it, I would have probably not even gone to the event, because Ebadis of the world & alike opportunists are not worthy of my precious time! I have better things to do with my time than to Frag with Ebadi in some Pacifist Feminist Event, held by Feme Bull Dykes!

Ebadi is a block on the way of the Iranian Nationalist Revolution of tomorrow, another baseless & useless reformist, nothing more, nothing less!

On Akbar Ganji

Pasdar Ganji is also in town! These days, all Hezbos, Ex Hezbos, Reformist Hezbos, Reformed Hezbos, Opportunist Reformists and Reformed Liberal Hezbos are finding a home for themselves in New York!

Welcome to this year’s Dog & Pony Show!

Boy, I’m telling ya, it’s a circus out there! CIA is spreading 70 million dollars around, so all the future shahs, presidents, student movement leaders, Up-position leaders & feeders, reformists, petty thieves, car dealers, con artists, satellite garage TV owners, Ragazine publishers, Cheesy website dwellers, & other bozos have been gathered for the party which starts in Langley, kicks off in DC & gets down in NY.

All the Iranian Nationalists or Internationalists have once more gathered around to polish Uncle Sam’s testicles via silk handkerchiefs (Persian Style)! More power to Khaye Malan & Ball Polishers! Everyone spit shines CIA & State Department’s shoes these days! Hame Eltemas Doa darand! Don’t you just love our Up-position leaders?!

The Big Apple, Big ol city blues .............
It’s up to you, New York, New York ............. (Sinatra is shaking in his grave)!

Akbar Ganji, martyr of the Reformist Fraction of the Hezbollah; Akbar Pasdar, Yesterday's Hezbollahi & Today's Liberal Reformist, after an unsuccessful suicide attempt via hunger strike in Tehran, had found his way to New York's Chelo Kabobies to consume some Yankee Polo Chelo & lead the liberal reformist & Meli Mazhabi Movement onto the future glory!

Akbar Ganji,
Yesterday's Pasdar (Islamic Revolutionary Guard), today's Reform Martyr,
Yesterday's Hezbollahi & Today's Liberal Reformist,
Yesterday's Fundamentalist Hezbo & today's Reformist Hezbo,
Taken down & outcasted from the power by the rival gang of Hezbos (Fundies), same as other Reformist Hezbos, has found his way to the city that never sleeps, New York, New York ........

And of course a crowd of Miranians were cheering for him in the streets! The crowd consisting of:

Whores of Opposition (Reformists in Drag)
- Past & present Jebheis
- Meli Mazhabis (National Islamists)
- Fans of Forouhars (Dead Opportunists)
- Liberal Reformists turned Liberal Democrats
- Reformist Faction of Hezbollah
- Con Artists like Jahanshah Javid

Great show of unity by the Reformist Hezbos for the Reformist Hezbo!

On Yesterday's Hezbollahis & Today's Liberal Reformists

When I make statements such as above, some tell me that it is personal, I have a personal problem & it must be personal that I bash people in this manner!

I am here to testify to the fact that in fact, it is all true! It is personal! Personally, I indeed have a personal problem with Opportunists, Con Artists, Chameleons, Hezbe Baad (The Party of Wind) and Fake Super Heroes!

I have a personal problem with:

Yesterday's Hostage Taker & Today's President like Ahmadinejad.
Yesterday's Hostage Taker & Today's Ex Vice President like Masoumeh Ebtekar (Ebte-Kir).
Yesterday's Hezbollahi Pasdars & Today's Liberal Reformists like Akbar Ganji.
Yesterday's Hezbollahi Lawyers & Today's Humanitarian Con Artists like Shirin Ebadi.
Yesterday's Hezbollahi Propagandists & Today's Liberal Con Artists like Jahanshah Javid.
Yesterday's associates of Hezbollah & Today's Reformists like Jebhe Meli Iran.
Yesterday partners of Hezbollah & Today's Meli Mazhabi, Vajih ol Melleh like Nehzat Azadi.

These great Iranian Heroes, go under a face lift & assume that the masses forget their disgraceful past!

One more time, for the Deaf, Dumb & Blind:

Hezbollahi is a Hezbollahi. May it be,
A Fundamentalist Hezbo such as Ahmadinejad,
A Moderate Hezbo such as Rafsanjani & Kargozaran,
A Reformist Hezbo such as Khatami, Ebadi, Ganji & the Reform Movement.

Whores of the Opposition are Liberal Reformists. May them be,
Dead Opportunist Jebheis such as Sanjabi, Bazargan, Forouhar,
Alive Opportunist Jebheis such as Boroumand, Amir Entezam,
Meli Mazhabis such as Ebrahim Yazdi & other Dayus!

Is it personal?
To answer precisely,
Hell yes! I have a personal problem with Hezbollah in any shape or form. I have a problem with all Liberal Reformists and Front businesses of Hezbollah, may they be either:

Alavi Foundation of NY

Iman Foundation of LA

Iranian Magazine

[Have you noticed, since Jebhe Meli forum closed down, all the Jebheis & Reformists are now writing for! This of course includes the untalented Ex Hezbo & present Liberal Reformist Grizzly Bear, Mr. Jalq Jalq aka JJ aka Jahanshah Javid (publisher of! While back, I was browsing that site & noticed that the site is so intellectually poor & out of material that JJ had to video tape himself, dancing behind the wheel of his car (Dancing Bear) & post the video on the site! On another occasion JJ was taking photos of the live American TV & writing notes as his remarks, under the photos, post them on the site as humor pieces & graphic design! The talented Mr. Jalq Jalq in action! I feel sorry for the readers & advertisers of whom are paying to view or read this type of crap.]

.... or may they be IRI's Santee Mosque in San Diego County or any other Bull Shiite Liberal Reformist business, fronting in disguise for Hezbollah of Tehran!

All & All, they are blocks on the way of the future Iranian Nationalist Revolution.

On Amir Abbas Fakhravar

What attracts me to Amir Abbas Fakhravar is mostly his first & middle name! "Amir Abbas", my God Father's name (Hoveyda), may his spirit rest in peace. Mr. Fakhravar is playing a very dangerous game! He is here in states, flirting with GOP & trying to revive the "Iranian Student Confederation" same as Shah's time, yet this time he is trying to re-create the "Confederation" to overthrow IRI.

To re-create the Konfederasion (Confederation) is good. To ask US Government to withhold plans to overthrow IRI until this future Confederation is given a chance, is good. To re-enforce the student movement abroad is good. But to openly announce that he was working with Akbar Ganji in Iran & he is going to work with Akbar Ganji in New York is not good; furthermore, damaging to his reputation.

Mr. Fakhravar is a republican like myself, but he simply must understand that aligning himself with Akbar Ganji & other Hezbollahi Reformists shall bring no good to his political career! Why you ask?

I. Akbar Ganji is a known Ex Hezbollahi Pasdar & present Reformist.
The only reason he was in jail & now in NY, is because the rival Hezbo Faction (Fundamentalists) made a "Democratic Coup" (Islamic Elections) & pushed aside (Khatami) & jailed (Ganji) the rival Hezbo gang (Reformists).

Fundies also pushed aside the Third Hezbo Gang (Moderates)! Unbelieving eyes of Rafsanjani & Kargozaran & whole Iran, could not believe that Moderates lost the Election! In other terms, Sepah Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) made a "Democratic Coup" (Islamic Elections) & assigned Ahmadinejad as their spokes person! Rafsanjani (Moderates) & Khatami (Reformists) were temporarily put out of commission & on hold! But indeed Rafsanjani is more or less, still in charge of the Iranian economy!

The humor in this episode, is that the same Sepah Pasdaran that Reza Pahlavi (The Soosool Prince) has connections with its leaders (so claimed), stopped waiting for "Reza Shaf-e Doyom" & had decided to make a coup (last election) by "Shaming The Sham Election" & taking over the complete power on their own! I guess Reza Junior can now return to kitchen as an Iranian Chef, full time! Well, unless same as other "Career Exilist Opposition", Mr. Pahlavi is also awaiting for part of the promised $70 million, promised by CIA to Iranian "Career Exilist Opposition"!

Afterall, I have heard that these days, Reza Junior has overwhelmed himself, developed a hernia of testicle (Baad-e Fatkh), straining himself by uniting the opposition, creating an army of opium addicts (Taryaki) to liberate Eye-Rain!

Javid Reza Shaf-e Doyom, The Liberator of Eye-Rain! Javid Shakh!!!

II. Akbar Ganji is openly "Anti Monarchist"!
Akbar Ganji is refusing to even sit on the same table with Monarchists, set aside working or aligning himself with them! The man is Anti Monarchist! Ganji is alienating a fraction of an Iranian Opposition where some of the great nationalists of Iran belong into this fraction! How can one unite the opposition but exclude the Monarchists?

III. Akbar Ganji has a history of Flip Flop, Slip & Slide, Hoola-hoop & Splish Splash!


Amir Abbas Fakhravar needs to decide between:

Akbar Ganji or Iranian Nationalists
Whores of Opposition or The Iranian Opposition
Hezbollahi Reformists or Iranian Resistance
Meli Mazhabi or Vatan Parasts

In other words,

Opportunists or Opposition?

In the future days, the decision which Mr. Fakhravar will make, will be a determining factor on his success to re-create the "Confederation" (Confederation of Iranian Students abroad) or re-create a "Cheese-Wiz" aka another Bull Shiite Liberal Reformist NY based crew!

Choice is yours Amir Abbas Jan?

On Reza Bayegan

Regarding this article: ... e6a7c#4716

Even though I agree with the fundamental of Mr. Bayegan's article, yet I disagree with the "Respect to Iranian's Faith" part! Islam came to Iran, not with courtesy, table manners, equal rights, respect to people's faith & consideration for public's good or faith!

Islam came to Iran, while the Islamic Leaders & Generals (Omar, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, etc.) had Quran in one hand & sword in other! Those were their choices for Iranians! Islam offered Iranians, the Quran or beheading via Islamic curved sword! Of course there were two other minor choices:

a) Iranians could remain faithful to their faiths, yet pay up high taxation (Jaziyah) & face severe discrimination.

b) Iranians could fly the homeland & exile to foreign lands, such as Parsi of India, whom origins are indeed, the escaped Zoroastrians who fled Iran @ the end of the Sassanid period! Islam, religion of peace, really had no regards for Iranian's faith or opinion during 7th century!

Actually the reason that Islam expanded, became popular & became global, was sheer brutal force, murder & severe punishments of the captured cultures!

So my question to Mr. Reza Bayegan is that:

Why should Iranian Opposition show respect for as you call it, today's Iranian faith or as we call it, today's Tazi or Half Breed's Faith?

Islam came to Iran via force. There is no way that Islam will leave Iran without force! Those who assume that Islam will leave Iran or government or power without force, are dreamers or as I name them "Iranian Opposition in LaLa Land". The perfect example would be Iranian Passive Pacifist Opposition Leaders such as Reza Shakh-e Doyom (Reza Junior de-Nim Pahlavi)! This brings us to the next subject of argument, Reza Pahlavi II.
Last edited by Ahreeman X on Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues! part two

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:22 pm

Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!
August 6, 2006
Part Two

On Reza Pahlavi II

Talking about Mr. Pahlavi aka “Seyed Reza Pahlavi” whom a while back was proud to be the descendant of Hassan & Hussein both! He was Seyed of Hassani & Husseini both (according to his Momsey, Empress Farah)! Back then his highness was about to ride the great Muslim masses of Gav O Olaq; however, once the Islamic fad, faded away, then suddenly the “Hand Kissers” & “Ass Kissers” around him, started calling him “ Prince Cyrus Pahlavi II”! What’s the deal? When Islamism faded away & more people turned their backs to Islam, suddenly Seyed Reza Pahlavi also jumped the gravy train & became Cyrus Pahlavi! How come until couple years ago, he was never referred to as Cyrus? Things that make one go: Hmmmmmmmm!

Any which way we can, we must blow by the wind & in the direction of the wind (Iranian Style)! Jump on the fad political train, while it’s hot!

Mr. Reza Pahlavi's pacifism, also is a block on the way of the future Iranian Revolution! Mr. Pahlavi must understand that:

"Nejabat, Kesafat miavarad!"

So why pacifism, stagnation, rhetorics, Civil Disobedient, Marches and Negative Struggle?

The heart of this regime is Islam. To damage this regime, we must damage Islam. Destruction of Islam will be destruction of this regime!

Do you want to hand daisy flowers to Pasdars while they machine gun downing the Kurds, Turks, Baluch & Arabs in Khuzestan? How about Student Movement? How about when Ansar Hezbollah crack heads, & Basij batons protestors and Anti Riot Police arrests them?

You see, dear Kitchen Chef, Reza Jr., I have a better way! I have no hesitation, no regrets, no remorse & no reluctance to kill a few million half breeds!

Today, under 20 million Hezbo (Fundie, Moderate, Reformist) & devout Muslim rule over a country of 70 million (inxile) & also have decided the destiny of 6.5 million (exile) Iranians abroad!

Today's Iranians are not yesterday's Persians! Today's Iranians (by majority) are a soul-less facade & shell of yesterday's Persians! Iranians by majority are full of air, rhetorics, propaganda and Hart O Purt! When it comes down to getting down & dirty, they are members of "Hezb-e Baad", any way the wind blows!

Mass slaughter 1, 2, or 3 million Hezbos & devout Muslim; surely, you will notice that, the 20 million ruling Hezbo/Muslim plus 50 million, rest of the Iranians, all together will forget about Allah, Islam, Mohammed, Ali, Ali Bazi, Shiite Bazi, Ashura, Tasua & rest of the Bull Shiite!

Islam came to Iran with force & will only leave with force! Put that in your brains! The sooner, the liberal pacifist faction of the Iranian Opposition understands this, the faster we can free our homeland! So Mr. Pahlavi, Mr. Bayegan, Mr. X & Mr. Y, please put that in your books.

Not to worry, you do not have to lift a finger on your touchy feely pacifist liberal hands! Just give me the job & I believe if I mass exterminate a few millions, level the mosques, level Hozeh Elmiyeh, level Shiite Shrines & basically "Do" some Clerics, Pasdars, Hezbos, Chadoris, Lachaqis, & other Muslim, then we can cleanse Iran & the Aryan Race, both from Islam! Hell I would gladly “Do” even 10 million or so Islamists! We would of course give them a choice between Exile to Mecca or Sword (Straight Edged Persian Sword)? The humanitarian that I am, I prefer Arabs & Half Breeds to move on to their country, Saudi Arabia & bang one another, around Ka'bbah in Mecca or face a quick beheading!

You see, us Qajars, enjoy building hills & mountains with beheaded heads of the enemy (Islamists)!

You know what they say, don't yous?

"Kill em All, let Allah sort them out"!
"The only good Muslim is a .... Muslim"!

Oops sorry, was that part, politically incorrect?
Was that part, too harsh for sissy faggy bleeding heart liberals?
Pardon e moi, me Gene Que Sua!
It’s my Ahreemanic Nature! Either that or my,
Aqa Mohamad Khani Nature, Qajar Style!

Damn, all this blood, made me thirsty, let me go grab a tall chilled glass of cranberry juice!
It’s the next best thing to blood! Thirst quencher indeed!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Yum Yum.........!

But seriously, what’s a few million Muslim lives compare to salvation & survival of Mother Persia?!

On Foroud Fouladvand

Even though Fathollah Manuchehri (Foroud Fouladvand's Arabo-Islamic original name) used to be the voice of the classic Italian Comedian, Chicho (Chicho & Franco comedy Team), & we all remember how comical, the Iranian voice of Chicho was & we all remember how Fathollah Chicho (Fouladvand) made us laugh from the bottom of our hearts, back in Iranian Cinemas before 1979; yet we must accept that Seyed Fathollah Manuchehri, the Comic Voice Doubler (past) is now Fuhrer Foroud Fouladvand of Anjoman Kun Goshadi aka Aryan Brotherhood (Iranian Style)!

Back then he was known as Fathollah Rizeh (Little Fathollah), because he is a midget! He was also known as Fathi Kos Khol. Later on in exile, when he moved on to politics, we used to call him Fathollah Kos Mashang, simply because his ideas are off the radar & off the wall!

Foroud Fouladvand was never a scholar (back then), neither a scholar (now). He is a TV Broadcaster, not a showman, not even a talk show host, because he is the only one who talks (does not allow anyone else to talk)! So he is a TV Broadcaster who basically copy/paste & cut/paste his material from the scholars such as Aryamanesh, myself & others!

Now you may ask me, why am I basing on Fouladvand? You may say “Reza Mazluman” had also changed his name to “Kourosh Aryamanesh”, so why base on Fouladvand? Well, how should I put it, ………. Aside the fact that Aryamanesh was a historian, scholar, criminologist & a professor, sad but true, Fouladvand aka Fathollah Dublor was a joker then & is a joker now, & of course with a title of Doctor given to him by God knows from who & what university, he is a Shiite Kicker in London! So Fathollah Kos Mashang is now an Up-Position leader! Praise the lord!

Even though Fouladvand is a delusional comical fellow @ 4'2" tall (standing fully erect, still cannot reach Imam Hassan, the Ahreemanic right testicle), assuming that he is an opposition leader, by gathering a group of youngens around him, who could not find anyone better or a real tough man, a powerful speaker & a worthy leader to put their faith in to him; & even though Fouladvand is a midget, crippled, semi bald, comical Joseph Goebbels version of the Iranian Nazi Movement, yet I have to openly admit that even a Sociopath Megalomaniac such as Fouladvand does more service to Iran, than a Passive Pacifist such as Reza Pahlavi!

Sometimes he gets carried away & believes that he is a Commando Leader! He plans Operation Zepeleshk & Operation Shataraq! Sometimes he sees himself as a Military General or Kaveh Ahangar! He even made a national anthem for himself! But @ least Fouladvand transfers some True Islamic Information to public & somewhat exposes Islam, via his cheesy Satellite TV.

No matter how comical I find many of the Iranian Opposition Leaders (Zia Atabay, Ahura Yazdi, Foroud Fouladvand, other Sattelite TV Opposition Leaders), yet I must admit that the amount of good which Fouladvand does for Iran is far more greater than the amount of good which Reza Pahlavi does for Iran!

So once again, I must preach to Iranians & Fellow Opposition members, that no matter how cheesy your leaders are, yet we only get one opposition & this opposition is all that we got! So we have no other choice but to support them. After all, this is our only opposition!

Foroud Jan, keep up the good work. I may finger you a lot, but then again Ahreeman fingers All! It’s in my nature to finger All! I don't mean anything by it, I have a good heart. It’s just that, no one knows the life story, the background, the education & the belief system of the Iranian Opposition Leaders, as Ahreeman does! Ahreeman knows All! By the way, @ what point in time, between the time which you were a Voice Doubler in Iran & the time you started the broadcast of your Derafsh TV program in London, you had managed to get your doctorate? And would this doctorate be in physical fitness (Tarbiyat Badani)?! Because you are such a Pahlevan!

I mean look @ you, true Knight of the Round Table full of Chivalry (Mashallah mashallah ye pa Pahlevuni!), what biceps, what triceps, oh lord, your physical appearance reminds me of Rostam-e Dastan in Shahnameh!

Foulad jan, please be frank! Was it because of your great physical appearance in which you changed your name from Fathollah Manuchehri to Foroud Fouladvand? Fouladvand, "The Ironman" indeed!

Any relation to Marvel Superhero, The Ironman? Not to worry, it doesn't matter if the body resembles a cockroach, yet it is the state of mind, which will mark you in the history as the Ironman, Man O Steel, Nietzsche’s Superman, Fouladvand and Mard-e Fouladin!

Dorood bar Mard-e Fouladin, may the Golden Derafsh be with you! I am only pulling your leg! More power!

On Monarchists

Monarchists are a part of the opposition & many are sincere nationalists; however, I feel sorry for them! Sorry for them that out of not having leaders such as Aryamanesh, Bakhtiar & Hoveyda; presently they must settle with cheese-balls as leaders! Chees-balls such as:

Dr. Cyrus Pahlavi II (Honorary Ph.D. from DC Bang O Salavat University)
Dr. Foroud Fouladvand (Ph.D. from Party Hardy Taryaki University of London)

Note I:
These Doctorates are sold by the dozen @ Masjed Shah or Ememzadeh Masoumeh, same locations in which Dr. Ahmadinejad got his PH.D in Mining (Doktora-ye Ma’dan) form! Please check the Yellow Pages for the location near you (Riot, Killer)!!!

Note II:
Please stop calling me Dr. X immediately. As of now, I have returned my Doctorate to the university, simply because, @ this day & age, every Iranian Bache Kuni have become a doctor overnight! While all college dropouts call themselves Doctors, I quit being a Dr., Amen!

Note III:
Of course, I am not talking about Dr. Dool-Avizan (That’s French for Fouladvand) & Dr. Pashmaki (That’s Mazandarani for Pahlavi)!

More power to All Iranian Doctors! Back to the subject we go …….

Or shall we say,

Seyed Reza Pahlavi aka Reza Junior Mint aka Reza Zhelatin (Jello) [because he is so shol o vel]!
Fathollah Rizeh aka Fathollah Dublor aka Fathi Kos Mashang!

C’mon, & you wonder why I am not a Monarchist? Look @ your present leaders, will ya?
How did we get from Reza Khan (father of nation) to Reza Zhelatin (the pudding pie)?
How did we get from Aryamanesh (My Master) to Fathollah Kos Mashang (Delusional Diabolical Fouladvand)?
Give me a break, will ya? How do you expect me not to make fun of these Padeshahs?!

Honestly, I feel sorry for you Monarchists! You deserve better!

Fellows, I am only pulling your legs. I still support both of you (Fouladvand & Pahlavi), simply because you are my fellow opposition members. No matter how gay or retarded this opposition may seem, yet still we have to support them, because that’s the only opposition we got!

On Iranians

I also feel sorry for Iranians! Why you ask?

Your spiritual leader (Imam) is a Flaming Faggot (Ex pretty boy Malijak of Khomeini)!
Your president Dr. Ahmaqi-nazhad is a psycho killer!
Your government & nation is occupied by AIOG (Arabo_Islamic Occupational Government)!
Your country have become a whorehouse, only 2nd to Thailand!
You got 4 million full time prostitutes; 4 million part time whores (full time students & office workers); 4 million escorts, deymi & tak parun; 4 million thieves; 4 million drug dealers; 4 million full time junkies; 4 million part time junkies; 4 million felons, frauds & murderers; 4 million con artists & of course your government whom are The Islamic Mafia & master criminals, are running the whole show!
And then you look @ Opposition for hope, but what will you get?
You get Up-position leaders & feeders such as,
Dr. Bache Kuni de Tatavus (Zia Atabay)
Dr. Fathollah Dool-Avizan (Foroud Fouladvand)
Dr. Seyed-e Yazidi (Ahura Yazdi)
Dr. Kir Zadi (Ebrahim Yazdi)
Dr. Tu Zard (Boroumand of Jebhe Meli)
Dr. Pashm-e Shishe
Dr. Dool
Dr. Shambool
And indeed
Your President Erect is our beloved Marxist Islamist Sister Maryam Kaj-Ravi
Your Shah is Reza Jello de nim-Pahlavi, the kitchen chef & Mr. Mom

You poor Iranians, I feel your pain & my heart bleeds for you, even though I am not a bleeding heart liberal! But your problem is that after 28 years, you are still waiting for:

A united opposition
A knight in shining armor on the white horse such as Reza Khan
US invasion-liberation
To save your butts!

Babam jan, give it up! No one will save you except yourselves & the only way that you can save yourselves are via mass education & moral revolution to dump the Shiite in the Shiite can!

And by Mass Education, I do not mean college education, because every Iranian is already a doctor & engineer!

By Mass Education, I mean gaining the sufficient historical & scientific knowledge to comprehend who you were, who you are, where you are, how far you are off the course & what should you do to get back on the course to save your culture, dignity, decency & humanity! What must you do to survive in 21st century!

On Dr. Ali Sina

Questions, rumors, e-mails, issues come to mind & they all wonder why I support Dr. Ali Sina? For once & for all, let me clarify this issue for All.

I support Ali Sina, not because he is a friend, not because I am keen on him, not because I have common grounds with him, not because he is an Iranian & surely not because he wears mini skirts & I am found of his legs!

I support Ali Sina because he is a comrade, because he means business, because he is a true scholar, because he is an Islamic Historian, because he has always been firm on his beliefs & up for the cause, because he does not flip flop, because he is not an opportunist & because time after time he has proven his comradeship.

Ali Sina & myself have common grounds, yet we are also an ocean apart, inside the political spectrum; however, I am sure of one thing: "When it comes down to get dirty, for a fact, I know that Ali will be side by side to me, fighting the same enemy & I do not have a slight doubt in his sincere comradery & stands.

After all the Hezbo attacks, hits taken, episodes & ups & downs, Ali is still here, he made Faith Freedom Org. what it is today, he gathered a group of scholars to aid him & he is still the same old Ali, exposing Islam & fighting the fight globally. I am going to borrow from Sohrab Sepehri to close on Ali with one statement for you All to think about. This is what I can say about Ali:

"Dust ra zire baran bayad did!"

You have to see “The Friend”, under the rain! In fact, you will recognize, who is your friend, only & only under the rain! Go figure ………….
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues! part three

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:31 pm

Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!
August 6, 2006
Part Three

On Lori Forouzandeh

Lori Forouzandeh, what a character! Lori, allow me to respond to your various e-mails:

Yes, of course I missed you.

No, I will not tell you where I was or what I was doing for all those months!

I hope you replace that dorkey profile picture of yours with either of the two sexy pictures of you, which I have sent for you! I have sexier, better & nicer pictures of you (nude or clothed) than you have of yourself! I have a better photo album of you, than you have of yourself! In fact I have a better & more complete photo album of all my female friends, then they have of themselves!

Actually I know you better than you know yourself! I am looking @ you from inside of you looking out! I am inside your mind!

No, I was not & am not “Dead Bache Kuni”! My only screen name has been, is & will be “Ahreeman X”. Unlike certain lethal psycho women who had 20 screen names (old IPC Club in yahoo), I always had one & only one screen name!

Actually this goes to a number of yous wondering the same thing (in your e-mails):

No I am not Dead Bache Kooni
No I am not MOA
No I am not Amir
No I am not Camran
No I am not Catayoun Razmjou
No I am not Q
No I am not .......................

During past 6 years, I only had, have & will have one ID & that’s Ahreeman X.
What makes you think that I have time to create 20 IDs & talk back & fore or post various articles under different names? Do you know how busy I am? I tell you what:

Holding 2 jobs, designing the future IPC Website, being a writer, my political life, my athletic schedule (jogging, martial arts, weight lifting, bicycling, etc.), gardening, running many other tasks & chores, if I still can create 20 IDs & make all of them as colorful as they are, hey, then more power to me! I am truly talented!

I believe, you guys need to come back to reality, drop the paranoia & conspiracy theories! Get real please!

And to Lori,
Who loves you baby?
The one & only AX indeed!

Also, I have come to a closure that now you are a Polygamist! We all know about your past Shiite Islamist tendencies, Islamic Scholarly episodes, etc.

However, as The Black Widow, you used to have one husband @ a time, expire one's fortune, life insurance & life, then move on to the next one! Now we see a new pattern! You marry two husbands @ once! Still married to # 4 but also married to # 5! You are of the latest breed of "Muslim Mormon" Females who commit polygamy in vise versa! A woman with multiple hubbies for a change! More power to you!

"I am sure, you love them long, you love them good, bucco love, bucco yum yum, bun bun & boom boom. You good Madam Lo. Madam Lo loves you long, loves you good ..............."
(Mr. Chang)!

On Shahrzad

Dear Psychiatrist of the board, long time ago, you asked me if I would like to date you? Now recently, you propose & you want to marry me! Back then (old IPC club, years back), when you were a student, I told you that I only date Brain Surgeons & Rocket Scientists (so students are out)!

Now that you have become a doctor (well not yet, technically you are still an intern), then its a different story! You maybe qualified but its too little too late! Allow me to elaborate.

To you & to a few others who are seeking some Ahreemanic spice in them or would like to intermingle with Ahreeman. You must know that Ahreeman is not what he used to be! In the past, when I was young, Haji was roaming around the world & enlighten as many maidens as he could get his hands on!

The Delicate Flirtations, Persian Style!

When Haji got older, he came up with a "Final solution" & only 4 maidens to settle with!

Final Sexual Solution For Zero's (2000s)!

Today, Haji is not the Hemite he used to be! Once upon a time, he used to stretch from here (SD) to Mecca for pilgrimage & back, once a year! He used to stretch all the way to New York, DC & Philly for a night cap! Now Haji is in need of Viagra to even stretch from SD to LA to say Hello to you & others!

Haji is a fraction of what he used to be! It’s always like that! When one such as Haji, raises hell during the youth & bangs any Sally, Sue & Shohreh in site, tries every trick in the book, every fantasy known & every position made; then in older days nothing turns him on; therefore, he will be in need of Vitamin V to rise!

Gitty up horsy gitty up!

So as you see, Haji already has his duties in San Diego & has his hands full (Blondie, Bruneti, Reds, .....) & I truly doubt if Haji can start a long distance affair in between cities, SD to LA! He cannot stretch as long as he used to!

These days, Haji has become a Sufi & spends more time in Khaneqah than Ka'bbah or Cafe!

Haji Kuchike, he is not what he used to be!

On Dead Bache Kuni's Trial

Trial of Bache Kooni ... php?t=1077

CA to DBK:
"You are out of order"

To Axis of Evil Fellow Shahis (Bache Kooni Style):
{CA, Lib, BB}

You are out of order (judge)
You are out of order (DA)
You are out of order (Psychiatrist)
This whole trial is out of order
This whole court is out of order
This whole community is out or order
Opposition is out of order
Iranians are out of order
Iran is out of order
OK, I better stop there, before going further ...............
(Al Pacino, … And Justice for All, courtroom style)

I always wanted to do that (tsk tsk tsk)!

I do understand that there were tech misdeed, revealing IPs & spam involved, but if I was here & if I was you, I would have never killed the Kuni! Let's see, how should I put it to you guys, one more time, here we go.....

“We do not ban or delete or kill people in IPC.”

You have killed a Kuni! I hope you are happy! Shame on yous!

Whats wrong with having a Malijak (Mali) or a pet (Bow Wow) around IPC?
My great Ancestor, Naser al din Shah-e Qajar also kept a Malijak in his courthouse! Malijaks are good! They come handy! You can play around with them like a child; you can pad them & caress them like a pet; they amuse you & make you laugh, like court jesters; they occupy your extra time like silly little toys; if they get out of line, you can bang them silly; if you get horny, you can frag them silly; & @ lonely nights, you can sleep with them to keep you warm! And what’s wrong with that?!

I have a dream!
I have a dream when in Iran of tomorrow, little Malijaks & Bache Kunis can run around free, without the fear of oppression via Islamists or Evil Shahis!
I have a dream where Bache Kunis will not be prosecuted, only for pissing & shiiting all over the persian rugs!
I have a dream where little Muslim bache kunis + little Farangi bache kunis will be frolicking & playing around on the grass of the Persian Garden, hand in hand & Kun be Kun in a free Iran!
I have a dream …………….

But you have killed the Kuni!
To kill a mocking bird!
To Kill a Kuni!
Shame on yous!
(being a Drama Queen!!)

It is pretty clear to me that Bache Kuni's mission was to create Chaos in IPC. It is also pretty clear to me that Bache Kuni had challenged all of you, pushed your buttons & pushed your limits to the point of Blow Up! Still, if I was you, I would have not killed the kuni. But then again that’s me!

I am Ahreeman & you are not!

You see, I don't ban or delete or censor or kill! Ahreeman has his own special way of dealing with saboteurs!

Ahreeman would have wanted you to keep Bache Kuni around, so once she would have gotten out of control, Haji Kuchike would arise, stretch on, all the way from SD to Jersey, wrap his tip around her neck, pull her up, 15 feet above the earth & pull her back to San Diego & into the dungeons & labyrinths of "Ahreeman's House of Pleasureful Pains"!

Skull Fragging

Then Haji would start the operation! In from the throat he would go until DBK choked & barfed. Then Haji would allow DBK to throw-up & gag.

DBK: Oq, Oq Ralph, Barf ……..

Haji: Oq bezan, oq bezan, ………. OK now have some more………!

Once she was done, Haji would bang & whack her across the head as punishment for gagging! And again & again & again, Haji would go in from the throat & DBK would gag & barf over & over! This torture session would have continued for 10 separate times, before Haji would change route & go in from the rectum, upwards & coming out of the DBK's throat! Haji would act as the plumber, cleaning up DBK's pipes, such as "Roto Rooter" does!

I even have a nursery rhyme for Haji’s future business ad:

Roto Rooter is my name,
Skull Fragging is my game!

Lala Lalay, La Lalay,
Lay Lay Lalay, La La Lay …….

So Haji would go in from the throat, out from the rectum, & then in from the rectum & out from the throat! DBK's whole system would have been cleansed including her retarded devious brain, so she would have become a better human being, a person who would not sabotage IPC, no more! Now that’s what I call:

The Ahreemanic Way! And that’s how Ahreeman would’ve handled the situation!

Ahreeman is not here to Ban Disrupters,
Ahreeman is here to Frag disrupters,
Ahreeman is here to re-shape them in to useful factors for the society!

Ahreeman’s my name,
Skull Fragging is my game!

Thank & prays Ahreeman for his S&M Torturous ways, which does miracles on the social rejects of the world!

Ahreeman works in mysterious ways!


On Dead Bache Kooni

DBK jan, they killed you, ha booboo?
Bad Bad Evil Shahis really Fragged you up, ha BooBoo?
You should've known better not to mess with Axis of Evil Shahis!
I could've told you that!
In prior, I had experience with them! Back in Iran, when I was an itsy bitsy sadistic little child, I wanted to learn more & more about S&M & various different ways & methods of torture! One day I went to Uncle Nasiri & Uncle Sabet's house (SAVAK)! I asked sweet uncles:

Dear Timsar Nasiri & Mr. Sabet, would you please teach me another 12 ways (aside the ways which I already know) on how to inflict pain on "Kharabkars" without actually killing or maiming them? I promise I will not practice on Kharabkars until I grow big & strong! I will practice, only on little mother fragging Bache Kunis in Kharazmi Junior High, but when I grow bigger, I may practice on Half-Breeds & Juje Kharabkars in Kharazmi High, before they get a chance to go to Tehran University & become Full blown Kharabkars!

..... and there, my sweet uncles, taught me many interesting styles with many interesting tools in dungeons of their Story Book Home (SAVAK). Now I would like to thank Uncle Nasiri and Uncle Sabet for teaching me much of the S&M & torture knowledge which presently I own! May their spirits rest in peace! Thank you uncles!

Anyhow, back to the subject we go!

DBK, in your case, I would have not needed any special device or tool such as The Wrack or The Algerian Hook! The only tool necessary would have been "My Little Friend"!

DBK, say hello to "My Little Friend":

{Haji Kuchike!}
So you got son-thin to say,
Then talk to my little friend!
(Al Pacino, ScarFace, Cuban accent style)

Haji would've given you a Near Death Experience, so you would've never gotten out of line again! But alas that Ahreeman was not around, when the Axis of Evil Shahis Fragged you up! Now they killed you & put you 6 feet under ground!

Rest in Peace BooBoo jan, theres always The Afterlife! Who knows? Maybe Haji will meet you then, no?!

On Amir Arsalan

One thing always puzzled me! What was The Big Hairy Bear, Amir Arsalan doing with little delicate brat DBK? What was Amir Arsalan doing, always having a leash on DBK, pulling her around & specifically pulling her towards the backroom of the mosque?

Then it all clicked! I have known Amir Arsalan, way back before IPC! Back in university, we had this Iranian gentleman, whom we could not figure what was his role & duty on campus! He was neither faculty, staff or student! What the hell was he doing on campus? And why was he always dragging some Bold barely legal Freshman (Freshboy or Freshgirl), who just entered college, around the corridors of our department's building?

Finally, one day he was outside my office, so I stopped & asked him,

X: Sir, what is your job? I know you are not faculty, staff or student, so what are you doing dragging these children violently down the corridors in front of my office?

A: I am the clean-up man!

X: Are you the janitor?

A: Nope!

X: Then, what do you clean-up?

A: Whatever & whomever needs any cleaning! You've got a problem? Call me & I clean-up your problem! For instance, look @ this little brat (pointing @ the gothic looking HeShe, which he was pulling her hair, dragging her on the floor towards the lavatory) which I found tampering with computers in the upstairs lab! This one also has a dirty mouth on her! Dirty mouth? Not to worry, The Clean-up man is here!

X: And how would you rehabilitate her?

A: Follow me to the lavatory...........

X: Excuse me?

A: Follow me ..............

(So on to lavatory we went. He was dragging the Goth HeShe by the hair & on the floor, all the way through the corridor until we entered the lavatory!)

X: So how will you make sure that she will not do it again?

A: Boy, you were tampering with computers, No?

Gaylord: Yes sir (very frightened & bleeding on the hand, elbow & chest, due to being dragged on the floor for 30 yards!)

A: You also cussed me out, you have a dirty mouth on you, don't you boy?

Gaylord: Yes sir. But I am very sorry (pissing her pants by this time!)

A: (pointing @ me) observe sir ........... (pointing @ his tool, pulled out of the zipper) ...... Boy, you have a dirty mouth, not to worry, "Orbit" will clean it up!

Gaylord: Heeeeeeeeeeeelp me sir, Heeeeeeeeeelp .......... (Scream)

(it was a massacre……)

And amazingly, after the cleanup, Gaylord's teeth were bright, her eyes were popped out of socket & next day, she stopped dressing up in drag & started dressing up as a normal guy. Gaylord changed his name to Billy & started succeeding in college with no more gothic get ups!

Once I taken a look @ The Clean-up man's tool, I had noticed that the tip of his tool, looked like a Nazi Helmet (Vehrmacht German Helmets in WWII)! It was a neo Vehrmacht Infantry Weapon! The tip of the tool resembled a German Nazi Helmet; therefore, since that moment, I named the Clean-up man, "Amir Kolahak"! Since that heated moment with Gothic Gaylord in lavatory, he became known as The Amir Kolahak!

It took me a while, but after my return, I have noticed that actually, Amir Arsalan is the same old Odd Ball State University Employee which I have named "Amir Kolahak"!

Until this day, he is the only unclassified University Employee in SD County! I guess now he has moved his services from SD to the Sin City! I am sure he is doing much good in there & "Orbit" is cleaning up many dirty mouths, as needed in Sin City!

Now, you understand that, what a Grizzly Bear (Amir Kolahak) was doing with a fragile & little, yet bold pet DBK!

Riddle solved!
Last edited by Ahreeman X on Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues! part four

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:36 pm

Return of Ahreeman & Political Issues!
August 6, 2006
Part Four

On Catayouns!

Do you recall Sir James & all his Ferozans in England?
Now it’s me & all my Catayouns!
I have noticed that strangely, Catayouns have played an important factor throughout my life!
My first Real girlfriend in Iran was a Catayoun!
My first real girlfriend in America was a Catayoun!
My devoted roommate (1 of the 2 girls I shared a house with in Jersey) was a Catayoun (Catherine)!
IPC’s 2nd Webmistress was a Catayoun (Original Cat)!
IPC’s 4th Webmistress is a Catayoun (Cathy aka Catayoun Razmjou)!
IPC Representative is a Catayoun (Cat aka Catayoun Afshar)!
What’s the deal?
I cannot wait to see who the future Catayoun of my life, will be?!

On Israel-Lebanon-Palestine issue

Practically I refuse & hate to admit that Mid Easterners do not have capacity for democracy! I am one of the firm believers in Mid Easterners having capability to change!

But every day that passes by, more & more, I am beginning to see that Arabo_Muslim, simply do not have capacity or potential for democracy! Give them democracy & they will drown themselves with freedom (Iraq)! Give them freedom & they Shiite all over themselves! They are so used to a Thug Dictator to control & rule over them & once they are out of place, to bang them on the head, that they cannot digest democracy! Give them democracy & they create anarchy (Sectarian violence in Iraq)!

Admzad used to say:

"Gav O Olaq have not meant to live in a democracy"!

Same episode in Lebanon! Lebanon had 6 years to disarm Hezbollah & estsblish a government of Law & Order in Lebanon! Instead they became a safe haven for Islamist Terrorists! Any nation who harbors Terrorists is open territory to invade! Well, Weeeeeell (as Reagan used to say), I guess now after 6 years of playing with their shambools in Beirut, the time has come for a Real Democracy (Israel) to solve their Hezbollah problem for them!

And please do not ask me for compassion & sorrow for civilian deaths & mopes & cries! I have no more compassion left in me! I have zilch compassion for Arabo_Muslim, Islamist Terrorists & Nations who harbor Terrorists! What can I say, innocent also always gets caught in between! It is called casualties of war to establish a greater goal.

Not to mention many of these so called children & civilians are in fact Hezbollah sympathizers whom their daddy & mommy gladly strap bombs on them & send them to Haifa to blow up restaurants & buses!

Compassion has died in me long ago! Go ask for compassion from Bleeding Heart Liberals! I am not human, I am Ahreeman!

Ehhhh, yup, let me put it this way, What do I say to civilian death & injury in Lebanon?

"Kill them all, let Allah sort them out"!

If it was up to me, I would have not only settled with disarming Hamas & Hezbollah! I want to mass slaughter every member of Hezbollah & Hamas, & if a great number of Palestinians voted for Hamas, also a great number of Lebanese voted for Hezbollah, then these civilians are harboring terrorists & are pro terrorists! So by all means,

"Kill them all, let Allah sort them out"!

Do it before another two Islamic Republics (Iranian style) forms, one in Ghaza/West Bank (Palestine) & one in Lebanon!

Sharon was a great man who wanted to solve the issue peacefully & to establish a 2 nation solution. Sharon evacuated Ghaza & earlier Lebanon! Sharon was under the assumption that he was dealing with civilized Human beings! Barrak did the same mistake in Oslo Agreement!

You cannot sign a treaty with the enemy who does not want to co-exist, but wants to destroy you & cut you off the global map (IRI aka Islamic Republic of Iran/Ahmadinejad)! Hamas & Hezbollah are puppets of IRI.

My philosophy is:

"If they put 1 of us in the hospital, we must put 10 of them in the morgue"!

Now expand my philosophy to Israel-Lebanon-Palestine issue!

"Kill them all, let Allah sort them out"!


Shoot them all, until you run out of bullets or you kill them all!

Arabo_Muslim understands "Force". Or else, they will throw all the Jews in the Mediterranean Sea! When you show force, you get respect. That’s the Islamic Way! Arabo_Muslim understands this logic. Force brings respect & force keeps them like little rats in their holes & full of fear.

We (The Civilized world) must deal with Arabo_Musim with the only language that they understand: Language of Force.

So please do not ask me for compassion! I have lost my compassion with Arabo_Muslim, long ago!

Shalom Israel ............

On IPC members

I have noticed something! IPC Club members & IPC Operations members, somewhat do not communicate with one another but they all, communicate with me! You are not in habit of socializing with one another but you are in contact with me & you enjoy socializing with me; therefore, I believe I act as the headpiece of the octopus & you act as the tentacles of the octopus!

I don’t know, but it seems that separately, you like socializing with me, yet not with one another! This shows in club dialogues (posts) & this shows off club dialogues (e-mails/IMs)

How bizarre, How Bizarre!

On Future of Iran

The alternative choice is the "Moral Revolution". The Moral Revolution via Mass Education shall bring on the Social Revolution, which eventually brings on a Political Revolution upon Iran.

Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

As of now, a Coup, a political revolution, US invasion/liberation & every other option is out of reach! So we move on to the "Moral Revolution".

On Future of IPC

Website, website & more website! I am 100% on the job. Hopefully in couple of months, the website will be fully operational. You can observe the progress by going to the IPC Website’s homepage. The greatest tool to get the masses to commit to a Moral Revolution would be via Mass Education by the future IPC Website. An alternative to the present Iranian Media, which indeed is a joke!

I am all about student movement. Students inside & outside are my heart & soul. Keep up the faith & keep up the good work. Do not become discouraged because I am back & I am on the job & I am 100% behind you. Together, nothing can stop us.

We will win this fight, not because we are the righteous ones, but because we are fighting the AIOG for the survival of our Culture. So more power to "All".

Soon or late we shall begin our exodus & head on back to our Promised Land, our Mother Persia. Exiled & Inxiled Sparrows will return home!

More power to All Freedom Fighters of Iran


Pure Persian Pride

Ahreeman X
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Hiee Ahreeman...

Postby Joehohoho » Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:44 pm

where were you deary... I missed you a bundle..
Welcome back...
If you find me ten honest Iranian... I will create The heaven in Iran... Any one like to be tested? Read the book... "Poshteh pardeh-haie enghelab"
Goftareh nik Pendareh nik Kerdar nik and I really mean it...
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Postby Amir » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:16 pm

Welcome back big guy.

Amir Kolahak (AK 47) at your service.

Did you see what they did to my pet? Did you see, for crying out loud? They threw a net on the sorry pooch, dragged his rabid ass into court, and made me be his defense council! I was in a world of hurt, and had no one to feel my pain.

In the end, they fried the filthy doggy. To add insult to injury, they then offered to return the ugly zombie to me after a little transformation called “death.â€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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Postby Amir » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:36 am

Dear Ahreeman

I’m glad to see you back. There is much wisdom in your posts in this thread. But there is some insanity as well.

[quote] Not to worry, you do not have to lift a finger on your touchy feely pacifist liberal hands! Just give me the job & I believe if I mass exterminate a few millions, level the mosques, level Hozeh Elmiyeh, level Shiite Shrines & basically "Do" some Clerics, Pasdars, Hezbos, Chadoris, Lachaqis, & other Muslim, then we can cleanse Iran & the Aryan Race, both from Islam! Hell I would gladly “Doâ€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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All or Non

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:39 am


Since I posted this topic,

I. Israel had killed a number of Iranian Military Attaches belonging to Islamic Revolutionary Guards, training Hezbollah in Lebanon.

II. Ahmadinejad and IRI had planned this whole chaos in Middle East by getting Hamas & Hezbollah to kill a number & kidnap a number of Israeli soldiers to divert the global public’s opinion from Iran's Nukes to Israel-Lebanon-Palestine episode. Now Ahmadinejad who sees himself as a man with a mission from Allah, to prepare the situation for coming of Mahdi, is going to respond to UN, US & world, on the 22nd, when on this date, Mohammed went to Masjed al Aqsa & from there to heavens & back! This is the most important Islamic date, when on this date, Islamic scholars have been predicting many important events to happen. Shiite scholars have even seen the coming of Mahdi on this date, meaning that this date will be the beginning of the apocalypse & WWIII, when @ the end of it, Mahdi will return.

III. Just right now, @ this moment, British arrested 20 terrorists in London who were about to jump 20 planes which were traveling from UK to US & wanted to take hand bags inside the planes to blow 20 planes up, either in the air or crash them to US buildings. Only on those planes, there were 4000 people. If succeeded, this incident would have been bigger than 9/11. For your info, my mom could have been on one of those planes!

Do you comprehend that what is going on in the world right now? Because Liberals still think this is a fairy tale & they do not understand that the only reason we have not been hit again (after 9/11) is because of the Bush government! We are @ war. MI5 just uncovered a plot, which if succeeded would have been a massacre. @ this moment, no one can carry handbags to planes in London. All flights are delayed!

Hezbollah of Iran who also created Hezbollah of Lebanon + Al Qaeda are far worst enemies than USSR. IRI is far worst enemy than USSR. Why? Because Hezbollah does not hesitate to kill Americans, even @ the cost of killing themselves by martyrdom missions. Civilized world is facing an enemy who is ready to mass slaughter civilians, military & in between, by all means possible.

Our country has been under occupation of Islam for 28 years. We have been reduced to terrorists, our sisters to whores, our brothers to junkies, our mothers to mental baskets & our fathers to alcoholics! We have nothing else left to lose!

Iranian cheesy opposition, including your cheesy Shahs & Presidents has been talking Shiite for 28 years. I am sick & tired of Monarchists, Mohjaheds, Marxists, Republicans & this whole opposition & Iranians with no backbones.

We had turned to a nation of:

Khosh Neshin, Qorbat Neshin in exile,
Taryaki va Jendeh in inxile

I am to a point that when I hear another word or crap from the mouth of Reza Pahlavi or Dariush Homayoun or cheesy LA TVs & 24 hour Radios or other Opposition leader Dayus, I want to barf!

I am sick & tired of 28 years of bull Shiite & this whole bull Shiite opposition who dies all during the year, but every other 2 years for one month, when CIA is spreading that cash, they all come alive & create websites, TVs & Radios. Their leaders open their traps & show up on FOX & CNN like common whores & yak for 5 minutes @ the time for few days & then once again they disappear for months & years until CIA comes back with money!
Where are Reza Pahlavi, Manuchehr Ganji, Aryo Pirouznia, other dayus, rest of the year when CIA spreads no candy?

Iranian Opposition has become whores to CIA & beggars to CIA dollars! This includes opposition leaders, student movement leaders, your shahs & your presidents! Even Mojahedin are disarmed & waiting for Washington's permission to get out of the terrorist list & grant them their arms back to fight.

This whole opposition are either servants of CIA & MI6, & if not, then they are irrelevant & useless!

For 28 years I have screamed to this tribe of well sleepers that baba jan, if every Iranian in only USA puts down $5, $10 or $20, add them up & that would become millions. Imagine what we can do with all that money. I even offered to put down the first down payment from my own money.

We can build an army Corp 30 times stronger than what Castro done in Cuba & he did take over Cuba!

Mussolini said, today's Italians are not yesterday's Romans.
I say today's Iranians are not yesterday's Persians.
I say today's Iranians are Kos Kesh, Dayus, Bi Sharaf, Mo'tad, Faheshe, .........

They simply do not want to rise, revolt, coup, build an army, even spend a dime!

And then people expect me to create a miracle! Who the hell am I to create a miracle?
Your Shahs & Presidents are Kos Kesh & Worthless! Who am I to do anything?
I have been putting down money, efforts, time & every drop of ingenuity for 28 years to make a change. Nothing, nothing, zilch, nada, .................

We are still here, you are still there, opposition is Shiite, Iranians will not rise, they rather remain prostitutes, whores, junkies, dealers, criminals, corrupts, than bloody rise!

I have nothing to lose, what do I have to lose?
Iran cannot get possibly lower than this! Iran is down the crapper!

And they wonder why I have “Ya’s-e Falsafi (Philosophical Despair)?

And you are worried about few thousands, few hundred thousands, few millions dead Hezbollahi, clerics & bloody Islamists which we may or may not kill in the future?

Look @ the history of your nation, will you?
Every major change, every major movement, every major social reform, came with extreme force. Thousands & hundreds of thousands died.

What the frag do I care about the lives of Islamists?
They are cockroaches to me!
My mission if any, is to save Iran "By All Means Possible"!
We are @ the end of our ropes, we have nothing left, nothing I am telling you.

Admzad says, my moral revolution, our social revolution, our website crusade, our Cultural Revolution will take 200 years, I say @ least 100 years! If there will be a slight chance, a lousy chance & by a miracle, we would be able to create mass revenue & kick start this army corp in 10 years or 15 years or so, do you think I will hesitate to mass slaughter hundreds of thousands of Islamists & save Iran?

Let’s see, hmmmmmmmmmm

Let’s put them in scale,

kill a million & save Iran?
Continue Social Disobedience of Sissy Faggy Reza Pahlavi?
continue observing Operation Zepeleshk TV of Fouladvand Kos Mashang who does not know his right hand from left, who is Bi Savad, who has no combat or military knowledge, yet he wants to lead a commando army?
or maybe
Kos e She'r Marxist Islamist Bull Shiite of Mojahedin for another 28 years?
How about
Liberal Democrat Iranians & their Reform bull Shiite?
Or maybe
Charlatans like Ahura Yazdi who lands in Iran every month in ten planes & with his cult!?

C'mon, give me a break, will you?

Hypothetically, by an odd chance, if we manage to well plan, well fund & well create our combat units & invade Iran, @ Mehrabad or Central Tehran, will you be concerned about the life of Ahmadinejad? Will you wonder if ends, justifies the means?

How about when we successfully, overthrow IRI with heavy casualty on our part & then to maintain in power, we have no choice but mass slaughter Hezbollah, Pasdars, Basij, etc., the same way they done it to Immortals on 1979!?

We must maintain power & avoid counter coup or we will fall like a twig! To maintain power, we must be firm, very firm. The same way that they maintained power in 1979! They slaughtered everybody, I mean everybody!

Tell me Amir, what other choice will we have?

Are we gonna sit in Radio-TV Building, sending Peace & Salavat messages to people like Mosadeq?
Are we gonna preach Civil Disobedience like that Faggot Reza Pahlavi?
Are we gonna wait until Hezbollah re unites, re assemble & Frag us?

Give me a break, will you?
Great men in history of Iran did not sit with their thumbs up their ass in DC & preach bull Shiite about civil disobedience & pacifism on FOX & CNN! Did they?

Great men in history of Iran did not await CIA’s order or kiss US State Department’s ass, waiting for orders to take a step forward! They surely did not go for pilgrimage to New York, like Fakhravar & Ganji do!

Great men in history of Iran who revived the Persian Empire, who revived Pan Iranism, who revived Persian Culture, who revived our Glory of the past, made a change & did not hesitate to exterminate thousands, hundreds of thousands & if they could & Iran had more population, then they would have expired millions, to establish a strong nation, security, stability & a powerful Iran.

Reza Khan done it, Aqa Mohamad Khan done it, Nadir Shah done it, Shah Abbas done it, Yaqub done it, .....................

The problem with Iranians is that they got too soft, too liberal, too sissy faggy, eating too much Roqan Nabati & Pizza, living soft lives in the west, hard lives working 3 jobs in Iran but still not willing to rise!

Islam came to Iran & conquered with brutal force & mass murder.
Islam will not leave Iran without brutal force, more brutal than AIOG.

I have nothing to lose; we have nothing to lose. We are @ the end of our ropes. We have nothing left, nothing I tell you. If we ever get the chance to make a difference in the short run & to make a regime change in Iran to regain our Persianhood, then I tell you right here & now that I am going to sell my soul to Satan & I will make that change "By All Means possible".

I will do it @ any cost, any cost I tell you.
I have an unshakable will, desire & determination to make something work! Anything, I tell you, anything!

Once the Shiite water passed your head, then may it be one drop or may you drown in it!
We have been drowned for 28 years, our mouths, ears & noses are full o Shiite, I tell you!


Once we establish a government of law & order in Iran. Then I will laugh @ your face & ask you,

Amir, have Ends, justified the Means or not?

Let me put it this way,

Man na rahe pish daram, na rahe pas!
Na tanha in, balke yek edei ham omideshun be maneh!
Hame chi, ya hich chi!
Piruzi, ya marg o nabudi.
Hich chareye digari ham nist!

Someone @ the end of his rope,
Wanting to Die in his own nation!

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Postby Amir » Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:22 am

Dear Ahreeman

I. Israel had killed a number of Iranian Military Attaches belonging to Islamic Revolutionary Guards, training Hezbollah in Lebanon.

II. Ahmadinejad and IRI had planned this whole chaos in Middle East by getting Hamas & Hezbollah to kill a number & kidnap a number of Israeli soldiers to divert the global public’s opinion from Iran's Nukes to Israel-Lebanon-Palestine episode. Now Ahmadinejad who sees himself as a man with a mission from Allah, to prepare the situation for coming of Mahdi, is going to respond to UN, US & world, on the 22nd, when on this date, Mohammed went to Masjed al Aqsa & from there to heavens & back! This is the most important Islamic date, when on this date, Islamic scholars have been predicting many important events to happen. Shiite scholars have even seen the coming of Mahdi on this date, meaning that this date will be the beginning of the apocalypse & WWIII, when @ the end of it, Mahdi will return.

III. Just right now, @ this moment, British arrested 20 terrorists in London who were about to jump 20 planes which were traveling from UK to US & wanted to take hand bags inside the planes to blow 20 planes up, either in the air or crash them to US buildings. Only on those planes, there were 4000 people. If succeeded, this incident would have been bigger than 9/11. For your info, my mom could have been on one of those planes!

I am aware of this. That’s why we must oppose the above madness. I’m completely with you on realizing the disease of Islam, the terrorism it promotes, the chaos at the hands of the IR, Hezbollah, and all the other scum bags.

Hezbollah of Iran who also created Hezbollah of Lebanon + Al Qaeda are far worst enemies than USSR. IRI is far worst enemy than USSR. Why? Because Hezbollah does not hesitate to kill Americans, even @ the cost of killing themselves by martyrdom missions. Civilized world is facing an enemy who is ready to mass slaughter civilians, military & in between, by all means possible.

I agree. They are the worst that the world has seen.

Our country has been under occupation of Islam for 28 years. We have been reduced to terrorists, our sisters to whores, our brothers to junkies, our mothers to mental baskets & our fathers to alcoholics! We have nothing else left to lose!

Yes; very appalling.

I am to a point that when I hear another word or crap from the mouth of Reza Pahlavi or Dariush Homayoun or cheesy LA TVs & 24 hour Radios or other Opposition leader Dayus, I want to barf!

Unfortunately, the so-called “oppositionâ€
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Reality Bites!

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:20 am


The issue here is not if I want to de-Islamize Iran via force or via education; however, the issue here is your wrong assessment of the IRI capabilities & the present situation of Iran. Actually, you are not the only one, but a great number of the Iranian opposition have been making the same mistakes in their assessments, & that is why after 28 years, we are still sitting in exile!

Strategical Error

Many in opposition believe that IRI is standing via 1000 or a few thousands close circle of Clerics and Hezbos. They assume, if we take over the Radio & TV station, sensitive government buildings, armories & storage bases, & a few military bases, & of course if we kill a thousand or so people, then IRI will be done with! This strategical error has a historical root!

Historical Error

The roots of this mentality comes from the historical events of 1953. Today's Iranian opposition assumes that IRI is similar to Mosadeq's regime of 1953 or Shah's regime of 1953 or 1979.

In 1953, Mosadeq & Jebhe Meli, conducted some rallies, took over a few sensitive buildings, arrested a few people, jailed a few & few got killed & vollah, they overthrow Shah's regime. Jebhe Meli & Mosadeq ruled Iran for 2 lousy days until the CIA backed pro Shah crew including military, right wing fascists & nazis, great number of lampoons (Lat o put), all together, done the same thing & overthrow Mosadeq & Jebhe Meli!

Mosadeq's coup got over thrown by a counter coup. Of course in 1979, things were more complicated than 1953. It took a larger crowed, trained commandos, Palestinians; etc. to do the job, yet the logic was the same. It took much longer than 1953, but the uprisings, marches, take overs of armories, storages, military bases, government buildings, airports, Radio & TV Station, etc. were the same. So Islamists killed a few thousands (@ first), jailed a few thousands (@ first) & cleaned up a few thousands from the military ranks & government offices (@ first), & indeed they took the control of the situation. Even though, later on they mass exterminated tens of thousands & cleansed a greater number.

Today's Iranian opposition is making a strategical error, due to historical errors. Today's Islamic Republic of Iran is not 1953's Mosadeq regime or 1953's Shah's regime or even 1979's Imperial Regime; therefore, you cannot overthrow IRI with these same old tactics.

Back in 80's we tried that, we been there & done that & we failed! We tried Nozhe Uprising, we tried bombing of Majlis & killing Beheshti & 80 plus top Mullahs, & many more ..........

After 28 years, IRI has established itself. Let me explain something to you which I have done to others in opposition. I have been arguing this argument with opposition members for years. Unfortunately, people like Reza Pahlavi & many other opposition leaders are under the assumption that they can form alliance with a few low ranking Pasdar commands, infiltrate sensitive government offices & military, find a few allies & then by civil disobedience, mass rallies, & backing of some security forces, re invent 1953 or 1979, yet with a slight change of scenario!

Reality Check for Opposition

Islamic Republic of Iran is not a mosquito or a flea to fold over with above tactics! More or less, about 20 million Iranians do support this regime. If we really be optimistic & assume that 10 million are reformists, then that leaves us with 10 million. Let's say 5 million are moderates, so this leaves us with 5 million fundamentalists.

Out of this 5 million, more or less over 2 million will fight with teeth & claws to save this regime. There are only about a million Basij plus Ansar Hezbollah goons. There are over 40,000 Iranian Suicide Bombers. There are Pasdars (Revolutionary Guards) which in addition with other special forces, information units, Anti Riot Police, Tactical units & others, will be a few hundred thousands. Of course, then you have Ghods units which are IRI's elite force. Set aside all of the above, you got true hard core believers & followers of this regime amongst the fanatical Muslim, devoted families of government Hezbo employees, many lower classes, many religious people, Lampoons (Lat o Put) of South Tehran/other cities. And after all the above, you got the ruling Clerics & Bache Akhunds on the top who will fight for survival. Next, you got devoted Hezbollah's ruling class & governments inside the government whom are actually ruling Iran. Amongst them, are groups like Hojatiyeh, Fadayian Islam, Central Committee of Hezbollah, Inner circle of Pasdaran, etc.

What I am trying to tell you & the opposition, is that, if I be very optimist, then @ least 2 million out of 5 million fundamentalists will fight hand & feet, teeth & claws, Allah willing, to the last drop of blood to save Islamic Republic. And that is just the fundamentalists! I did not even count the Moderates (Rafsanjani & Kargozaran's crew) & Reformists (Khatami's crew)!

Those who assume that we can invade Iran with a small commando force infiltrating from Pakistan or Turkey, then taking over a few buildings & weapon storages, conduct some rallies with backing of a few pro opposition police & pasdar units, & then like 1953 or 1979, take control & over throw IRI, are doing a wrong assessment via wrong strategical errors due to historical errors & if by an odd chance, they go ahead with these cheesy plans, they will all be mass slaughtered!

We been there & done that! Not that Iranian Opposition is like a feather for IRI Forces, yet even if US invades Iran, the IRI Forces will make the US Iraqi campaign, look like Sunday School! They will entrap US forces in a long & deadly hit & run guerilla battle for years!

Those simpletons who assume IRI Forces & establishment will be gone in weeks & only by killing a thousand of them, will get a surprise, a big surprise!

When I am telling you & Iranian Opposition, that we will face a resistance of a few millions (Plural) Hezbollah (@ least) to the last drop of their blood, I mean it! I have been studying this issue strategically, militaristically, tactically, logistically, geo-politically & including man power & weaponry analysis.

We need to prepare to put up a fight with a formidable ideologically powered (Islam) force who is well-trained & willing to martyr for their cause. We need to prepare to fight & kill a few millions or be killed trying!

Cheesy Iranian opposition cannot understand this fact! They are full o Shiite & that is why after 28 years, we are still here! Of course we could overthrow IRI, much easier when they were vulnerable & we were ready to do it in 80s. Back then we had the connections inside Iran! Back then, we could do it because IRI was not established & was not strong. Back then we tried, but Reza Pahlavi & every other Iranian Billionaire betrayed Iran, betrayed opposition, betrayed soldiers of Iran who put together the plans & they did not spend a dime to make this plan a reality. They did not even support this plan! That’s one of the reasons that I barely have any respect for Reza Pahlavi!

Today, it is too little too late! Today it takes a well-trained resistance army corp, armed with latest technology & trained with latest tactics & techniques, to possibly, just possibly bring the IRI down. This army corp, will be nothing like cheesy scattered Monarchist units, Fedayee Marxist Guerillas, or even NLA Mojahedin's army! This Army Corp must be state of the art to the level of United States Marine Corps!

Creation of Iranian Resistance Army Corp!

Everything else you hear from the cheesy Iranian Opposition & their leaders is Bull Shiite. People like Reza Pahlavi or Foroud Fouladvand have no clue about commando warfare, guerilla tactics, armed struggle, resistance battles or military combat. They have no clue about any type of struggle & they are so egotistic & too stupid to ask for help or come down to earth to cooperate with someone who knows what the frag he is talking about!

The bottom line is that, you cannot overthrow IRI unless you are willing to face, battle, & kill a few millions Hezbos or be killed by them! Everything else is nonsense, dream & garbage & rhetorics which comes out of Opposition Leaders & Feeders' (with no combat training) mouths on daily basis.

CIA can also save their dollars, because year & after year of paying these bozos, their websites, TVs, Radios, Cheesy political parties, cheesy movements & rhetorics never got them anywhere! People of Iran are watching these TVs, listening to these radios, reading these websites only & only for entertainment! No one is taking any of these bozos serious! They have become jokes of the Tehran Parties!

So the solution in long run is Moral Revolution & in short run, if we gather enough revenue to create this Army Corp.

That’s all my friend.

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You are perfectly right...

Postby Joehohoho » Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:08 pm

This is a different case compared with the past events, a religious monster which needs much stronger and dedicated force.. The pro System think they are fighting for GOD. And .. With regret I have to confess that...If I have to choose between the civilization and Iran... I choose the civilization.. I do not want the innocent ignorant man guide the world back to the dark ages.... with any price..
********Good job Ahreeman John*****

Last edited by Joehohoho on Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you find me ten honest Iranian... I will create The heaven in Iran... Any one like to be tested? Read the book... "Poshteh pardeh-haie enghelab"
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:23 pm

Dear Jojo Tojo: :Pacifier:
(spirit of General Tojo, ex Japanese Military Dictator Prime minister, possessed in the body of Baby Joe Blow!)

Baby Joe, I am back from the Hot Place @ Under & @ your service!
My Father @ Under sends his blessings to you,
& due to the fact that you sound so Holy (Evangelical),
He wishes to get his Pitch Fork, up your ....... ASAP!

Ahreeman bless you Baby Joe!

How are you Joe? I hope everything is going well for you & the family.

"Good job Ahreeman John"

What is Ahreeman John? [-X
I am not a John!
I have never paid for it!
I always got it for free!
Maybe Ahreeman Joon (Akh Joon)
but definitely not, Ahreeman John!

And how come you do not wish for me to "get it back" or "find them back"?
Have you given up on my soul?

BTW, what were you wishing for me to get back?
A Jack Hammer dildo?

You see, I had lent it to Fouladvand (your buddy) & as a typical Iranian, he borrowed it & never returned it! Mullah Khor shod! Now I have lost my Jack Hammer Wisdon Dildo! I cannot see the light no more! I purchased it to use it on Bache Kuni, but Fouladvand "Thefted it" (Neo Term) to use it on Anjoman-e Kun Goshadi members! Shame on Iranian Aryan or Mullah Theives, in any shape or form! Shame on Jack Hammer Dildo Theives!

So I am counting for you to help me get it (my jack hammer wisdom dildo) back! Yet I love you with or without it (Riot, Killer)!

And now, here is my grand finaly (Baby Joe Style):

I love you with or without (The Dildo model 69 & the strap on which goes with it),
But I hope you get it back (The Dildo model 69 & the strap on which goes with it)!

Who loves you baby Joe?
Who else?
Ahreeman indeed!

Allah bless Mohammed's Bone!

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Hello Ahree dear........

Postby Joehohoho » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:57 pm

Dear Ahriman.. I posted a reply to your post and agreed with some points but left some other points out of it and this is bothering me :).
But......Before I continue to those points, I would like to tell you:
*******My views are a flicker of lights of tomorrow into darkness of the past ideologies which were fabricated based on profit motive, and which are now changing to the ghost of yesterday but.... stubbornly holding on and struggling to remain a bit longer. The flood of change will be severe and gradually tide of change will wash all the dust of the dark past from the face of life into the memory. While the old ideologies divided the life to a gang of friends and a gang of enemies, those who should die and those who should stay, my views are based on love and therefore I have no enemies but some wise friends and a multitude of ignorant friends in need of correction ( which one are you? :) ).. I am rising and the old will be forced to set*************.
**Now lets talk about our differences:
In your post you pointed that you blew up Beheshti and friends and made the occasion ready for counter coup but Reza Pahlavie did not agree.......
I would like to mention that Beheshti and friends were blown apart by CIA and MI5 agents for many disagreement on the future not by you... Unless... you were working for those entities. Mullah’s revolution did not happen over night it was planned 20 to 25 years before the actual revolution. British ( British Petroleum) and US ( US Petroleum :)) knew that sooner or later Shah like his father will turn away from supporting their interest into supporting the people and their ego. Mc-gray ( the lady agent or what ever you may call her) worked and married and screwed every Mullah in sight, for 20 to 25 years before the actual revolution, preparing the future alternative to Shah. She formed the coalition of Mullahs through Beheshtie. All the unrest in Iranian universities and between Iranian students and intellects were planned and executed by that camp and their Iranian hands, in Iran and outside. British Petroleum ( I mean, British Government ) is collecting $60 to $68 a barrel from most of the oil sold from middle east ( that is, at the present price of $78 ) and British Petroleum and his gangs would not let this easy money to be lost even with the price of third world war. Shah wanted to deny this luxury to them or share it.. Mullahs came in power after many years of planning as an alternative to Shah and every western countries and some eastern blocks cooperate in their arrival into power. Beheshti and friends were destroyed because Anglo-America thought that in case of their presence in the new government the result would not be as they want. Even though Beheshtie was same kind of Shiite (as you say it) as other Shiite but a more assertive and intellect and wiser and... they only wanted to surrender the power to darkest fanatic and brain dead that they could find. US and British thought by reversing everything in Iran to 19 century and spreading drugs use in Iran they can have the middle east oil in ease for many years to come. British and US and rest of the western countries supported Islamic government until 1999 and later hoping to form it as they wished and planned . But since then they felt the arising danger. During all that time and even a bit later they had hope to keep it as a great suppressing force but moderating it towards themselves but with no avail. Present anger between Mullahs towards the west is based on all those memories from the past because at last they realized who was the source of their blunder. All the Iranian who were assassinated In Europe, supposedly by Iranian government were planned and executed by the CIA and whole European gangs, and this act continued until 1999. The 400 Iranian pilots who were accused and executed at the beginning were set up by the western agencies and friends because they were seen as danger to the new government. This killing includes many other intellects which you are aware of.
*******I think Reza was very smart for not becoming involve in your suggested 1980, 1981 possible move against Mullahs because he knew who was behind the revolution and who is supporting the Mullahs and keeping them on. The facts is that if you have tried anything at that time, all of you would have been set up by your western and eastern friends and killed like the rest. The same forces which wanted to make sure all the opposition forces to Islamic republic are executed, for many years to come.
Now about your comments....You try to reverse all these facts, can you tell me why? Is it for possible reward? Are you in denial or ...that is your function? British and US policy in middle east were source of evil and Islamic republic is its fruit.
We need fundamental changes to have a better future. The policy based on piracy should be replaced with, love, caring and sharing, and support for ignorance to more wisdom. We need to forgive the past but forgiveness can be given to those who confess and ask for it not hide the fact spread lies and then live in fear of exposure. All the liars and deceivers need to be hauled away from the center of power. Money is good but not with the price of death and destruction to others. Look around you, there is no effect of past Persian empire but some enslaved divided people and no effect of Roman empire around you .. Some times things go how they should, in benefit of collective.

Love U with or without but...
I wish that you gain them back...? :)
Last edited by Joehohoho on Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If you find me ten honest Iranian... I will create The heaven in Iran... Any one like to be tested? Read the book... "Poshteh pardeh-haie enghelab"
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Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:54 pm

Dear Jehovah Witness:

I refuse to address you with a serious name, until you state a serious name, to be addressed by, rather than the sound of Santa Claus on Christmas!

“In your post you pointed that you blew up Beheshti and friends and made the occasion ready for counter coup but Reza Pahlavie did not agree.......”

In many of my lectures & in my posts, when I say we, I mean we as The Iranian Opposition & not me personally! No, I did not personally blew up Beheshti & his 80 Yaran!

Also, by doing such actions, we (Opposition) did not prepare the situation for a counter coup; thus, the situation was already ready for a counter coup, because IRI was young & we still had people in all the right places (Government + Military).

I would like to mention to you that every single move, which has been going on in Iran, has been orchestrated by the Iranian opposition abroad, since 1979. This doesn’t mean that I have done all that personally, but it means that the Opposition had done it. I could be & could not be, part of the various efforts since 1979, to overthrow IRI. I am neither rejecting nor admitting to any particular act from demonstrations all the way to revolutionary assassinations!

In addition, Reza Pahlavi was a coward whom never spent even a faction of the billions taken out of Iran by his family, for Iran & Iranians. Reza Pahlavi was a sissy, faggy, pacifist, coward, cheap, lazy, imbecile who sacrificed Iran & Iranians for his own welfare & comfortable lifestyle, then & he is doing it now! These were his reasons not to back the counter coup then. Logic played no part in it!

“I would like to mention that Beheshti and friends were blown apart by CIA and MI5 agents for many disagreement on the future not by you... Unless... you were working for those entities.”

I would like to mention that I am getting to a point that I simply cannot have a healthy political discussion with “Iranian Conspiracy Theorists” no more! I have been hearing such rhetorics for 28 years! You can turn on any Iranian TV & hear garbage such as this! That is why Iranian TVs give me the runs & I do not watch them! It is time for you & Iranians in general to get your heads out of the Atomic-like Fume of Opium Dens full of paranoia & conspiracies which you have been residing in for 28 years! It is time for the “Iranian Conspiracy Theorists’ Mentality” to evolve to a higher ground of sanity, thus I am really getting sick & tired of this Neo Shahname epics of people like you, Fouladvand & other Cheeseball Jurassic dinosaurs of the Iranian community!

How can I talk to people like you (in & out of opposition), when yous are 100 years old, yet still live in “LaLa Land”?!

Why must Iranians create stories of Bahr ol Tavil? Stories such as:

Rafsanjani killed Beheshti’s gang
CIA killed Beheshti’s gang
MI6 killed Beheshti’s gang
Sepah killed Beheshti’s gang
Bla bla bla ………………….

No, Iranian Opposition killed Beheshti’s gang. I am not going to reveal to you who did (Mojahedin, Monarchists, Military, Others, etc.)!

“I think Reza was very smart for not becoming involve in your suggested 1980, 1981 possible move against Mullahs because he knew who was behind the revolution and who is supporting the Mullahs and keeping them on. The facts is that if you have tried anything at that time, all of you would have been set up by your western and eastern friends and killed like the rest.”

Reza Pahlavi is very smart for his own sake! It is 28 years that he is not lifting a finger for Iran! Except a couple of years 25 years ago & a couple of years lately, full of cheap talks on CNN & FOX (5 minutes @ a time), few speech here & there, few honorary fake degrees, collecting & begging money from Arab Prince & Kings all the way to CIA (when he lost his ass in stock market), living as Mr. Mom in kitchen & living it up in Maryland, he basically have forgotten his duties to Iran & Iranians.

Reza Pahlavi’s name in history will be remembered alongside Ahmad Shah Qajar, Shah Sultan Hussein Safavid & other superstitious, illiterate, uneducated, pacifist, incompetent, cowards of Iran!

If the Faggot would have helped us to help himself & Iran, surely this 2nd counter coup (1st was Nozhe) would have worked. We had learned from Nozhe, & other episodes. We had corrected our mistakes & the plan was almost flawless.

The only problem was that Imperial Generals did not anticipate that Reza Pahlavi & other Iranian Billionaires would turn yellow & would not give a flying fandango about Iran & Iranians.

“ The same forces which wanted to make sure all the opposition forces to Islamic republic are executed, for many years to come. …………………..”

Change the record, will ya? You are becoming a broken record, scratching the same tune over & over & over…….. You along with majority of Iranian & Middle Eastern public live in LaLa Land!

“Now about your comments....You try to reverse all these facts, can you tell me why? Is it for possible reward?”

How did you guess? Of course for rewards! I get blank checks, a female whore agent & a Shag car from CIA, one from MI6 & one from MI5! I got it made! They even promised me free Fish & Chips for life!

“Are you in denial or ...that is your function?”

Take a look @ your past posts. Incoherent, rhetorical, self-righteous, holy, evangelical, paranoid, conspiracy theoretic, scattered, delusional & fictional. Who is in denial?

You are in denial,
Fouladvand is in denial,
Iranian older generation is in denial,
Iranian cheesy Up-Position Leaders & feeders are in denial,
Iranians in LaLa Land are in denial!

My function?
My function is revolutionizing Iranian Cheesy, self-serving, paranoid delusional, LaLa Landish, incompetent & untalented Media & Up-Position, Political Gurus & Politics!

“British and US policy in Middle East were source of evil and Islamic republic is its fruit.”

British & US have no problem ruling the world, specifically Middle East, because the people of Middle East, same as yourself live in LaLa Land!

BTW, is your’s & other Iranians’ lack of bowl movement is also pre planned in London & DC?!

“We need fundamental changes to have a better future.”

Yes, & it called my Moral Revolution!

“The policy based on piracy should be replaced with, love, caring and sharing, and support for ignorance to more wisdom. We need to forgive the past but forgiveness can be given to those who confess and ask for it not hide the fact spread lies and then live in fear of exposure……………………”

…………and la didi da, la didi doo & a Zip a dee doo da de!

Final word:

Iran is in Shiite hole not because of London or DC, but because of Iranians’ Ignorance, Superstition, Illiteracy, conspiracy theories & Religious Garbage! Take responsibility, so we can move on & fix the problem.

“Love U with or without but...
I wish that you gain them back...? “

That’s my man! I missed this line of yours!

I Love U with or without the black leather garter belt, but,
I wish that U get them back from Fouladvand!
So we can party together, one more time!

PS: Why are all Iranian Aryan Ultra Nationalists, use Strap Ons & Leather Whips on one another, while wearing Black Jack boots? Is this an Aryan thing?

Someone with a head & ears, full o Bull Shiite, made in Iran!
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Hello deary... :)

Postby Joehohoho » Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:05 pm

Dearest Ahri-jon :)
I am not Evangelist because....... My efforts are focused in stripping religion and fear away and off humanity, but Evangelist use those factors for controlling humanity. About Iranian ignorance as the first cause, I agree with you. And you can see that in my past posts. This is more real about Iranian university educated.
Do you know that Abrahim Yazdi, Bani Sadr..... and many others are PHD like you? Are not you ashamed to call yourself PHD too? Go and hide your degree, I did. Actually I tore it apart and used as toilet tissue!**********
Iranian had the best eye sights and lost it to the Islam but....... their blindness should not be used against them by those who claim to be the light bearer of the world.
About Mr. Fouladvand? I do not know him well but once a while I listen to him. I should confess that his cultural effects on Iranian is priceless and he is the first one who dared to risk his life and expose the darkness of Islam publicly and bravely in a systematic way. I send him my blessing. But.....why are you in denial of this fact? Can you let go of your ego for one epsilon of time and see some beauty beside the disagreements? This prejudice is the blindness and ignorance I am pointing at. Even university could not remove that blindness but increased it. I may disagree in many things with him but I will never deny his great work and yours.

I love you with or without
Last edited by Joehohoho on Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you find me ten honest Iranian... I will create The heaven in Iran... Any one like to be tested? Read the book... "Poshteh pardeh-haie enghelab"
Goftareh nik Pendareh nik Kerdar nik and I really mean it...
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