Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:40 am

:lojak: Dear Lori:

You must be kidding me, right?!

I could not let this one go! This one is way too cheesy to let go! I understand that you are trying to be the Great Communicator (Ronald Reagan) here; however, how should I say it? It came out a bit cheesy!

First of, I need to re-announce that I like Peter. He is like my long lost and never found psychopathic younger brother who loved to burn things and kill living creatures of all types! What I like most about Peter are:

* The honesty. Unlike average Persian who refuses to confess that he is a Racist, Germano-feel, Nazi, Homophobe and Aryan Supremacist, our boy Peter here is flat out honest and admits to All!

* I love Peter’s colorful language, especially when he cusses. I love his special blend of profanity. I get an erection when he cusses me out! Legendary terms such as:

Kun Pedar, Dul Pedar, Kun Tanbul, and many other Turkmano-Persian creative terms, specific to Peter! These are special Peterian (Pee-Terrr-i-An) style o illiterate terminology! I love it! No one had ever Fragged the Persian Language more than Arabs, Turks and third in line Peter! We have to give Peter an award!

:ovweight: Peter is also a great author. His first book, was a cheesy copy/paste of material with many spell/grammar errors, which was more like a pamphlet than a book! It was an Anarchist-Marxist-Nazi testimony of an Anti American Imperialist Conspiracy Theorist, named Peter! A clear blend of psychopathic ranting plus insane raving!

Peter’s second book on the other hand has been evolved! At least this one is an actual bits and pieces copy/pasted from various authors and historians including myself. And in between, Peter had spiced it all up with his usual Middle Eastern-Central Asian conspiracy theories, tantrums and assumptions.

You see, it is good to have Peter around. It makes one appreciate his sanity! Peter is a typical Regional Conspiracy Theorist to the max! Go to Iran and you will see them by the thousands!

Peter’s heroes are Genghis Khan the Mongol Savage, Attila The Hun Blood Sucker, Alexander The Grape, Hitler, Saddam and Marshal Tito!

We love Peter and I understand what are you trying to do here ………….. but …. How should I put it?

Ah…….Ahhhhhhhhh yeeeeeee, Ah Eh Ahhhhhhh …..

To compare Peter with me is to compare Jerry Springer with Albert Einstein, and that is way too modest!

To put Peter and I in the same category is to put 50 Cents and Stephen Hawking in the same category!

You see, it really does not mix and match!

I do not know what greatness and mentorship you have seen in Peter, except Peter being one of your Cyber Porn clients, but you are mistaking psychopathic behavior and melancholic tantrums as Great Mentorship!

Peter could not even put a proper Persian sentence together until you taught him so! And for God’s sake, we all know how that went! Imagine the Blind leading the Blind! Between the 2 of you, we need another Ferdowsi to clean up the Shiite yous two had released all over the Persian language!

I understand about my mentorship to you. I taught you the other side to life. I had shown you enlightenment, information and how to achieve greatness. I woke up the passion in you.

But Peter?! Well, between the 2 of yous, they can open a new wing in the Archam Asylum! Conspiracy Theories, Paranoia, Delusions, Rants and Raves, Alcohol and drug effects on the brains, etc……….

Lordy Lordy Lard! Help us please!

The two of yous are perfect typical couple on My Space! Actually My Space was made for people like you two! All the Nut Jobs are there! You two are the share of Iranian Community over there! All Washed Out Has Beens (such as Bahman Nassiri and Bodazey) plus all the confused Teenagers are there.

Just for laughs, fun and Fragging around, I may as well create a site over there!

Darling, Hayedeh is a dead Perian singer! She died in my youth. The person speaking to you over there is not Hayedeh! She is someone who is a fan of Hayedeh! When you post crap like this over here, people read it and laugh at you!

Not everyone over there is really who they pose as and who they use their pictures for their profiles and they are not who they pretend to be! It is a Cyber Meat Market. Same as a Night Club, people pretend they are someone whom they are not!

MySpace is a site made for Teenagers to shoot Shiite, Old immature people who do not act their age to mix in with teenagers so they can relate (sounds familiar?), old perverts to pick up teenage girls, Middle age women in cyber porn to seek clients (sound familiar?) and gays to bang butts! That is all to MySpace!

You know what I mean Jelly Bean?

Have you ever went to Disco and seen that one old guy, dressed in cheesy gay alfit trying to be heap, cool and blend in with the kids? Isn’t he odd? Isn’t he immature? Doesn’t he look stupid? Well, that old guy is in MySpace!

You will see bunch of these Iranian old guys over there mixing with teens!

I belive you need to get back to reality, clear your mind, stop deteriorating, stop booze and drugs and get back to writing. You are absolutely losing it.

This immature behavior of yours is getting old! Act your age please, will ya? And for your God’s sake, bring back Peter to reality, along with yourself!

What are you, an 18 year old seeking fame in MySpace?


What does all your lecture have to do with Peter’s Gayshess?

Peter is just being Homophobic and refuses to admit that he is still in the closet! He needs to loosen up and face his Gayshess! Seize the Macho Turkmen front, calling me collaborator with CIA and Reza Pahlavi and bla bla bla ………….

Peter needs to come to an understanding with his self. That is the Gay self! Stop Homophobia and accept self Gayshess!

Viva Las Vegas! :swingman:


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Postby peterkhanzendran » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:48 pm

Listen kunpedar I am NOT a fag, get it through your fucking head suskimargi.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:24 am

Dear HIE Peter Khan Zendran The Great:

Listen kunpedar I am NOT a fag, get it through your fucking head suskimargi.
Peter Khan Zendran

I. Now why do you have to drag my Father’s Ass (Kun Pedar) in to this issue? Sigmund Freud used to say that this is a sign of Deeply Hidden Homosexual Desires, which had been frustrated and suppressed in the childhood!

II. Now there you go again using profanity to describe “ Fags “ , Oops sorry, I mean Homosexuals, instead of using the politically correct term of “ Bache Kunis “ !

Dear good fellow Peter, aren’t you aware that we have Good Fellow Kunis in this club? Don’t you know we have a great number of Bache Kunis and Bache Soosools readers? Why do you have to be so Homophobic?

Ahay Bache Kuni? Where are you? Why not come over here and defend the “ Kun Dadan ” (Gay Rights), thus Peter had set it back 30 years?

Now Peter, stop being such a Homophobe and start coming to terms with your Homosexuality! It is Zeros (2000s), everything goes …… Come out of the closet. I will support you. Stop being a “ Suski Margi “ and start being a “ Choqondar Zardi “!

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Postby peterkhanzendran » Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:12 am

Obviously, your pedar was as much a kuni as you as he couldn't raise you right? And do you think I give 2 shits and a fuck about people getting pissed off at my hating fags? Now get it through your fucking head kunpedar, I am NOT a fag, NEVER WAS, NEVER WILL BE.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:53 pm

Persian Gays

This e-mail caught my eyes, so right away I answered it! Yes, I respond to it ahead of many others, because I felt like it!

In old countries everyone is so prejudice against gays, so I did a vise versa prejudice and answered the gay mail first! If yous have any problems with it, complain to Ahmadinejad!

Here is the e-mail:

Persian Gays

From: Vincent

Dear Sir,
I went on your site absolutely without deliberating it, I ran litterally onto it....
especially on your article about the Gay Iran (but i've spent an hour savouring the rest of your site !).
Please allow me to introduce myself : I'm a french guy ( from a Makedonian mother) born on the shores on my dear mediterranean see, i'm a professionnal dancer (ballet) and...i'm gay ( no surprises !)
I wanted to writte this short message just to say an enormous THANK YOU !! you've made me laugh and put light to my day !
It is very moving to see that in a country like yours where there are no liberties and where freedom of speech is seriously shut down as we are, in Europe, to believe (although i think sometimes we should mayhap look twice at what happens in our self-proclaimed 'free' countries....) , the spirit of freedom flows high and strong, and with this incredible sense of humour !
This is to say then that i give you all my very fierce support for your work !
keep up and all the very best !

Vincent Michaud
Danseur interprète et chorégraphe
Danse Classique
Danse Baroque

+ + +

Here is my response:

Dear Vincent :vdance: :

“Dear Sir,
I went on your site absolutely without deliberating it, I ran litterally onto it....
especially on your article about the Gay Iran (but i've spent an hour savouring the rest of your site !).”

You see, this is called accidental treasure finding!

“Please allow me to introduce myself : I'm a french guy”

I just can’t get away from the God Damn French! I crawl in the hole and they find me!

“( from a Makedonian mother) born on the shores on my dear mediterranean see, i'm a professionnal dancer (ballet) and...i'm gay ( no surprises !)”

Folks, here is further proof that Alexander was a ballet dancing, butt banging, dick chewing flaming queer! Here is the logic:

Vincent is Macedonian
Alexander was Macedonian

Vincent is familiar with Greek Style!
Alexander was the master of Greek Style!

Vincent dances ballet,
Alexander was dancing all types of perverted dance!

Do you need further proof?!

“I wanted to write this short message just to say an enormous THANK YOU !! you've made me laugh and put light to my day !”

I have that effect on the people!

“It is very moving to see that in a country like yours where there are no liberties and where freedom of speech is seriously shut down as we are, in Europe, to believe (although i think sometimes we should mayhap look twice at what happens in our self-proclaimed 'free' countries....) , the spirit of freedom flows high and strong,”

Prejudice is everywhere,
In west you got Christian nonsense
In east you got Islamic garbage

But it wasn’t always like this. Government was open-minded before 1979. People were also much more open-minded before 1979. Not to worry, Persians are not true Muslims, this is temporary and Iran will not remain an Islamic Shiite Hole!

“ and with this incredible sense of humour !”

You make me blush!

“This is to say then that i give you all my very fierce support for your work !
keep up and all the very best !”

Thank you my friend.

“Vincent ……….
Danseur interprète et chorégraphe
Danse Classique
Danse Baroque”

Ok Vincent now stop all this dancing, Danse Classique, Danse Baroque, Danse S&M, Danse Erotic, Danse con Baseball Bat, Danse with Doggie, Danse with Pope ……!

All this dancing in tootoo skirts and hairy legs is making me dizzy! Stop dancing!

Vincent my friend, let me tell you something, don’t let the Islamic façade fool you. Persians are as gay as the Greeks! Islam or no Islam, the culture remains Gay! You don’t believe me? Just gp to famous cities such as Qazvin, Ardabil and specifically the Holy city of Qom and there will be hairy Persians all over your tootoo ballerina dress! I dare you?

My friend many call me a sexist homophobe and gay basher, but the reality is that I believe in equal rights for all.

In hope of the day that every single girl or boy or in between can stand proud in front of the city hall in Paris, Athens, Skopje or Tehran and shouts from the top his/her lung:

“I suck Schlong and / or Punani and I am damn proud of it!”

And freedom for All


Best to you
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Postby IPC » Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:38 am

From: Vincent
To: IPC Founder
Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:22 AM

hahahahahaha !!
that's an answer !!!
thank you again !

please, don't catch my mother hearing you say that Makedonians are greek, she'll have your guts (or any other part of your body actually) for a necklace ! Makedonia was ( alack ! :s) part of Yougoslavia, we speak a language closely related to Bulgarian.
I personaly was born of the french shores so I don't care about those angry subtelities, I believe that all mediterranean countries share a damn common cultur in the basis...

I don't really believe that people can flag you as homophobic or gay basher, i know when i am truely bashed, my best friend, who is totally and sorrily straight, calls me his one time big pink twirling lady, although i have never worn pink in all my life, and he goes on and on about gay people, but i'm not fooled i know he'd stand up for my rights...and i gathered you're very similar :) !

I might one day get the chance to go and visit your marvellous country, oh, not really to get my graceful backside assaulted by those hairy persians you described ( however very beautiful you people tend to be, I'm not the bed-frenzy king, me really !) but to discover the astonishing history that is your, writting and many other human feats were born around your place....

Please keep a bit pagan and fight against this lamentable tyrannic religion, indeed we konw that well too, having the christian foulish rubbish here whitch is getting more and more fierce...I don't define me as a christian nor a jew nor a muslim, although i might not be athéist, i just don't want people to tell me what God is (they haven't seen Him or Her (why not !) anymore than I did) or what to think to do and how to behave....

So to finish with (héhéhé), Danse classique is the french for Ballet, i concede it is twisted and a bit SM as we impose to our bodies pain and suffering beyond what is generaly admited as reasonable, I even less escape to this rule because, although beeing a male dancer, i am specialized in Pointe work (some men on pointes are needed in some ballet) and pointes are a real torture....
Danse baroque is the first form of ballet created by Louis XIV, ( XVIIth century) it is very similar to modern ballet although the steps do not have much amplitude, but it is marked by the time's preciosity and it is therefore even more manierist, perfect style for a one time big pink twirling lady ;) !

Partfrom those styles i swear that i do not perform in public any kind of gogo-dick enlarging gesticulations destined to drive half the gay male assistance mad and frenetic !!

All the very very best to you, dear friend, keep the morale up, don't be afraid of the frenchies assaulting you !
enormous regards,

Vincent Michaud
Danseur interprète et chorégraphe
Danse Classique
Danse Baroque
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Re: Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:20 pm

New Second Edition of Perian Gays is out

New New New =D>

Iran Gay Galore
Persian Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual Galore in 3 Chapters

Iran Gay Galore: Persian Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual Galore in 3 Chapters:
Chapter 1 ... /index.htm
Chapter 2 ... /index.htm
Chapter 3 ... /index.htm

Starring Peter Khan Zendran the Psycho Killer

Peter Khan Zendran, the Drag Queen Ninja!
Excuse me, why is Peter in glasses?
The Hell with the glasses, why is Peter in bra?
The Hell with the bra, why is Peter holding a sharp Oriental Butt Plug (Kamas)?!
The Hell with the Kamas, why he's not embarrassed by that fat belly, but instead he's sending a kiss?
So this is what Wanna Be Iranian Authors and Political Activists do in private!
Is this pose gay or is it gay?!
Forget Gay, it is simply Way Out There in the Twilight Zone!

and more and more and more =D>

Read all about Peter

LMAO :rofl:

I blame myself for refusing to treat Peter as a patient and look what happened. ](*,)

BB O BB what’s a girl to do?

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Re: Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

Postby LOJ » Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:52 am

The question I have is what strange groups do you belong to that allow you access to such pictures of Peter.
Are you perhaps his own personal photographer who leads another life? You know what they say about psychiatrist.....they are TOTALLY FUCKED UP in EVERY WAY, that is why their able to empathize with everyone else's problems. Their "WELL ROUNDED" so to speak \:D/ :yaking:
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Re: Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

Postby peterkhanzendran » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:03 pm

Ey fuckmeat jun, those drag pics are ones you and your associates obviously photoshopped and altered. Last time I checked you once offered me a million dollars to have sex with you in drag. You clearly have a death wish here.
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Re: Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

Postby peterkhanzendran » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:05 pm

You forgot to mention how bb here once wanted to have me you and her in a threesome all wearing black lingerie. Why else would she photoshop pics like those?
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Peter Khan Zendran Psychiatric Report

Postby Shahrzad BB » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:28 am

Peter Khan Zendran Psychiatric Report

Psychiatric Report
Patient: Peter Khan Zendran
Event: Psychotic Breakdown
Diagnosis: Psychosis, Delusions, Epilepsy, Aggression, Paranoia, Melancholy

Portrait of a Psychotic Transvestite Drag Queen
and a Potential Serial Killer

Peter Khan Zendran in a moment of climatic orgasmic psychosis

Dear Chairmen of the Board

I take full responsibility for my mental patient’s behavior because I have been neglecting him and not perform my duties properly. I had to be there for him and visit him through his mental breakdown. I will do a better job in the future and be there for him through his many future breakdowns.

Patient must understand he doesn’t need to bring his mother (Lori) to the picture to help him in his fights because I am here for him and I will help him through his challenges and fights and breakdowns.

Patient is suffering from delusions of grandeur and megalomania. Patient is very paranoid and melancholic. Patient assumes there is a plot against him and everyone is photo shopping pictures of him to destroy him. The fact of the matter is the patient is irrelevant and insignificant. No one cares if he lives or dies. The patient is a hermit “Gimp” living in a basement cellar and never gets any sunshine. He is very pale and calcium deficient because he lives in the dark with no sunshine.

Patient suffers from severe paranoid delusions. Patient assumes he is an author. Patient copy and paste many articles written by real authors such as Ahreeman, compiles them and prints them on his printer and then puts a cover on them and believes he published a book! Patient goes around refers to himself as an author!

Patient is out of control and he accuses Iranian personalities of being frauds and he assumes it is his duty to expose plots about them. For example patient believes:

Reza Pahlavi II is not son of Shah of Iran.
Reza Pahlavi II is an agent of CIA
Reza Pahlavi II works for US Government
Ahreeman is an agent of CIA
Ahreeman has never been a University Professor
Reza Pahlavi II, Ahreeman and others are conspiring and plotting against Iran and against him
There is a global plot against Iran and him
He is the savior of Iran and the Third world

Patient claims everyone is photo shopping pictures and this is a part of a grand plot against him, such as:

Ahreeman photo shopped all his pictures at the university to pretend he is a professor but in fact he is a CIA agent.

Reza Pahlavi photo shopped pictures to make believe he is son of Shah but he is an illegitimate person claiming he is son of Shah.

I (his Doctor) photo shopped his pictures as a Drag Queen in bra to destroy his image.

The patient does not understand that no one cares about his existence and why in the world would all of these people Photoshop stuff? No photo shop is this good because this is his real life!

The fact of the matter is that the patient is a cyber bully, a cyber thug, a cyber nuisance and harasses women online. The patient e-mails his pictures to women and posts his pictures on sites. The patient desperately seeks companion and when he gets rejected, he gets violent and mad. He starts building stories and claims strange events and grand plots against him.

Patient has sent his obcene pictures in drag to many women assuming they are sexy photos of him but in reality they are compulsive and appalling. Patient harasses women online and women constantly block him from their e-mail, instant messages and forums. So far patient has been sending his obcene Drag Queen photos to women in Norway, Sweden, America and other countries. So far 3 women finding no other solutions and helpless against his aggressions and harassments found no other choice but to send all of his pictures to IPC and myself.

IPC and myself are in possession of 3 different photo albums of the patient posing in drag, naked and improper clothing. Patient loves to expose himself to women and he assumes he has a great body. The reality in fact is that the patient is a fat Gimp. He is a pale, fat Gimp with large breasts and a feminine body. Patient of course assumes he is a body builder and a sex symbol!

Patient is also aggressive and insulting. He has insulted almost every major player and IPC member. He behaves like a wounded dog and this ends in him being isolated alone in his cellar basement, alone in the dark.

Looking at these pictures we have concluded that the patient, Peter Khan Zendran is a:

Transvestite Homosexual Male
Psychotic Cyber Bully
Potential Serial Killer
Lonely and Sad Bipolar Shemale
A Nerd by day and a Gimp Drag Queen by night

Patient wants to hide his feminine nature by exposing himself nude and pretending he is macho. Patient claims he hates homosexuals, Jews, Blacks, etc. but in reality the patient himself is a Drag Queen, a Transvestite and a homosexual. The reality is that Peter Khan Zendran hates himself!

The patient cannot find any women to consort with so he creates stories of his wonderful masculine play boy life and his great masculine body. Women take one look at his mental face and his Fu-manchu mustache with retarded face, then they escape and run for their lives.

Patient is in the verge of suicide and that is the reason for his severe mental breakdown. Patient is screaming for help and all of these psychotic breakdowns and psychotic behaviors are in reality screams for help.

I am here for the patient and I am back to help him seek a cure (if possible). Personally I think he is too far gone. We may have to incarcerate him in an asylum, put the straight jacket on him and throw away the key.

In my opinion patient needs severe shock therapy. The shock therapy has been abandoned but I sincerely support the need for the shock therapy for severe psychotic patients such as Peter Khan Zendran. Something must be done before the patient hurts himself or worse someone else.

I need the patient to understand that I am now here for him. I am back and I will help and support him. Peter Khan Zendran is my patient and like a little lost puppy, lost in disease and confusion, I will accept the challenge to aid him overcome his demons and his delusions. The first step toward the cure is for him to accept reality.

Reality is that there is no plot against him. Nobody including police, government, Reza Pahlavi or Ahreeman are out there to get him. In fact no one cares about his existence. The patient must understand that as his doctor I care for him the same as I care about a wounded dog. I am here to help and I will make a difference.

Doctor BB to the rescue. Doctor BB to save Peter Khan Zendran from himself, the asylum and the prison for the criminally insane Gimps.

The first step for Peter is to come to reality and accept the reality. To do this he must accept who he is and what he is. To help him walk toward cure, we will publish all of his Transvestite Drag Queen Pictures as a photo album. Everything he sent to women, we will publish, not to expose this psychotic nerd but to help him to accept himself as a Transvestite Drag Queen and a Shemale. Peter must come to term with his homosexuality and transsexuality. This is the first step toward cure and better mental health. As his doctor it is my challenge and duty to help.

Doctor BB is victorious and is here to help because Doctor BB is a helpful person.

BB O BB, what’s a girl to do?

BB takes the challenge again. BB will save this wounded dog, Peter Khan Zendran, my little psycho puppy.

Everyone rejected Peter, I won’t. I am here to help Peter because if I don’t then who will? If I don’t help him, he will end in asylum, in prison or die somewhere alone. Doctor BB to the rescue.

With high regards for the chairmen of the boards of the IPC Psychiatric Hospital,

Psychiatrist of the Board
Doctor BB
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Re: Persian Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual Galore (Gay Iran)

Postby peterkhanzendran » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:33 am

You better stop your lies fuckmeat jun while you still can.
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