Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:50 am

Camran Mirza:

“Are you replying because you have promised or because you’d like to?”

Because I loves you!

“What are all these keeping promises you make lately.”

What can I say? I am a man o promises. Man must keep his promises or else his reputation gets ruined and becomes joke of the neighborhood (ex: Reza Pahlavi).

“Are you sensitive towards keeping your promises or making them?”

I try

“Strange coming from a scientist to make or keep promises.”

Why? We’all gots to git on with our promises (that’s US Southern)! Man’s got to do what the man’s got to do.

“Isn’t it a religious term to make promise?”

Is it? You’re the expert?

“Why don’t you articulate it? “

You are an expert; however, you also have a bias due to your employment.

“That is not true! “

Don’t be so sure, you dry scientific person! Ahreeman could be a God and he could be everywhere. Ahreeman works in mysterious ways. Have an open mind!


If you say so.

“Staying longer something does not necessary bring expertise. “

Being a feisty smart-ass also does not get people where do they need to go!

“Avoiding debate!”

Sometimes I do. After all, you are a hard debate opponent. Sometimes it is good to sit near the exit door (Reza Pahlavi style at the events)! And don’t ask me why I base so much on Reza Pahlavi!

“Ok, why not enlighten us and tell us how the education guarantees many things. “

Simple case of reward and punishment.

“Another attempt to avoid debate?”

That’s not true! You are indeed a Mullah Loqati and you know it. Do not deny it because you and I know each other for centuries!

“Did it cross your mind why to make these mistakes? It is because when I check my words with the spell checker, if there is a incorrect letter in a word, it shows me the correct version and I click OK but now I see that the spell checker shows me another correct word instead of the original one I meant to, thank you for pointing it out to me and no thank you for making mistake to think I hadn’t checked. “

No it did not cross my mind, because this is simply not acceptable from a man of your intelligence and caliber! You must know that MS Word pops up correct words that it assumes you meant to write. It is up to you to view the choices it gives you and then decide which fits well. If non fits well, then go here:


and check the word for correct spelling, meaning and thesaurus.

Here is another cool software, which I know you would love:

Farsi Negar

Don’t ever tell me that I had never shown you cool software. You owe me 2 cool things (anything) to teach.

“but it will not work, Enqelab-e Akhlaqi, hehehe.”

Hehe He? Hendevaneh riz! What’s so funny? Why it will not work? It will work but it takes time.

Akhlaq-e Mardom bayad avaz beshe. Akhlaq, Adab, Rosum, Farhang va qeyro….

“Don’t you think the said term will add to the confusion and consequently leading to misunderstanding? “

No it doesn’t, because unlike you, I do not play with words! This statement, old or new, has a lot of meaning hidden in it:

Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.

It makes the listener think for hours. For you it is old but for many it is new and it is a wake up call!

“What about just remembering the text that university provides? Isn’t it enough to pass the test if one remembers what is in the text of a university?”

Yes it is just enough to pass the test and become another part of the machine in the 21sth century to make the machine work. Another animal (same as Gav o Olaq) to eat, shiite, sex and sleep. Another confused bastard who is a scientist at day time and holy man at evening and a drunk at night! But there is more, no? That’s why:

Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.


Mullah shodan che asan,
Alem shodan che moshkel.

“The term Dr. only belongs to the people who can practice medicion”

Isn’t that a pretty narrow-minded narration that will doom someone who went to school for ages to get a Ph.D.? C’mon be fair?

“Who are “we”? Can you name another person beside yourself to go round branding people? Just one name would be plenty.”

Only one more? I can give many, are you sure? OK Ok:

Pantea, the person who originally named you the Mullah Loqati of IPC. Recall?

Because you play with words for so long that the main subject gets disappeared!

“You are correct by quoting the words are tools (metaphorically)”

Metaphors are my game, same as the words are yours!

“but if you choose a wrong tools to work with, you may endanger yourself. Do you have the necessary skill to work with dangerous tools, and be safe?”

Yes, I took classes in Home Depot (Home Improvement Warehouse) before I bought my tools! Do you know what is Home Depot (considering you don’t live in USA)?

“If you are referring to work behind screens are to seize living with people”

No, I mean really cutting human contact and embracing plant contact (as much as possible).

“That is not good enough; you need a change of heart.”

I have no heart, I am Ahreeman!

“I told you in my email to you, I stopped drinking when you were born.”

I. I thought you said, you started back, smoking and drinking. Are you double talking me? So which is it? Don’t lie to me, I can see Araq Sagi and Oshno Vizheh in your hands! Did you start again or not?

II. How could you stopped drinking when I was born, when I am older than you? Now who is using metaphors? You hypocrite!

III. I know you stopped, but was it permanently?

“You have a few rooms that receives little attentions, making another room that is factual with documentation is not going to be a waste. You will eventually end up having an encyclopedia of the Persian language.

Yes, it will work and I don’t have to promise anything because my words are my bond and if people don’t want to accept, it is their problem. “

Aseman, Risman va Tarkhan …….. but will you contribute? Actually will be the main contributor, the same as I had done with the IPC Encyclopaedia of the Alternative Terms room?

“You gonna have to let that go. Do you want to know why I am frustrated? Because there is something you can do but choosing no to. “

That’s not true. I am a victim of the circumstances. I am doing as much as I can with what little that I have.

“mar gazideh az risman-e siah-o sefid mitarseh “

True but he also is afraid of more Marz!

“I don’t give any hope to anybody, false or otherwise. As far as I concern, hope takes away determination.”

But hope also gives motivation.

“Strategy looks like “abkesh” (cief),m there is more holes in it than my granny’s jaws”

Why your granny has holes in her jaws? Khoda bad nadeh? Qanqariya gereftand?

“Avoiding debate. “

No, just using metaphors!

“I support your “Literature Revolution”, even though I don’t practice it nor believe in your facilitation and implementation methods.”

I support your rational mind, even if you are a Mullah Loqati!

“You claim to have a scientific mind and think logically,”

I don’t claim, but I do have a scientific mind and I do think logically. Remember your words, Mr. Word Wonderful. I don’t “Claim” but I “Am”.

“ then let me invite you to ponder on the word “believe”. Does it not make sense to say it is a word used merely for religious purposes recently and more used closer to the god as we go further away in time?”

The word “Believe” is not a religious term, but it could be used as a religious term, but then again so does thousands of other words. The word “Believe” is a very scientific term.

The God exists (Dogmatic statement)
I “Believe” the God exists (relative statement, opinionated statement and more rational statement)

See the difference?

“Believe” can be in relation, relative and opinion.
“Believe” can be “Relativity” vs “Dogma”. Isn’t that what Einstein tried to prove?

“ If you say you are not religious, then why use its terms? Every kid on the block knows to use an element of something; there is more chances of gradually getting to use the thing itself, otherwise what is the point?? “

I. Terms can be used religiously or they can be used logically or they can be used metaphorically. Words can be taken out of context.

II. You are logical and rational with words, but then again you are also a Mullah Loqati. I, on the other hand, am a “Terminology Opportunist” who uses the words as they suit him for further advancement of his philosophical, political, social and ideological goals and desires. Speech is everything. Words are tools to play with and form a powerful speech. Without these tools, the speech will be dry and soul-less. Now go ahead and hand me some statement like this: “Soul is a religious term”!

III. Words are not there to build me, but I am here to use words to reach my goals. Words don’t make me, but I make the words. I can even change their meanings if I use them as much in a different version. I have the power to change the meaning of the words. They are my slaves. I am not slaves to the words. It is dogmatic to brand certain words with specific meanings. Everything is relative (Einstein). Why are you so dogmatic? Aren’t being dogmatic, also being religious? Are you religious? Gotchya! Hee Hee Hee .………. You are not the only one who can play with words!


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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:36 pm

Camran Mirza:

If you believe that my reply to you is nonsense, then we can seize the nonsense right here, because I am much busier than you and everyone else in Iranian politics and media. I found the time to respond to your post, in the future I will not bother you with any more e-nonsense conversations.

The problem with Iranians (including you) is that they can’t dish in what they dish out.

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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Kargozaran » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:01 am

You want to make moral revolution but you have no morality. Study Islamic spirituality and learn morality. You aren’t Iranian but you are American. Sooner you face it, sooner you will leave Iran alone and get on with your life. Pack of your crap, let these fools around you go and change your site to a porno site, you will make more money. Leave Iran alone because you have no ties and no business with Iran.

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Moral Revolution: The Alternative Tactic: New 3rd Edition

Postby CR » Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:15 pm

Moral Revolution: The Alternative Tactic
New 3rd Edition

Futurist Faravahar Iran Flag
Present Green, White and Red Order Iran Flag
Iran Politics Club Futurist Faravahar Tricolor Iran Flag

IPC Official Announcement

Iran Politics Club Lion and Sun Persian Straight Sword Blood Red Revolutionary Crest
Red = Persian Blood Banner (Revolutionary Banner of IPC) and (Future Persian Marines Banner)


The new edition of the “Moral Revolution” is out:


Moral Revolution: The Alternative Tactic
New 3rd Edition

Chapter Index

Part One: The Moral Revolution
Part Two: Why Moral Revolution is our Salvation?!
Part Three: The Iranian Moral Dilemma!

Dear Comrades

We shall change and update our tactics according to the times and science. We must adopt the best possible tactics to achieve our strategy. Our strategy is a major uprising and a political revolution in Iran. Our tactics were not as progressive, up-to-date and scientific as they should have been. We have tried to unite the present opposition organizations of Iran.

Read More:

Moral Revolution: The Alternative Tactic
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/movement/mo ... /index.htm

Movement Index


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Independent Persian on Arab Payroll: Camelia Entekhabifard

Postby CR » Wed May 20, 2020 8:02 pm

Independent Persian on Arab Payroll: Camelia Entekhabifard
Arab News Agents: Camelia Entekhabifard foot Noor Pahlavi
Saudi Arabia Net => SRMG => Arab News => Independent Persian

It is One thing to have an Arab Boss
It is Another to Work for the Saudi Arabian Regime
Saudi Arabia is the Mortal Enemy of Iran

Journalists or Traitors to Iran?
Amir Taheri, Hadi Khorsandi, Jamshid Irani, Majid Mohammadi ...

Independent Persian on Arab Payroll Ahreeman X Graphic 2020
“Arab News hires Camelia Chameleon to run its Persian site, Independent Persian.” (Media)
“Camelia Entekhabifard the Persian Servant Concubine sold to her Arab Master Muhammad bin Salman.” (Media)

Camelia Entekhabifard (Camelia Chameleon) Editor of the Independent Persian on Arab Payroll
This untalented, short and fat woman with thick ankles, shanks and thighs (unproportionate larger lower body than upper body) is an obedient servant to the Arabs. She knows her place as a woman in the man’s Arab world and she bangs her way up the corporate ladder! After all, Arabs love Big Butts and Thick Thighs! Not to worry, Arabs bang anything, even female camels! No offense, Camelia is much more beautiful than the Arab Camel!

Billion Dollar Arab Smile!
So Cute, he is laughing his little heart out! He must have heard the Khashoggi News!
Muhammad bin Salman the Saudi Crown Prince and a Great Reformist
Now honestly, doesn’t he look a little bit like Elvis? Just a little?
I better stop it right here before he sends a crew of men in black to go Khashoggi on me, chop me up for the Arab Kabob and ship me to Mecca! Now I know he is reading this and rolling on the floor laughing! Love your smile. Ahlen va Sahlen Ya Habibi Marhaba!

Noor Pahlavi Persian Princess Sexy Pose
Noor Pahlavi a Wanna Be Real Estate Agent, a Wanna Be Fashion Model and now a Wanna Be Journalist!

Iranian Moral Bankruptcy


Here is the excellent scenario of the Iranian Corrupt Shiite Islamic Sub Culture and Iranian Moral Bankruptcy.

If you ever wonder why the Iranians need a Moral Revolution?
Read this piece and find out!

Please review the new investigative expose of Ahreeman X:


Independent Persian on Arab Payroll
Camelia Entekhabifard a Saudi Arab Agent

Ahreeman X
May 21, 2020

Historical Lessons

On 1979, Jimmy Carter and Democrats betrayed Shah of Iran, the Imperial Iran and helped creating the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) and with it the Neo Islamism in the world.

Since 2017, Muhammad bin Salman and his pawn Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel started the step by step domination of the British liberal media. Purchase of “The Independent” and “The London Evening Standard” was only the beginning!

Read more:

Independent Persian on Arab Payroll
Camelia Entekhabifard a Saudi Arab Agent

http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/in ... /index.htm

Iran Politics Index

Catayoun Razmjou
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Reza Pahlavi II, the Clown who wanted to become Shah!
Gusalei ke hichvaqt Gav Nashod!
The Calf who never become a Cow!
The Prince who never become a Shah!

Reza Pahlavi: I always wanted Balls this big but unfortunately, I have Hasteh Khorma (seedy Balls)! Some like that jerk Ahreeman say that I have Cotton Balls! Let me check in my pants, ummm, Ahhh, Aha, nope that’s not it, that’s the butt plug, eeeeh, eeeh, eh …., Where are they? I can’t find them!
Ahreeman Joon: Now seriously, the older he gets, the more he looks like a Dick! Doesn’t he? Maybe he is metamorphosing to his true nature!

Noor Pahlavi Showing Some Skin!
Hey, don’t knock it down, at least she held a job in her life but her bum father never did!
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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu May 21, 2020 5:38 am

Gosh Ahreeman, you’re ruthless. You rip people apart, cut their throats, drink their blood and then spit it in their face. You’re the true descendent of Aqa Mohammad Khan Qajar. Don’t you think you’re too harsh? Remind me to never be on the opposite side of you! You expose the detail of people’s lives, I don’t want mine to be exposed. You pull from the root.

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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu May 21, 2020 6:03 am

Dear Psychiatrist of the Board :doctorF:

We do need a psychiatrist here because we have a lot of mental people around here! :shs:

Here you go with the sentimentals again …

Da dada dada dada … :violin2:

Yakidi yakidi yakidi yak … :violin2:

We are ruthless. They call him Ahreeman :devgrin: , there’s a reason for that! They call me Ruthless Atusa :shedevil: , there’s a reason for that too!

Its not about being on the opposite of Ahreeman, it is about being on the opposite of Iran. When you’re on the opposite of Iran, then we will come down on you like Hell, because we are armies of Hell, I mean literally! :CS:

Girl, how many times do I have to tell you? We already know the details of your life. Do you think only Google can spy on people? :peeper:

For example, I’m looking at this photo of you in leather boots, gloves, hand cuffs and …. by the way, who’s the other girl in picture with the whip? :whiper:

And I know what will you say next (like Minoo). Here’s the answer: Yep, Ahreeman does have a mouth, a big one indeed. Yep, I speak for him because I’m his secretariat and lawyer, indeed! :yeees:

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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Chic Moda » Thu May 21, 2020 9:50 am

Ahreeman is an ill man who doesn’t know how to speak with the ladies. He is a male chauvinist pig. He is very arrogant, a narcissist, a megalomaniac and twisted. Ahreeman has this band of cheerleaders around him who cheer him and encourage him to be more ill. Ahreeman needs help, professional help. His place is not the society, he needs to be institutionalized. Ahreeman thinks he is this giant thinker, a superman and he look down upon people and the society. He has no place in public. He must be isolated and medically treated. I can see through Ahreeman because I was IPC Op. Ahreeman may fool you but he won’t fool me. I can see through Ahreeman like a clear glass. He is also not a good person. He loves himself and he is not having empathy for people and society. He is rude and insulting and very dangerous. He is violent and sick. Ahreeman must be put away and medically treated. Ahreeman is a problem for the humanity.
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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Kargozaran » Thu May 21, 2020 11:03 pm

Exactly my point, I have been saying this for a long time but no one listens to me. We need to work together for Iran’s sake to commit Ahreeman to an institution, so he can be cured. We can commit him in US or Iran. If we get him to Iran, I’ll take responsibility and pay for everything to put him in the best institution of top health. You are so correct, Ahreeman is ill and a danger to Iran. He’s a danger to himself, people around him and Iranians. He’s sick and getting sicker by the day. Let’s work together to commit him, I’ll do whatever necessary and pay for everything. Its my national duty to help our country by putting Ahreeman away. I’m in, you’re in, who else is in?
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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri May 22, 2020 9:56 am

Hello Your Royal Hiney Shaftaloo Shahollah :dramaqueen:
Hello Your Excellency Bache Akhoond Technocrat Hezbollah :Mullah:
Is the “Monarcho-Hezbo Clown Show” over yet? :waiting:

I don’t think Ahreeman will dignify your existence by responding to you two, but I will. I like the way Shahollah and Hezbollah complete each other and tag team together against Ahreeman and IPC. Monarchy and Shiite cooperation, once again happening ….

The only reason Your Royal Hiney Shaftaloo Shahollah is here is because Ahreeman said the truth about your Shah (wanna be) and your princess (wanna be). It hurt your monarchist pride, so Reza Pahlavi sent you here to bark a little.

The only reason you are an Ex IPC Op. is because monarchists like you and your soosool boyfriend, back then could not hack it and make it as serious political activists. You didn’t have the backbone, neither did he. Monarchists are all talk and no action. When it comes down to show, they are no show. We wanted tough people with motive, drive, backbone and guts, you and your boy didn’t have any. That’s why you and your boy are Ex IPC Op.

At least Ahreeman is doing something for this opposition to keep it alive. What does your kind do? Your Shah (wanna be) betrayed Iran and made a deal with Reformist Hezbollah to become the Shah. It backfired, they went back to Iran and IRI bribed your old prince and scared him, so he backed off. Your old prince is a coward, a side sitter and a person with no backbone. Even monarchists don’t support him anymore because they are on to him. Do you hear true monarchists, monarchist organizations and even Shahrzad scream javid shah anymore?

A few loser and fools such as yourself, still follow that loser Reza Pahlavi because you guys have no lives but to make heroes out of zeros! You guys follow Ex kicked out monarchy and necro monarcho dynasties. Get a life girl.

Your Excellency Bache Akhoond Technocrat Hezbollah, you are another loser on the payroll of IRI. Reza Pahlavi and his cronies are also on the payroll but you Bache Akhoonds are shameless. You bash America, but then half a year you live in California and Florida! If America is so bad, then why not get the hell out of here back to Qom?

Half the year, you suck the blood of the Iranian workers bone dry in Iran and then you come here rest and relax in the sun. What a hypocrite. If you are a technocrat then I am a Rocket Scientist! You are a loser with sun tan oil hanging between Kish Island, Iran and Catalina Island, USA!

Hmmmmm, now we got Your Royal Hiney Shaftaloo Shahollah and Your Excellency Bache Akhoond Technocrat Hezbollah working together to commit Ahreeman to mental ward. So Ahreeman is abnormal but a couple of losers, one Shahi and one Hezi, are normal. I guess you two are now building the Iran and working together to tag team on Real Opposition.

So why are you nagging now? Are you informing the people about Ahreeman? The whole world knows about Ahreeman. They know what kind of person he is. Some hate him, some love him and some work with him. They don’t need Your Royal Hiney Shaftaloo Shahollah to give them an inside look as an Ex IPC Op. on who Ahreeman is! Everyone knows who Ahreeman is.

Band of Cheerleaders? Really? You mean Activists with Backbone, right? :irannational:

You two truly complete each other, a match made in heaven. You two made for each other. Kun be Kune ham ghozashtin shod Kompany (company)!

This is the beginning of a great relationship between Shahu and Hezbu! :rend:
Happy Romance

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Re: Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:38 am

Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

Why Moral Revolution is our salvation?!

It’s all said here:

Your Silence is Their Death

It’s sad but it’s true. Our people are side sitters, cheer leaders or flat indifferent. Many are critics. They criticize those who take actions but they never take action. They are great critics to detail but they never make a move themselves. Most are indifferent and happy with status quo. They have learned to be servants and slaves. Once they were masters of the universe but now, they are satisfied with being servants and slaves to Mullahs, Islam and Islamists.

Cat is right, everything must change and the whole culture must overhaul.

It will not be easy; we are doing our share and in fact much more than our share. When Iran will be freed, there is no guarantee for it to stay that way. There will be great bloodshed and to keep the country free, a great number of Islamists must and will be killed or else they will take over the country again. There is no choice to do a peaceful transition. There will be great bloodshed and as Ahreeman wrote, men and women of the battle will take a stand to get rid of Islam and Islamism in Iran. There will be no dancing around and sweet talking but only action. No doubt, the whole culture must change. No other alternative is visible.

If you want to replace Islam with Democracy, it will not be with pacifism and serving Persian tea with cookies! It will take action and a lot of blood and sacrifice.

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