Dialogue between Ahreeman X & Haj Maloun

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Dialogue between Ahreeman X & Haj Maloun

Postby Lawrence Of Persia » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:19 pm

Continued from:

Hezbollah's Front Businesses in America!


Dear Comrade Ahreeman,

Haw Haw Haw Haw Image

Nice to see a Persian with a sense of humor.

Ahreeman wrote:The Mighty “Lawrence of Persia” Image in The House alive and well!

My Nom de Guerre is Mister Haj Seyed Maloun. [-X

That's Comrade Maloun to u.

Ahreeman wrote:He gonna have a tactic to Frag the Mullahs ….

What I actually wrote is I have an idea that, when u and I execute it, will stop Khamenei & his gang from laughing so hard.

Ahreeman wrote:About time to show up back in here, you son of a bitch, you African American, you Grandson of Ian Smith, you Bantu Maloun ….

Persian flattery will get u nowhere, u fucked-in-the-head Iranian Exile.

Ahreeman wrote:BTW, this is amazing that for decades the UN, EU and the West had turned the other way and the blind eye to Mugabe’s regime’s atrocities and now after 30 years that the richest nation in Africa (Rhodesia) had turned to the poorest nation in Africa (Zimbabwe), all of a sudden the world’s attention is on Mugabe! Why all of a sudden? There must be something in it for the west or UN!


Ahreeman wrote:First, why are you shouting? Image I am getting blinded by your ex large font! Are you posting for visually impaired? Too much Masturbation causes blindness, is that why you post ex large font? Have you been spanking the monkey all these years of disappearance from IPC? Have you been doing it in duo with Mugabe? Was it fun? Was it joyful? Stop screaming (Ex Large Font), I am not deaf nor blind! God damn Bantu Maloun!

Too much exercise of the shadool causes blindness, whether it be masturbation or fucking. So I would expect ur eyesight to be even worse than mine. Unless, as Azita has said, "It's all a load of codswallop, Mate" about u having a big shadool and u being a big killer with the ladies. And Azita should know. After all, Roya found u & Azita playing Doctor with each other many years ago in Iran, did she not?

Ahreeman wrote:So much that it is way too much to write about!

So u r so busy that u can't write a sentence or 2 about what u r up 2, yet u can write a response to me containing dozens of images.


Haw Haw Haw Haw Image

Ahreeman wrote:I know you are just trying to get on my nerves! Little website, ha? I’ll show you what’s little when you get to San Diego!

U have a website & Imam Khamenei has a website.

Ur website is much bigger & richer & better than Imam Khamenei's website.

Yet Imam Khamenei owns & controls all of Iran while u r exiled to San Diego.


Ahreeman wrote:I’m impatiently awaiting the Miracle of Maloun! Image Image
Hey wait a second, you’re not going to take your shorts off, are you? Image

Fear not, Comrade. I would not take my shorts off for u. [-X

Ahreeman wrote:I do not update people’s articles. No more janitorial job for me! Instead, start writing new articles so I can publish them. What do you think this is? Readers Digest or Dr. Ruth’s Weekly Column to be updated?!

You should write new articles, your travel logs across United States, New Ahreemania episodes, …

I will be doing some updating, some polishing up, of some of my articles. I will keep you posted. I am working on a travel log. Here is the prototype on GeoCities:

Mister Haj Seyed Maloun's car Journey around America

Ahreeman wrote:Weall (as the great Ronald Reagan used to say), Persians are trying hard to reach the true state of “Freedom” through liberating their Hojaj Kuchikan! Let them all hang out freely so eventually they will reach True Freedom! Amen! Image

Well, if Iranians, Persians, go on sitting around and playing with their shadools much longer then Iran, Persia, may cease to exist as a single nation-state.

Ahreeman wrote:Catayoun qalat kard ba to (Frag Catayoun and you both)! Image

Well u can't frag Catayoun. I won't stand for it and neither will Cat. And u can't frag me. I won't stand for that either.

Ahreeman wrote:You mean Reza Pahlavi Image is not a great leader (Murder, riot, Killer …)?! Image

Indeed. And no other Persian Resistance Leader worth a damn has stepped up to the plate since 1979. U preach "Moral Revolution", whatever that is. No matter how morally revolted Iranians get, they will get nowhere without bold vision and good leadership. No matter how much they worship their "Glorious Persian Ancestors". There is no time for a "Moral Revolution", whatever that is.

Ahreeman wrote:What is with the Avatar picture of Mosadeq? Are you trying to say that Mosadeq is Haj Maloun? Is this sarcasm? Or are you a Jebhei now? Or just trying to get on my nerves? Mosadeq had a large nose, do you think his dick was also large? How about his balls? Any research you may have done on these issues?
  • Mosadeq was a Prince of Qajar. U r a Prince of Qajar.
  • Mosadeq was near the top of the food chain of the Qajar family.
    U r near the top of the food chain of the Qajar family.
  • Mosadeq had a golden tongue. U have a golden tongue.
Need I go on?

Ahreeman wrote:We should soon start a new debate in the formal debates room, maybe it should be called:

"Change in Iran" (How to Methods)?

U may do that if u wish.

Ahreeman wrote:BTW, any opinion on this:

Future of Iran

I'm afraid I don't have time to wade thru all of that right now.

If u have the time, do u have any opinion on:

Ideal Scene for Federal Republic of Free Persia


The 1st one is short. The 2nd one is longer.

Ahreeman wrote:Robert, I read through you like a clear glass. I even know which searches (shown in statistics sites) are done by you to promote IPC! I can figure all your track marks on the net to see what are you up to.


Ahreeman wrote:The only question is that what have you been doing for all these missing years from IPC? Well except the Group Masturbation sessions with Mugabe in Salisbury, Oops sorry I mean Harare?

Donna lie Bantu Maloun, Donna lie infidel ..... Image

But seriously, have you ever went back for a visit? Or maybe for a mission ordered by the "Company"? Image

I have not been to Africa since 1987.

Ahreeman wrote:Adios Image

Gorg Ali the Exiled Wolf
Gorg Ali dar Qorbat

Haj Maloun

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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:17 am

Dear Bantu Maloun :specialop: :

Got back in town couple of days ago, now I am having a chance to respond. I do not announce my arrivals and departures to anyone anymore, so I will not make it easy for Hezbollah to locate my locations at various times! 2 assassination attempts of the past are enough. I have much unfinished work to do. So much to do and so little time…..

For you Hezbos whom are reading this, and religiously reading IPC, don’t get any ideas, I am packed (Guns + Knives) at all times! :devnoid:

“U have a website & Imam Khamenei has a website.
Ur website is much bigger & richer & better than Imam Khamenei's website.
Yet Imam Khamenei owns & controls all of Iran while u r exiled to San Diego.”

However, Imam Khamenei is gay with a small boobool, yet I am not gay with a thick-necked Haji Kuchike! It all slipped your mind! :devgrin:

“Fear not, Comrade. I would not take my shorts off for u.”

Please don’t, you may scare the people around here! :devprised:

Mister Haj Seyed Maloun's car Journey around America

This is a good idea. You even put your face in there so you would deny any doubts of you being an African American or a Bantu Maloun (due to my rhetorics)! However, it is all true, you are from Africa and you are an American; therefore, you are an African American. In addition, deep in the heart, you are black (same as me), so you are a Bantu Maloun! Donna deny Maloun, donna denyyyyyyy (South African Accent)!

Say, you were born in Salisbury (Herare), right? :question:

Yahoo is not a good host because of that annoying ad on the right side (even knowing that one can click move it)!

Yahoo is a good host because of the viewership already provided by Yahoo Search Engine and hosting Company!

I dig the Faravahar on your neck! Where did you get it? Internet? You should see the ones I have!

You are growing beard and mustache! Jesus syndrome? Darvish Syndrome?

Makes you look old ….. Yeeer old lad, yeeer ooooold (South African Accent)!

Ye used to be a spring chicken and I used to be much older than you, but now, yer old, yeeer getting old lad! Yer as old as my father …….!

“U preach "Moral Revolution", whatever that is. No matter how morally revolted Iranians get, they will get nowhere without bold vision and good leadership. No matter how much they worship their "Glorious Persian Ancestors". There is no time for a "Moral Revolution", whatever that is.”

Rhetorics are cheap. Solutions are very simple:

I. A bloody Revolution.

II. Military Invasion-Liberation of Iran via USA.

III. A Moral and Cultural Revolution.

The first is not happening because the rich is getting richer and are pro status quo (IRI) and the poor are getting more poor, they have to work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meat, so they have no time for revolution. On the other hand, the middle class is practically non existent in Iran, so there are no one left to make a revolution.

In Shah’s time, the middle class intellectuals, Bazaaris, Akhunds, and professionals with too much time on their hands made a revolution. Today this middle class does not exist.

At shah’s time, people were fed, so they made a revolution.
Today they are hungry, so no time for revolution.

At Shah’s time opposition was united.
Today they are more divided than ever.

So no revolution in the short run is possible.

Military Invasion and Liberation of Iran in the short run is also not visible. No way in hell America would allow Israel to push her into this disaster. Iraq and Afghanistan are already a handful. Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan are also rising again! Operation Iran at least for the short run is a dream and not an option.

What’s left?

Moral Revolution.

My Moral Revolution and what I am doing on the Internet is the only logical choice for the time being. It is a long run option but this is the only option, which I can do with my means.

If I had all the stolen money of Pahlavis or all the resources of Hezbollah, then things would be different and a militia would be built and trained to start a civil war. The agitation for a bloody revolution would start, the student movement would be organized, but now there is no money so there is no honey!

State Department prefers to support cheap rhetorics of the cheesy Iranian media (Media Homeless) which the best of them is Voice of America in Persian and tens of other cheesy TVs, Radios, Websites and Groups supported with CIA money! This tactic has been going on for decades without providing any results. CIA and State Department have been trying to agitate an uprising by drafting these cheesy media units and groups.

The people on the payroll of State Department and CIA are worthless, no charisma, no talent, no popularity amongst the masses and for God’s sake they can’t even talk!


Reza Pahlavi and Monarchists around him.
Voice of America in Farsi
Many other Iranian Political Media and Parties.

The results have been zero.

Me and IPC with no resources, solely standing on my financing and revenue created by website have been 20 times more effective than all the CIA bought Iranian Media and political parties combined!

I am educating the youth and preparing their psyche for the future revolution.

This is called Moral Revolution.

My Critiques with No Solution! :pcharm:

It is very simple to criticize my Moral Revolution and show no other alternative tactic. Some choose to criticize my alternative tactic, yet provide no solution of their own. They are being full of hot air as usual.

At least I am doing something about the present situation. This is much better than what the rest have been doing: Sitting on their asses!

 Mosadeq was a Prince of Qajar. U r a Prince of Qajar.
 Mosadeq was near the top of the food chain of the Qajar family.
U r near the top of the food chain of the Qajar family.
 Mosadeq had a golden tongue. U have a golden tongue.
Need I go on? “

Har Gerdi, Gardu nist!

Any round object is not a walnut!

Any round object is also not Imam Hassan and Hussein (Ahreemanic Roundels)! :devbrowed:

This still does not explain:

Why the avatar of Mosadeq? :inqeyes:

I maybe dislike Monarchists (Pahlaviists) and look down on them as inferior primates with lower intellects on the lower levels of the evolutionary scale, but I despise Mosadeqists (Jebheis)!

Both groups along with rest of the Iranian political cults are owners of short and limited vision. They are fanatics, dogmatic, fixated on the past, cultists, dead worshipers, non productive and non-progressive.

Monarchists, Mosadeqists, Mojaheds and Marxists (4 Ms) are fragment of the past, way outdated for the needs of the tomorrow.

Dead Ideologies cannot build the future of Iran. Futurism is the only answer:

Secularism, Federalism, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights and the Scientific View.

There are no ifs and buts!

8000 years of dictatorship is enough and the time for anymore bull Shiite is over. This is why these cults are losing members by the day. I am educating the youth of Iran to be independent thinkers and free thinkers so they don’t fall in to the traps of:

Monarchist Dictatorship
Marxist Dictatorship
Marxist Islamist Dictatorship
Wanna Be Intellectual Technocratic Mosadeqist Elite Dictatorship!

I am building the future mindset of Iran. The rest are bull Shiite and cheap rhetorics. My critics are full of hot air and no solutions.

“U may do that if u wish.”

Yes, in the future we must start another philosophical dialogue and debate in the debate room.

“I'm afraid I don't have time to wade thru all of that right now.


Maybe in the future.

“I'm afraid I don't have time to wade thru all of that right now.

If u have the time, do u have any opinion on:

Ideal Scene for Federal Republic of Free Persia


The first is a good start but it needs to be worked on.

The second one:
You are coming on too strong and this would leave a negative effect on the Iranian reader and align them with Hezbollah!

“I have not been to Africa since 1987.”

Donna lie Bantu Maloun, donna lie youuuuuuuuuu (South African Accent)!

It was just few years back when we had an orgy with Jet-Black charcoal skinned, naked African girls in Chad Republic of Central Africa! Yer memory is lost lad, yer old and gitting grayer and older in yer amnesiac older age! Take some Geritol and Ginkgo Biloba!


I have originally granted you various names including but not limited to:

Haj Seyed Maloun
Bantu Maloun

But I prefer

Lawrence of Persia

Which with it, you are most recognized and that is why you are published as LOP on the website.

Still screaming (Xtra Large Font)? Still visually Impared (Xtra Large Font)? May Allah Cures you! :sarcas:


Watcher in the Woods
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:26 pm

Camran Mirza Frenchman :french: :

I was under the assumption that you do not approve of Chit Chats and you last called them “Nonsense”; therefore, I seized the nonsense (Communication with you), as you had wished, long time ago. Now you had run bare feet inside my dialogue:

Dialogue of Ahreeman X and Haj Seyed Maloun

Participating in the “Nonsense”! Make up your mind?

Even though you the same as many Iranians, “can’t dish in what you dish out” and “have a chip on your shoulder” and lacking the “Sense of Humor” and are great with “Critiques”, yet provide “No Solutions”, morely are full of “Rhetorics”, yet as long as you have jumped bare feet in between my dialogue, then I shall reply to you.

“In Iran, the word Moral is mainly used on children in schools or by adult parents to have Moral Lessons (dars-e Akhlagh), something like lecturing kids in the west.”

Maybe that’s the problem with the Iranian society. 70 million thieves, corrupt, 2 faced, double standards, hypocrites, frauds, zebel o zerang do co-exist with one another in a perfect eco-system and in a beautiful harmony! The children hear about morality from their parents, but they see that parents do opposite of what they preach! What role models are they? So corruption and fraud seeded by Islamic Sub Culture goes from generation to generation.

Iranian adults are in need of morality more than children!

“how can a moral be mix with bloody revolution?”

Moral Revolution is not a Red Revolution but a White Revolution as the primary step to prepare the situation for the future Red Revolution. The Moral Revolution is The Alternative Solution:

Moral Revolution

“As for the Moral and its ancient standards of the American favorite Ten Commandments, there is no definition for it, because it means different to everyone, hence interpretive instead of translate.”

The definition is very clear. So is the translation. All one has to do is to read:

Dialogue of AA and AX (Morality and Atheism)
http://www.iranpoliticsclub.net/club/vi ... php?t=1299

“This caused arguments between the high talented and low tolerance amigos which helped the departure of Amir Arselan from our world.”

Amir’s departure had nothing to do with the issue of “Moral Revolution”. Amir’s departure had everything to do with him being a 6 feet tall pussy, another Iranian, the same as you who “Cannot dish in what he dishes out”!

Amir stuck his nose in an issue which had nothing to do with him (Liberator’s case). Amir preached about logic, yet he defended an illogical Shah (Mohamad Reza Pahlavi). He contradicted himself! Say something and do another is hypocritical. No one told Amir to leave, but himself. No one even told Liberator to leave (despite his lies in his cheesy blog). Those lies only took away the credibility from his words in the public eye. He damaged noone except himself, because the world knows me and knows IPC and the world knows what IPC stands for. By calling me Hezbollah, Liberator only took away every bit of credibility that he had in public. In monarchist eye:

Anyone who is not a monarchist, must be Hezbollah, Tudehi, Jebhei and such!

Monarchists are the Neanderthals of the Iranian politics.

Not that I have tolerance and am great with dishing in as much as I dish out, yet it was Amir who’s childish character (over grown boy) did not allow him to comprehend tolerance, giving and receiving, critique, intended humor, and do as you preach! That is why the 6 feet tall pussy left IPC.

The 6 feet tall pussy along with all members of human race are welcomed back to IPC. We never kicked anyone out of here. Correction, I never kicked anyone out of here, but you and a few others kicked one person (in the history of IPC) out of here (Bache Kuni)!

Egos run high, low tolerance, no sense of humor and not being able to dish in what you dish out are the reasons for misunderstandings in IPC. You have this issue and Amir had this issue.

Actually you dislike and challenge any bright new face who walks in IPC! You behave as a mad bouncer at the door! Primarily you came down on Amir like no other! Again because of your lack of sense of humor.

You got room to talk about my intolerance! You are a time bomb. Yesterday you were an Atomic Bomb, now you cooled down and are only a Time Bomb!

“Now, whenever I find a pot that expresses Moral, I most certainly have good old fashion piss in it.”

That’s because you have no moral standards!

“I have learnt it from A president of the USA Mr. George. W. Bush, the one time beloved A leader of all liars, cuz too much reading, not enough listening.”

World has a short memory. Yesterday’s hero, today’s villain! One day they cheer for you and the next day they condemn you! This is story of Bush, Mosadeq, Shah and everyone else!

“God bless America, rest of the world can go to furnace.”

Without America, there would have been no rest of the world, because the rest of the world would have been under Nazi and Fascist Balls and boots today!

“All rights reserved”

Rights to Rhetorics?
Rights to Frantics?
Rights to Moodiness?
Rights to Drinking and Writing?
Rights to Writing under Influence?
Rights to Dam Dami Mezaji?
Rights to Over sensitiveness?
Rights to No Sense of Humor?
Rights to piling up Babbled Rhetorics?
Rights to Chip on the Shoulder?
Rights to ……..?

Cheers Buddy

* * *
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Postby IPC » Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:30 pm

Welcome back Robert. :D
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds (English)
Pendare Nik, Goftare Nik, Kerdare Nik (Modern Persian)
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Maloun has arrived in San Diego

Postby Lawrence Of Persia » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:30 pm

Dear Friends of Maloun,

My last messages were sent from Savannah, GA. I have been travelling since then. Up north to North Carolina to see my brother and nephew in Concord, near Charlotte. Then east to Raleigh to visit some friends from Rhodesia. Then west across the continent. Over three thousand miles.

America, my adopted homeland, is a very big and beautiful country, with much diversity. The mountains and forests of the east. The mighty Mississippi River. The vast, empty High Desert plateau of New Mexico and Arizona. I am now in San Diego, CA where I will stay for several weeks. Very nice here. Perpetual springtime. I love my country. I love my people. I love my car. But no girlfriend. Sheesh.

As soon as Cat heard I was coming she fled to Morocco to hide in a Moroccan Moslem's harem. AX was braver. He met me for a morning. He actually embraced me. He bought me breakfast. But right afterwards he went into hiding and will probably not emerge until after I leave. What is it with you folks? You think I have infectious HIV?

Camran, thanks for your input here. I owe you a response for this and also for the detailed message in the other thread. I am moving to a motel without a guest computer so there may be some days delay.

IPC, whoever you may be, thanks for your message.

Ahreeman, you coward. Come back here. I have more to discuss with you. And I owe you a response here.

Maloun is loose in IPC territory. On IPC home turf. But fear not, Maloun will not harm you. He is your friend.


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Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:46 pm

Meeting with Robert

Robert is a valuable comrade. Robert is taking a trip around USA! I wish I had the time to do such trip! But then again I have been around USA and the World! Robert came to San Diego to basically persuade and convince me to:

a) Form a Coalition of Iranian Political Parties and Organizations.
b) Plan nationwide protests.
c) Create a political party or a coalition movement.
d) Take leadership of the Iranian Opposition.
e) Work with US Government harmonizing plans to liberate Iran.
f) Overthrow Islamic Republic of Iran.

Robert is an extremely detail oriented and wise advisor; however, his plans were nothing new for me. Everything he brought forward to my attention has been already tried in the past by myself and failed. It failed because this opposition refuses to even sit around a same table with each other, set aside conduct joint debates, coalitions and operations.

That leaves me with the second option to create a political party and go hard core against IRI. This option will make me a much wide-open target for assassination than I already am and this would trigger more assassination attempts on my life! Besides, at my age, I truly do not feel to take on a challenge to build a political party from scratch, go around USA and the World, conduct speeches, gather funds, draft members, organize and create a solid powerful political party to go head to head with IRI. I am able do this task but I do not have the time and energy at my age to dedicate the rest of my life, being on the move to make this project a reality.

Then it all comes down to US Administration. Working with US Administration is no problem but I refuse to become a CIA puppet the same as Reza Pahlavi and the Ass Kissers around him (Monarchists) or Maryam Rajavi and the Confused Bastards around her (Mojaheds)!

CIA has his head up his ass or else for 30 years they would have not wasted our tax moneys on creating and funding Cheesy Iranian TVs, Radios, Websites, Ragazines and puppet figureheads for non existent political parties and organizations only existing on the short wave radio and cyber world! CIA always had his facts upside down, one mistake after another! CIA is in no position to be a good advisor!

In addition, I did not truly see a new plan from Robert. Everything he suggested has been already tried before. Now I am down to the Moral Revolution:

Moral Revolution

I believe due to the present situation and with my present resources, the best way that I can serve this purpose is as a Journalist, which this is exactly what I am doing.

Future can change things, maybe Robert or others can come up with new plans or maybe situation will change and I will go hardcore politically active and take lead. Who knows? But for now, logic dictates to me that my present path is where I can make the most difference and I can be most effective as a journalist.

So Robert as a CIA Operative, Oops pardon me, as a Tourist, continues his Trip around USA ….. I envy Robert but I wish him well. Man learns a lot from travel. Travel is good.

This discussion will continue ……
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Response to Camran

Postby Lawrence Of Persia » Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:43 pm

Dear Comrade Camran,

Thank you for your input here.

Camran wrote:When it comes to the word Revolution, you will notice the multiple usages found in English language, but in Farsi only one usage, to bring down a government in bloody way, it is called “Enghelab”.

Most times, the sound of revolution in the west is milder and it blends with other meanings to become sweeter, but when you say the equivalent to it as in “Enghelab”, it wills inevetibly have to be used in one occasion, the mighty revolution. However, the only time Enghelaab used in other terms than bloody version was by the late Shah as in “Enghelaab-e Sefid” (The white revolution in early 60’s when he took the land away from owners shared with farmers which became the back bone of his downfall 1979). Apart from that, Engelaab could not transform itself to any other milder form, deriving from “Revolve”, it is strictly used in it’s classic.

Interesting. Only one word in Persian for revolution. Only one word in Persian for freedom. Persians have not thought, written or spoken much about freedom or revolution for over two thousand years. So they haven't done much in the area of freedom or revolution. Persians have been obedient subjects. Of their own kings. Of conquerors. Of Mullahs. Persians have not been citizens.

Camran wrote:The Moral Revolution in Farsi called “Enghelaab-e Akhlaaghi”, Enghelaab=Revolution in it’s bloody term, Akhlaagh=Moral.

In Iran, the word Moral is mainly used on children in schools or by adult parents to have Moral Lessons (dars-e Akhlagh), something like lecturing kids in the west. To add it up to a Revolution, it certainly has most non-valued terms of words from a logical point of view, cuz how can a moral be mix with bloody revolution, they would clash, couldn’t apply on anything. You will be using the moral to correct people and revolution to change regime by blood. Not the best of two to mix.

As for the Moral and its ancient standards of the American favorite Ten Commandments, there is no definition for it, because it means different to everyone, hence interpretive instead of translate. This caused arguments between the high talented and low tolerance amigos which helped the departure of Amir Arselan from our world.

Now, whenever I find a pot that expresses Moral, I most certainly have good old fashion piss in it. I have learnt it from A president of the USA Mr. George. W. Bush, the one time beloved A leader of all liars, cuz too much reading, not enough listening.

God bless America, rest of the world can go to furnace (hell, in old language for religious people).

I think I understand where AX is coming from. He is very frustrated that Persians do not stand up and fight for their freedom. They stay on their knees, kissing their rulers' hands, and waiting for the mullahs to go away of their own accord. In Persian history, oppressors always departed eventually. Persians just persisted in tolerating adversity until the bad guys went away.

"Moral Revolution" is a misleading term for what AX is trying to do. He is trying to achieve a philosophical evolution among Persians in a single generation. After they have been submissive for over two thousand years. After they have been drinking and breathing the spiritual poison of Islam for over thirteen hundred years.

AX should study the evolution of democracy in Taiwan since the late 1940s. The Nationalist regime there was very corrupt and autocratic at first. And yet with economic prosperity the thirst for personal freedom took root in the Taiwanese people. Today Taiwan has a decent democracy.

But the Taiwanese were not infested with Islam.

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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:40 am

Analysis of the Present Situation
For Robert, Camran and All


Get ready for a major Ass Chewing. In this thread I have chewed Camran’s ass and now I am going to chew your ass. Both of you certainly deserve it. From time to time it is good for the ass to be chewed and for the head to be slapped so the mind would return to reality rather than remaining in LaLa Land!

You and Camran have a few things in common:

* Both of you are great with criticizing what I do but offer no solution of your own!

* Both of you are honorary residents (not full residents yet) of LaLa Land yet bash a solid resident of the Real Land (that’s me)!

The first issue is pretty obvious. Both of you bash my Moral Revolution. Both of you undermine all my efforts during the last 30 years. Both of you make a mockery of my tactics. Both of you are great critics of my methods. Both of you run around IPC posting a lot of Shiite about me and my methods. Both of you talk a lot of Bull Shiite about me behind my back to others or to each other.

The second issue needs some clarifications; therefore, I shall do it.

The two of you suppose to be great advisors. Your jobs are to advise me. Not that lately you have not advised me, but you critic, bash, bitch and mock me!

Camran calls my methods laughable and my words nonsense.

You flat out call me an amateur, alpha male, monarch and …

Now I will make an analysis,

Savior Syndrome

Both of you and many others inside and outside IPC have high expectations from me. It seems like wasting 30 years of my life on this opposition, Iran and Iranians was not enough, but you expect me to spend whatever years I have left, also on the same lost cause! Iranians do not care to make a move and help themselves (Regime Change), but you expect me to become the savior and take lead and do this for them! This is pretty selfish of yourselves and all Iranians who think this way! This opposition is useless but they expect me to fight their fights for them while they sit around the corners of the wrestling ring and cheer for me!

LaLa Land Syndrome

Camran is a merchant on eBay. This is not a real job. This is a hobby! This means that he does not need money either because he got the dough or his main squeeze got the dough or both got the dough; therefore, he plays around eBay makes some money and then posts some criticism on IPC and mocks me! He often sits in France (if not vacationing around the world), drinks his vodka, eats his caviar, and nibbles on Mast O Khiar while posting under the influence in IPC. He has no clue of how hard it is to do anything in politics of Iran (with such suffocation), set aside what I have done through the decades, yet he is a great critic of mine and he assumes that he can do better! The funny thing is that he never offers a solution and he never takes charge to do anything! He sits there in France, puffs his French cigarettes and plays the role of an intellectual critic and the liberal do gooder! Camran obviously lives in LaLa Land and he mocks me for living in the Real Land!

You, oh forget about it (Italian Style), I don’t know where to begin! It is 10 years that you are out of work because you had depression! It is 5 years that you are out of IPC because you had depression! You are taking a trip around USA because you need rest and leisure, like the 10 years and the 5 years were not enough times off!

When we first met (ancient history) on cyber space and the very first time that you had set foot in IPC, do you recall what you were doing? I do! You were writing about Parallel Universes! You were in to Parallel Universes and writing a piece about a parallel universe where Islam did not invade Iran or did not take over Iran, so Persian Empire lived to survive and continue until the present day or so on ….. In other words you were and still are a fine resident of LaLa Land!

You have been talking a lot of Shiite about me around IPC and I know why you are doing it! You are doing it for the same reason that Camran is doing it! Both of you want to get a reaction from me, both of you want me to take lead of this opposition, both of you want me to jump start a coalition or a political party, both of you are pushing me in to direct political struggle, both of you have extreme high expectations from me, both of you are selfish, both of you are unrealistic, both of you are fed up and frustrated with IRI but your advices to me are not based on logic but emotion!

Let me explain something to you,

I have been depressed for 30 years! But I do not allow this depression to stop my lifestyle! I have been holding on to 2 jobs, IPC and my private life. You can’t take 10 years off work and 5 years off IPC because you are depressed!

You wonder why everyone (old crew) had left politics and IPC (except Cat), but then look at yourself! You take 5 years off, come back and expect that everything would be honkey dorey again! You try to meet the new people! No one will meet you! Have you ever heard of “Covert Operation”? Have you ever heard of “Rule of 3” (created by me)? Only each 3 people will get to know each other (for security reasons). The less you know, the safer you are! No one knows who you are! You are a liability! Who knows where you been for 5 years? You could be an IRI Assassin (hypothetically)!

But that’s beside the point that what I told you was true: At the time no one is attending the office. Everyone is busy with their personal lives. They don’t get paid for politics, they do it volunteerly. Cat is in Africa, AQ with personal life and others the same.

Iranians do not stick with a cause unless there is money in it! This is why IRI is still in power after 30 years.

Things change, people die and lives change while you are away in LaLa Land for 5 years! For your information the world had changed with everyone in it. I can tell you stories for months on what happened to the operations while you were away, but why should I? What would this solve? Waste of time!

You and Camran and many others are in this for leisure. You are not in it for life or death. You are not down with the cause but you are dancing around the cause!

IPC exists today because despite attacks, destruction and bans by Hezbollah, I made it to survive.

For your information Q is terminally ill, back and forth to hospital and sick bed at home. He refuses to see or talk to anyone. When you have this type of illness, then you prefer to be isolated! He refuses to even see me or talk to me. I don’t blame him. Now this is called Real Depression! Can you hear me now?

Don’t write crap around IPC, try to meet people after 5 years when you have no clue what we went through!

What is Depression?

Let me tell you what I think of depression:

Depression is a disease for Rich People or people with too much time on their hands! Depression is a disease for Kun Goshads (Lazy Asses). When one is struggling to make ends meet:

From Homeless to Corporate Manager, My Life

He will have no time to get depressed! I have been working my ass off since I was 18 years old. Real working people do not have time to get depressed!

Merchants on eBay and Computer Geeks who still have outdated information (Dead Computer Languages), Reza Pahlavi and Hollywood Movie Stars tend to get depressed and relief their depressions by caviar and vodka! They also tend to take 10 years time off work!

The Underclass of the society does not have time to get depressed:

Watcher in the Woods

I been there and done that and this is why now I try to help those in the same boat where I was once rowing! No one helped me but now I try to make a difference!

Who Gets Depressed?

People who live in their mother’s basement, chubby geeks on the net, Forum Dwellers, Bloggers, Bull Shiite Writers, Iranian Career Exilists and Iranian Retired on the Web Community get depressed! People like myself, working people, labors and the Underclass does not get depressed! We don’t have time to get depressed!

I was trying hard to avoid writing this post, not to hurt your sensitive emotional feelings, but you keep on calling me an Amateur and other crap! Then you show after 5 years to advice me! The industrial revolution and the world passed you by, but now you want to give me constructive advice! With what information? Outdated information?

News Flash!

Dear Don Quichotte,

News Flash: In 5 years or 10 years, the whole world changes! Then when I see no value in your latest advice which is based on old info, false analysis and flawed assessments of the present situation, you get pissed and call me an Amateur!

No, America will not invade Iran,
No, America will not nuke Iran,
No, Iran is not Iraq with one nuke site but so far 16 bunker sites, deep underground to be protected from bombings and IRI is building more nuke sites,
No, Israel can’t and does not even have the technology and planes to bomb these sites,
No, Russia and China will not stand by,
No, the situation is bad and if Democrats get elected, then forget about any slight chance of confronting Iran,
No, US is already in deep Shiite in Afghanistan and Iraq and they don’t need another episode,
No, Iranians are not committed to any change, they are lazy, and comfort seeking people,
No, the world as you see it does not exist in Real Land but it exists in LaLa Land!

IRI is safe and sound, very powerful, in absolute control and getting stronger.
America can’t do jack Shiite.
Israel can’t do jack Shiite.
Iranian people have Stockholm Syndrome and Lazy Asses to overthrow IRI.

Go count your prayers for GOP to get elected or else No Change will occur in Iran.

Selfish Comrades

Both of you and Iranian people are selfish, unrealistic and have unrealistic high expectations from me to play the role of the savior! Take a good look at yourselves and ask yourselves:

What have you done for Iran lately?

You want to push me in this direction not because of my benefits or Iranians’ benefits but because of your own benefits so you can play the roles of the great advisors and the do gooding revolutionaries! You want to comfort your own conscience. You want to be a part of a great revolution and you want to change the history and build a new, but you fail to understand a few things:

• I am only one man. A CEO without a Corporation full of enthusiastic workers is meaningless. I don’t see Iranians wanting to lift a finger to save themselves!

• I am not 18 anymore. What gives you the right to expect from me to spend the rest of my life running around the world campaigning, holding lectures, drafting members, building a political party and overthrowing IRI?

• With what little resources that I have, I am doing the best that I can for Iran.

Then you have the nerves to say:

“Iran will be destroyed by America but Ahreeman is playing with his little website.”

My Little Website!

News Flash:

Playing with my little website had so far caused tens of thousands of young Iranians between the ages of 16 to 25 to get enlightened of their culture, history and reality for the first time in their lives!

Playing with my little website is making a Change which is called Moral Revolution via Cultural Revolution for establishment of the future Social Revolution.

Playing with my little website is a glimpse of hope in a sea of Garbage which is called the Iranian mainstream media.

I am being most effective at this point of my life by publishing IPC. I am changing youth’s minds and build the future mindset.

No one but no one in politics of Iran has done what I have done and been more effective during the past 30 years, specifically no one in the Iranian Career Exilist Community.

My suggestion to both of you and others is that:

Instead of criticizing me, grab your pens, help me and make a difference. Help me to help Iranians. Help me to help building the mindset of the future generation.

Where are Iranian Exiled Community?

Do you want to know where Iranian American Exile community are? They are writing bull Shiite and playing cyber jerk off with each others in forums, blogs and bull Shiite tabloid sites. Go around the net and observe this in 1001 Iranian Tabloid websites and communities. They are passing time and wasting their lives on crap. They have no intentions to help Iran or themselves. They are ignorant of the whole situation. Blind leads the blind and they are all almost at the bottom of the well! It is called Cultural Bankruptcy!

My critics are plenty and they are dime a dozen! What I do is most effective or else Hezbollah would not attack, destroy once and then ban the site. Obviously I am on the right track because despite attacks, destruction and banning of the site, presently, the Iranian viewership inside Iran (with or without proxies) is on the rise. The message is crossing over.

You want short term solutions, there is non because I tried for 30 years and I failed.
You want long term solutions, then that is what I am doing.

I am doing what I do with no help or funding from anyone while the other side (IRI backed Media and Lobby groups) are rolling in dollars from Qom!

This is who I am and this is what I can do and here is where we are.
Don’t like it? Then offer a new solution?

I hope I had set the records straight!


Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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