Greetings Iniyavel Sugumar
Welcome to IPC Club. Good to see intelligent youth in the club. Your post is reply worthy; therefore, I shall reply to it.
“Someone on the Internet told that Zoroastrianism went underground and took the Trojan horse avatar of Shi'ite Islam and even compared the IRI to the Sassanian (sic) Empire.”
Even though literally this is not true; however, there are some bases to this issue. Allow me to explain.
After the First AIOG (Arabo Islamic Occupational Government), Persians created “Shiitism” as their own version of Islam in a form of negative struggle against the “Sunna” which was practiced by the Arabs. Eventually during Safavids, Shiite Islam had become the colonial ideology and a religio-political gimmick for the Persian Colonial Empire to establish a regional empire competing with the Ottomans who practiced Sunni Islam.
This episode dragged on until this day which IRI has built a Shiite Regional Empire stretched from Mediterranean to Caspians and Persian Gulf. IRI is basically modelling the Safavid Shiite Empire as role model. IRI expanding her control via her puppet regimes, terrorist organizations and military boots and attaches on the ground from Lebanon (Hezbollah) to Palestine (Hamas), to Syria (Assad Regime), to Iraq (Shiite Iraqis), to Yemen (Shiite Yemenis), to East Afghanistan (Shiite Afghans) and Iran. Basically IRI has created a Shiite Crescent surrounding the Sunni Arabs Sheikhdoms of Persian Gulf creating fear and anxiety amongst the Arabs and Turks (in north and northwest of the region).
Many Sunnis believe that Persians are not true Muslims and they are only using Islam as a tool to expand Shiitism around the region and revive the Persian Empire.
So as you see, there is a base to this whole allegation; however, as obvious as it is that IRI is using religion as ideological expansion and neo colonial expansion, yet we must admit that at least there are a couple of million hardcore Shiite Muslims ruling Iran whom are far more fanatical than Sunnis. This ruling class is heavily ideological and they can never be removed from power unless by sheer force, exile and extermination.
As I have always stated, my problem with IRI is not her independence, growing expansionism, creating a regional power and self sufficiency, but my problem with IRI is Islam. We must take Islam out of the picture and Iran will be heaven.“I read it and saw that you mentioned Arabs by the word "Tazi" (I don't know what that means, but I can sense some derogation in it).”
Actually a few other colleagues have been using this term. In ancient times,
Arabs called Persians “
Ajam” meaning:
Illiterate (to Arabic), Mute, Dumb, Retarded
Persians called Arabs “
Tazi” meaning:
Dog (referring to Arab Hound Dog breed, Dog is dirty in the traditional culture)
Until this day, Pan Arabs refer to Iranians as Ajam and Pan Iranists refer to Arabs as Tazi.
“I got the real picture of what Iran and Iranians/Persians underwent through the ages. Indians faced a more bloodier holocaust for 800 years, but I never knew Iranians faced it this bad.”
Originally Iranians had it bad in the early years. They were third rate citizens; however, later on Iranians become the real ruling power and hand of the Arab Caliphate. The Golden Age of Islam was gold not because of Arabs but because of Persians and Persian Ingenuity which were the minds and power behind the Caliphate. Persians were Wazirs (Prime Ministers), Cabinet (Ministers), Hokkam (Governors), Maliyeh (Economy), Adliyeh (Judicial), Scientists, Artists and Philosophers of the Islamic Caliphate. Persians were running the Caliphate with Arab Caliph and Arab Dynasties on the top!
Islamic Golden Age lasted until the Persian Ingenuity dried up by Islam. Once Islam killed the Persian Ingenuity, then the Islamic Caliphate deteriorated, lost power, stagnated and become backward. So the golden age of Islam was no credit to Arabs but thanks to Persians, there existed the Golden Age of Islam.Historically Famous Iranian Scientists ... /index.htmI also agree that Indians were much more oppressed by the Arabo-Muslims than Persians ever were!“One of my near and dear ones (I don't want to mention) told me that Persians were barbarians who used to rob and loot every town they invaded. She also told me that (stereotype) they had (elephant) trunks for noses. As a young guy with no prior exposure (not much exposure to the outside world either), I was bound to swallow it hook line and sinner, but then I decided to look for myself and alas, the picture I knew was far from reality.”
History is written by the conquerors. Hero to one nation is a blood thirsty murderer to the other. Your family and friends are referring to Persian conquerors of India.
Throughout the history, before and after Islam, a great part of India belonged to the Persian Empire. Baluchestan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Parts of North West India were states of Iran. Specifically during Achaemenid, Sassanid, Saffarid and Afsharid Dynasties the boundaries of the Persian Empire were deep in to India.
Until 250 years ago, half of Pakistan belonged to Iran (Baluchistan half).While Indians refer to
Yaqub Leis and
Nader Shah as blood thirsty tyrants, Persians worship Yaqub as the liberator of Iran and Nader as a national hero.
Until this day, Paki Shiites brigades are one of the major brigades of the fearful Foreign Legion of the Qods Force Special Forces, IRGC Sepah Pasdaran and other units of the IRI military. Paki Shiites and Afghan Shiites identify more with Iran than their own nations. This is due to centuries and millenniums of being Iranian citizens. For God’s sake, every Istan nation was fabricated by the British and Russian Colonialism separating states of Iran and creating all of these Istan fabricated countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.
Until this day, Persian nationalists do not recognize these fabricated countries as independent nations but they consider them Iranians which one day in the future must return to Iran as states of Iran!
In the case of India, of course, old timers will tell stories of Persian Barbarianism because of centuries and millenniums of Persian Colonial Invasions of India.
But I insist that historically speaking, before Islam, Persian Empire was run as a Federal Empire, democratic in nature (not a democracy); therefore, the Indian Khashtarahs (States) of Iran had nothing to complain about. So as far as before Islam, Indians have nothing to complain about because Sassanids and specifically Achaemenids treated them right.
History of Federalism in Iran ... /index.htmAfter Islam, the Islamic sub culture made Persians more brutal. Persian Colonial Empire of Saffarid and specifically Afsharid were brutal and had no mercy for Indian resistance because they considered these territories as once Iranian territories (before Islam) and they saw it as their national duties to return them to mother Persia.
But have in mind that while Indian resistance were crushed brutally, yet once you became an Indian Citizen of Iran, then you were not treated as a Dhimmi boy, second rate citizen and slave. Unlike Arabs, Persians considered non Persians as citizens of Iran with rights and respect.
Civilization: Persia versus Greece and Rome ... /index.htmThat is history my friend. Until this day, some Indians look at it as Persian Barbarian Invaders but others look at it as the best thing that happened to Indians of the North West India.
“This website is unique when compared to those of other Iranian nationalists that I glimpsed in that it doesn't focus on pulling others down but in the well-being of the Iranian nation.”
Yes it is indeed. We do not preach Persian Supremacy by undermining other great cultures. For instance India the same as Iran is a hodge podge Empire of many races, languages, ethnicities and cultures. Even though I believe India is nowhere as racially diversed as Iran (we have White Aryans, Tan Aryans, Mixed Whites, Oriental Turkmens, Southern Arabs, Southern Blacks, Kurds, Turks, Lors, Mixed and even Indians in Iran), yet India is somewhat diverse. While there is no single Indian religion, race or culture, yet India in general is an ancient culture. India has a long history and Indians are interesting people. Indians are our brothers and sisters.
Take a look at our authors and you will see a number of great Indian authors’ material in IPC, some not even published elsewhere!“What I couldn't handle at all was that Arabs in the past invaded and destroyed not only Iran, but the Persian race along with it (Syeds/half-breeds). As similar cultures to the Indian cultures (India is way too diverse than even Indians know), I couldn't handle them being destroyed in the name of Islam and Allah. And it's very sad that Iran has fallen once again into the hands of Islamic bigots who have no concern for the nation but want to cling on to power.”
Actually Arabo Muslims could not manage to destroy the Persian Aryan Race, Culture and Traditions. They tried and IRI is still trying hard but they can’t!
There exists Aryans nationwide, Persian language, philosophy, art, music, culture and celebrations heavily cherished until this day.
If Iran would have lost its language, race and celebrations, then today, it would have been considered yet another Arab country!The problem is that Arabo Muslims have degenerated the Persian Race, Culture and Celebrations to some point but not in total.
Today, nationwide, we (Nationalists) are purifying the language, literature and celebrations from Arabo Islamic influences but the race has to wait until we kick Islam out of Iran or at least out of the government.
“I did read about Reza Khan the Great and he was/is the kind of leader I personally look up to, which my country can never produce due to the sheer stupidity of the people in general and due to way too many races (North and West are Caucasoid, East is Mongoloid, South is Caucasoid/Australoid, and I come from the South). I always thought Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was an idiot, but also recognized his positives.”
Self Serving Iranian monarchists and Muslims did not allow Reza Khan to establish a Republic in Iran or else, he would have been the first president and today’s Iran would have been a Democracy rather than an Islamic Theocracy.Reza Shah was a legend.
Mohammad Reza Shah had many flaws but still as a nationalist he has done many good for Iran.
“CRISPR-Cas9 (simpler and safer genome editing) can probably be used to cut out and remove the Arab/Turk DNA strands that Iranians loath so much. It was proposed in 2012 and till now 1,500 researches have been conducted. In the near future, it will be used to edit DNA and cure even genetic diseases and AIDS. You can even reinvent the ancient Persian race or create a new Persian race!”
This is very interesting and science puts forwards new challenges. This can become handy in the future of Iran. But have in mind that in today’s liberal world and specifically in America, Genetic Engineering is more or less equal creating master race and genocide!
In today’s politically correct America, West and the World, people are brain washed not to even speak of these phenomenon. There exists one race and it is called the global race. You know, the same old tired ass liberal garbage, brotherly love, socialist crap?!
On the other hand, you do not necessarily need to clean the race in the lab but you can do it naturally (Darwin Style) via breeding! It takes a few generation of forced breeding the Mixed Persians with the Milky White, Blue, Green or Brown Eyed; Blonde, Red, Brown or Black Haired Pure Aryan Persians from North West Iran (Gilaks, Azeris and Armenians) to clean the Mixed Persians’ blood and features from the Dark Arab characteristics.Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy ... /index.htmTrust me, hand me the government and in a few decades I will hand you perfect White Aryans and Original Persians pure of Degenerated Arab Blood! There are plenty of White Aryans in Iran to be used as breeding elements to purify the race back to Persianhood. Maybe then, we can also transform the good noble Persian characteristics in to the minds of Persians and cleans their minds off of Arabo Islamic garbage.
But do not expect me to do miracles! I can never transform Half Breed Baboons like Ahmadinejad and Rouhani in to Aryans! They are not considered Mixed Whites but they are far gone as they are Half Breed Arabs with some Baboonic Orangutan Genes somehow mixed in there!Islamist Evolution I ... /index.htmIslamist Evolution II ... /index.htmIslamist Evolution III ... /index.htm“I kind of disagree with the Aryan Invasion Theory that it originated in Siberia. No, it originated in Northwest India (now Pakistan). And it originated among Indians.”
You can disagree as much as you want but the latest archaeological, geological, anthropological, and historical evidence does not support your opinion as the latest fact but it only suggests it as a theory.
Still until this day, the most solid theory backed by above evidence is the Siberia origin theory.
Aryan Migrations evidence whatsoever supports that Aryan origin started in India and from there spread to Iran, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy and Greece! This is a theory like tons of other theories coming out every few years, but none of them has enough meat as the original theory which still rocks solid with Siberia.
However, the combine origin of the second Aryan Migration was Baltics and the third Aryan Migration root was Central Asia. This Central Asia root was a basis for some to come up with the Indian origin (near Central Asia) which is false.
“I would like to add that Arab Muslims in the past succeeded MAINLY because they had NAVAL supremacy apart from the retreating way of fighting whenever they were at a disadvantage.”
In early years, Arabs had very weak navy or no navy and that is why they did not completely conquer the Roman Empire like they done the Persian Empire.
Arab Muslim Invasion Occupation of Persian Empire Maps later years, Arabs built a mighty navy (thanks to Persian ingenuity) and only then, they used it to spread Islam all the way from Spain to Philippines.
“Whether they're liberals like Assad or radicals like the House of Saud”
This is so funny, sad but true that you refer to Assad and his Baasi (Baath) Regime (Pan Arab Fascism) as liberal! Just imagine how backward and reactionary are the Arabs that Assad will become a liberal in comparison to Saudis! But scarier is that what you say is actually true!Assad and other Arab Dictators are secular and much more civilized than Islamic States and Regimes like ISIS, Sudan and Saudis!
It seems like US Foreign Policy, specifically Liberals such as Obama are masters of screwing up the Middle East by destroying the Secular Dictatorships which at least provide security and stable economy for the people, and turning them to unsafe and unstable civil war infested nations which eventually fall in to the hands of Islam and become Islamic Caliphates or Islamic Republics! Soon I will write an article about this issue.Reasons for the Birth of IRI Would You Donate to Jimmy Carter?
Carter Wants My Donation! ... /index.htm“Christianity being more expansionist had a more blood soaked history but at least in the New Testament, there is a separation of church and state (Render unto Caesar , render unto God, etc).”
Actually there is no separation of Church and State in Bible but there is in the US Constitution and some Euro-Pee-On Constitutions due to enlightenment!
IPC Writes:
“Keeping your mind pure is more important than keeping your race pure. It is more important for Indian brothers and sisters to clear their minds than to clean their race! You can be a wonderful looking Aryan Indian but with Islam in your brain! What good will that do?”
I must agree with the above statement. Pure Logical Mind is more primary and important than pure race.Take a look at India. North West India and East India is infested with Islam (also consider Pakistan and Bangladesh as India). Indian Muslims and Shiites are more fanatical about Islam than Arabs! They are worse than Persians in worshipping the murderers of their ancestors. I deal with Indian Muslims on daily basis and I simply do not comprehend their logic (What logic?) on why they are Muslims!? You got a huge problem probably larger than the problem we have in Iran!
Iranians by majority (except a few million Ruling Hezbollahi) are not true Muslims but they are Muslims due to birth and tradition. Persians are so Westernized that 35 years of IRI does not change the culture.
Iran is the only country in the Middle East which the people love America but the government hates America. Everywhere else it is the opposite!
If IRI goes which soon or late it is destined to go, then there will be barely any true Muslim left in Iran! People are show Muslims and pretend to be Muslims only on Ashura, Tasua, fasting and group prayer!
On the other hand, in India, you got massive population of Muslims as true fanatical believers!
Honestly, I thought the most fanatical and ignorant Muslims were Shiites and the most ignorant of them all are Afghan Shiites until I met a great number of Indian Shiite Muslims! That blew up my mind! Only Allah knows why these people are still Shiite Muslims! They do not even live in a forced theocracy but they live in a democracy, yet still ignorant, backward and illiterate traitors to their own culture, people and the global intelligence!I enjoyed your post, views, and prospects.
Thanks for speaking up your mind, reading IPC, expanding your horizons and self educating yourself, cause if you don’t, for sure the schools won’t!
Many are Schooled, but only a few are truly Educated!Amen!