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Liberal Made LGBTQIA+
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Liberal Made LGBTQIA+ 6 to 60 Genders!
Why Liberals are Forcing People to Become Gay?
Ahreeman X on LGBTQIA+

Ahreeman X
August 31, 2022

Li'l Miss Hot Mess the Drag Queen Educator with her book
Author of Literary Masterpieces:
The Hip on the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish and If you’re Drag Queen and You Know It
New York City Drag Queen Story Hour at Schools and Libraries
School teacher, story teller and children’s book author Drag Queen
Your children’s educator under Biden and Democrats Illegitimate Regime

The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish by Lil Miss Hot Mess

Li’l Miss Hot Mess Site

Ahreeman X Coming Out of the Closet!

Primarily to clarify any doubts in your minds, allow me to come out of the closet and confess that I am a proud member of the LGBFJB community! It has been a long while that I have been a LGBFJB (Let’s Go Brandon FAQ Joe Biden) activist, but in the closet! There you go, now I am out of the closet!

Let’s Go Brandon = FAQ Joe Biden Fun Page

LGBTQIA+ Best Recognize

I would like to be very blunt with you:

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup is not a minority group; therefore, they cannot get minority group status because a minority group is based on race, ethnicity and religion. Homosexuality is neither!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup is not a lifestyle! Homosexuality at best is a sexual perversion and at worst is a mental disorder.

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, that you exist because your father was not gay!
If everyone was gay, then procreation would seize to exist and humanity will become extinct!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, there are XY (Male Chromosomes) and XX (Female Chromosomes) which can never change; therefore, no matter how much puberty blockers, hormones and sex change operations you do, you can never change your sex!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, there is only 2 sexes in the world and the rest are liberal fabricated nonsense. The sooner you face science, the easier your lives will be!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, puberty blockers, hormones and sex change operations are irreversible; therefore, if later on, you will have side effects, regrets and permanent injuries, they could lead to depression, illnesses, or suicide.

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, that there is no Pride in Gay Parade! Why are you proud? What have you achieved? Bending over as a man and opening your rectum for all to bang?

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, there are definitions for men and for women. Each play a role in the functioning society. When you break these definitions, you create chaos which will destroy the functioning society.

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, the importance of a nuclear family: If you are in jail, most likely there was no father figure in your life!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, you are marginalized in the society as ANTIFA, BLM, Anarchists and other Communist Degenerates because you are bound to disrupt the roots of the functional society, capitalism, free markets and democracy.

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, there are really no boundaries between what you stand for and then pedophiles, sex criminal offenders and other misfits who are against the organization and discipline; natural law and order in the society.

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, that men should not celebrate winning trophies in women’s sports but they should be ashamed of competing with the little girls!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, that there is no pride in not being a real man or a real woman but dangling in between via unnatural surgical mutilation and self-inflicted wounds!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, stop indoctrinating and butchering little kids in schools with irreversible puberty blockers and surgical procedures before they have a chance to decide on their own with a full adult brain on what to do with their sex life!

LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup should best recognize, that they are living an abnormal, unnatural, and deranged life of danger with prospects of various incurable diseases!

There are men and there are women. Everything else is fabricated by liberals in the LaLa Land!

What is LGBTQIA+?

Some of you may ask what the hell is the LGBTQIA+?

LGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup as we call it is:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer (Transvestite), Intersexual (Female and Male both) and Asexual (No specific sex) and + (plus) means adding more genders by the day….

Adding unlimited number of liberal fabricated genders between 6 to 60 and even in some places up to 100 genders to the list! That is why we call it the “Alphabet Soup”!

In this article we cannot keep on referring to them by the Alphabet Soup order because it keeps on adding and it is lengthy! So, we will refer to them as Gays for short!

I am a Scientist

I do not have a religious angle because I am an atheist who believes in science and logic. So, for some of you liberals who are not familiar with my writings and are trying to debunk it by branding me as religious and branding yourselves as scientific, please comprehend that it will not work! I am not religious and you are far from being scientific. In fact, I am backing my words with true science versus you believing in pseudo-science gibberish such as 6 to 60 Genders, Transgender Ideology, Climate Change and other liberal garbage!

Where I come from, men are men and women are women and there is no liberal 6 to 60 genders in between them! It has nothing to do with religion because I’m an atheist.

Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

What is Homosexuality?

Homosexuality is not inherited, not genetic, not a birth defect and no one is born that way! Between 95% to 99% of the homosexuals were born as heterosexuals. 1% to 5% were born with defects which technically they can do corrective surgeries and sex ops. at the early age to correct them, and remain either as the birth sex or sex change to the opposite sex. Most majority of the homosexuals or so-called LGBTQIA+ are gay by choice.

Homosexuality is a learned behavior from the family, society, schools and environment. It is learned from Gay Adoption, Repeated Child Molestation, School Gay Sex, Gay Neighborhoods, Indoctrination at schools, Media and Hollywood propaganda, Entertainment Industry as high as TV series and as low as commercials. All and all the environment by nurture creates homosexuality.

Homosexuality at best is a ”Sexual Perversion” and at worst is a “Mental Disorder”. This is not opinion, but real science.

I am not against homosexuality, live and let live. It is my choice to be gay or not. Government cannot dictate to me to accept homosexuality like it does to accept electric cars! It is my choice.

So, basically, more or less,
99% to 95% are LGBTQIA+ by choice
1% to 5% Max are LGBTQIA+ by birth

Ones who are LGBTQIA+ by birth can do surgery and change sex.

You are LGBTQ because of:

Liberal Social Pressure
Liberal Educational System
Sexual Perversion
Mental Health Issues
Social Statement
Political Statement
Fashion Statement
Rebellion Statement
Peer Pressure
Social Nurture
Sexual Abuse
Father Issues
Lack of Male Role Model
Sexual Preference
S&M Preference
Lifestyle Preference

But surely:

You were not born that way!
That is liberal garbage and propaganda!

About Pride, what is there to be proud of, homosexuality?
At worst it is a mental disorder and at best it is a sexual perversion!

The new fad is to destroy the nuclear family and the father figure, so men can be feminine and women can be masculine! Procreation stops and men lay around banging each other to tickle each other’s prostate and get turned on!

What happened to traditional society where men were real men and women were real women?

So, I am not a Christian or a religious person; therefore, I do not believe that LGBTQIA+ are amoral, immoral, sinners or condemned to Hell. On the contrary, I am a scientist, an atheist and a logical person; therefore, I know for facts that between 91% to 95% of LGBTQIA+ are by choice and sexual preference, yet only 1% to 5% are born that way which even they can correct their sexual imperfections and perversions by proper surgeries to either turn them to male or female.

LGBTQIA+ is not a social minority but they are a group of sexual perverts with alternative lifestyle. I should know because I am a master pervert and my sex life is everything except ordinary, mainstream and normal.

Let’s be honest with each other.

If from time to time, I desire to bang people anally, then I’m a pervert.
If from time to time, I desire to bang a tranny or a chick with dick, then I’m a pervert.
If from time to time, I desire to bang a pearly white sissy boy, then I’m a pervert.
If from time to time, I spice up sex with whips, chains, handcuffs, dildos, midgets and Shiite, then I’m a pervert.

There is nothing wrong with being a sexual pervert but please do not call it Mainstream America and surely do not try to marry each other and adopt kids!

Marriage has a definition and it is between a man and a woman. The same as you cannot marry a dog or an eggplant, you cannot marry LGBTQIA+! What the Hell is the Gay Marriage?

Ahreeman X on Gay Rights!

“I may not bang your butts but I will fight to death to protect your rights to bang each other’s butts!”

Dialogue with a Gay!

A gay petitioner wanted my signature. I had a dialogue with a Militant Gay outside the department store:

Gay Petitioner: Do you support gay rights?

Ahreeman X: What rights, to bang butts? You already have that!

G: You are being combatant …

X: Minority status is by race, ethnicity or religion. You are neither one! You are claiming to be a minority group but minority due to what? Sexual preference?

G: You know, California makes it mandatory for teachers to do LGBTQ training!

X: As an underdog, the public opinion was behind you but once you become militant gays and stuck your privates in people’s faces, then the public opinion turned against you and the whole gay movement will blow up in your face! Keep your bedroom affairs in the bedroom and do not go militant about sucking dick! You are not a minority group but you are having alternative lifestyle which is all fine and I am supporting you until you, Hollywood, Media, Social Media and Tech Giants want to shove the LGBTQIA+ down Americans’ throats as the Mainstream America.

G: Isn’t LGBTQIA+ mainstream now?

X: LGBTQIA+ is nowhere near Mainstream America. In Real World, LGBTQ is as much mainstream as Muslims are in the American society. Just because Hollywood and Media shove a gay guy, a tranny and a bull dyke in every TV series, this does not make LGBTQ mainstream America! They do the same with the Muslims!

G: Then what is mainstream?

X: Google, Facebook, Cyber Space, Media and Hollywood are not mainstream America. The only reason America and people like myself are supporting you is because you are the underdog. Once you become tyrants and want to shove your perverted lifestyle down America’s and my throat, then this support will become a backlash against you! I cannot stand militant gays!

G: You are a homophobe, Genderist, sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe, and a fascist full of toxic masculinity! 

X: Thank you very much for the compliments. I knew they were coming at some point! Let’s be frank. You are not a minority but you are a bunch of sexual perverts with alternative lifestyle seeking for minority status in America!

G: Stop the hate, you fascist …

X: Hey, there is nothing wrong with alternative lifestyles but do not seek to turn it to a mainstream behavior.

G: World is queer, we win …

X: I am a master pervert, so I know all about alternative lifestyles or sex lives. Liberals created between 6 to 60 genders. In reality there are only two genders, male or female.

G: You are so full of toxic masculinity, so macho with male trip …

X: And you love it, you love macho men to bang your butt!

And we went our separate ways …..

More Liberal Bull Shiite Terms

Liberals love to create Bull Shiite terms!

Germophobe, Xenophobe, Homophobe, etc.

I am not a germophobe; I am clean.
I am not a Xenophobe; I am a Nationalist.
I am not a Homophobe; I believe homosexuality at best is a sexual perversion and at worst is a mental disorder.

Toxic Masculinity
White Privilege
6 to 60 Genders
Child choses its sex after birth and while growing up
Turning girls to boys and boys to girls

Above are all liberal bull Shiite terms.

Liberal Hypocrisy

Liberals are the most hypocritical and contradictory folks on earth!

On one hand they are pro Muslims and on the other hand they are pro LGBTQIA+! Muslims kill LGBTQIA+, then how can you be pro both?!

Can you be a Black KKK?
Can you be a Nazi Jew?
Then how can you be pro Muslims and LGBTQIA+ both?

Obey or Be Canceled!

It is one thing to tolerate gays as a small segment of the society, live and let live, but it is another when it comes to the liberals with the full force, shoving the gay agenda down people’s throats via 24/7 indoctrination, propaganda and brainwash! Liberal propaganda tools of Hollywood, Media, Social Media and Academia plus Woke Corporations shove the gay agenda in your face and if you object, you will get censored, silenced, banned and punished! Love it or be cancelled! Liberal Communism in full force!

Democrats are the Worst Enemy of the LGBTQIA+

Democrat party platform and agenda is the worst enemy of the LGBTQIA+ Community because their forced aggressive in your face agenda of love it or be cancelled had caused a huge backlash against the gay community! Before the Democrats past 2 years of indoctrination, people were pro gays because they were underdogs and somewhat subject of oppression, but now the gays have become the oppressor of the whole society! Democrats have forced people to become gay or accept the gay life as a norm! Democrats have wakened the silent majority and the paybacks at the elections in 2022 and 2024 will be a bitch for the Democrats!

In this whole ordeal, the Gay Community has been used as a gimmick by the Democrats to shove their agenda down in people’s throats. Now the majority are Anti-Gay! Thanks to the

The same way, Democrats are the worst enemy of the Black people. The majority were pro Black people because they were oppressed and underdogs. Democrats with their Affirmative Action, CRT, Equity and Reverse Racism have pushed people to the point of no return and turned them Anti Black!

All the people must have equal rights. Give special rights to any group like Special Gay Rights or Special Black Rights, then the society will turn against them!

The most pro-gay president in history is Trump. He stood in front of the world leaders in UN and said we must stop criminalizing the gays.

Lady MAGA USA - Why Vote for Trump?

The difference between Liberals and Conservatives is that Liberals divide people by race, gender, social class, wealth, and ideology. Conservatives see no color, gender, social class and division. Conservatives see people as people!

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism

Drag Queen Role Models

Drag Queens are now in the churches, schools and libraries educating your children as great role models! Children are taken to Gay Bars to see Drag Shows as field trips! Now, they even throw Drag Shows in the Churches before the sermon!
Men in Women’s Sports!

In this women’s lib era, in our wildest dreams we could have not imagined that a day would come for men to win all the gold medals in the women’s sports! So, some man with boobs and a schlong hanging between his legs dressed as a woman can win all the races, games and medals! Only in today’s Bizarro Upside Down Liberal Woke Era can such damage to be done to the women’s lib and the women’s sports!

You may as well throw away women’s sports because trannies will always win them.

It was only few years ago that FIFA sanctioned the Iranian Women’s National Soccer Team for a number of the players being men! Everyone made fun of them and even I assigned a spot on the famous funny “Only in Iran” series to them (somewhere in the middle of the page):

Only in Iran 16

Today in America, it is a norm for broad shouldered men with thick schlongs posing as women to play in the little girls’ sports! Look at the giant sissy Lia Thomas with a thing hanging in his shorts, swimming with and competing with the little girls and beating them! Don’t these trannies feel ashamed of competing with the little girls? I guess not, because faggots become bold and cheeky due to bending over and getting FAQed a lot over and over up the Shiiter! Obviously, there is a relation between getting butt banged and becoming shamelessly cheeky!

We have a Persian expression which states:

“Kuni-ha por-ru mishan!”
(Faggots become shamelessly bold!)

What kind of faggot runs against girls in female sports?
Exactly, only a faggot would!

Real History of Monkeypox

Same as AIDS, Monkeypox is the latest gay disease and contribution of the gays to the global civilization! Some black guys banged some monkeys and then killed and ate them in Central and West Africa or vice versa and that’s how it all got started! Then these black guys banged other black guys and they travelled to US and EU and naturally banged some White Twinks and Sissies in the gay bathhouses and indeed some Bi men banged these pearly white boys and caught the disease. Then the disease spread like hell to men, women and now it’s all over! But not to worry, unless you are LGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup, Very Promiscuous, or Hunter Biden, then the odds of you catching it is very low because it spreads through sex and blood, it is not airborne!

Anal Swab for Monkeypox

Monkeypox infections are 98% gay or bi, just like how AIDS started! WHO already declared Monkeypox a global emergency to steal elections in the US. AIDS and Monkeypox are really the fruits of the “Climate Cult” population control via homosexuality!

2 children, one infant and one toddler got monkeypox, they were both in contact with homosexuals. You don’t get monkeypox as airborne, you get it from sex or blood contact, so what were these homos doing with the children?

Monkeypox the New AIDS, a Homosexual Disease!

Number of monkeypox vaccination sites which opens up in NY and big cities are loaded with lines of homosexuals waiting to be vaxed! In New York, long lines of fags stand in line for the Monkeypox vax!

So have in mind that when you proudly parade in the Gay Pride Parade, shouting “Get the Lube and Get it On”, then eventually you will end up getting the Swab and the Monkeypox up the rectum! But then again, I’m sure you are used to getting pain up the rectum!

Transgender Ideology is Fabricated, Unnatural and Manmade!

All of these genders are not possible without hormones, surgery and chemicals. They are all fabricated. In reality we only have two genders. Even so-called Gay and Lesbian are not genders but sexual perversions. Gay is really a male and a lesbian is really a female.

Gender Realism in Ancient Persia

When we spoke of gender Realism in Ancient Persia, we meant genders which were naturally possible. Even then, we only had male and female but we had variations of the two:

Male Feminine Gods
Female Masculine Gods
No Gender Gods
Bi Gender Gods

Also, it is called Persian “Mythology”, get it?

In ancient Persia, we did not create 6 to 60 genders, but we believed in gender variations of the only two genders which were man and a woman. In ancient Persia, we also did not use hormones, chemicals and surgery to create genders!

Persian Mythology, Gods and Goddesses

Mixing Pedophiles into Perverts (LQBTQIA+)

Liberals are masters of creating politically correct terms for every real-life degenerated act or person! The new liberal PC term for child molesters is “MAP” (Miner Attracted Person) which indeed means Pedophile!

MAP (Miner Attracted Person) = Pedophile

So, after normalizing perversions (LGBTQIA+) in to the mainstream American society, now they are normalizing the pedophilia!

Remember NAMBLA?

NAMBLA = North American Man Boy Love Association


NAMBLA Wikipedia

Why Liberals are Forcing Transgenderism and Homosexuality on People?

* Population Control
* Globalism
* Climate Cult

In liberals’ twisted mind where the world has been ending in 12 years since the early 1970s, due to Climate Change Bull Shiite, they need to do population control to save the earth! What better way for Davos WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Nazi Climate Cultists such as Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates to enforce their imaginary protocol and public control agenda to eliminate the Traditional Nuclear Family procreation and replace it with the homosexuality?!

Liberals Created the Climate Change via Over Population!

The push for more LGBTQIA is for the liberals to cut global population. In their twisted mind due to the climate change, it is justified. The reality is that the over population is due to going against the laws of nature by artificially equalizing everyone around the world, so their lifespan gets longer. In old days, people lived 50 years and then they died, now they live 100 years! Liberals want to feed the world, artificially equalize all races and cultures and go against the survival of the fittest, natural selection and evolution. Liberals go against the Law of Nature. They do not allow species to evolve on their own due to adaptation, but they provide for them everything artificially to evolve. As the result, you have overpopulation and global warming. So, in a way, liberals created the over population, climate change and the problem. Now they want to force people to become gay to cut the population!

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy: 3 Chapters

Yes, climate change exists but it is nowhere near catastrophic as the liberals preach!

Why Men Become Gay?

Let’s be honest with each other. Men have prostate. The prostate present in men, if stimulated often, it will pleasure you and you will become gay! Constant stimulation of the prostate via a long thick schlong can become a habit and enjoyable, so eventually if you keep on getting FAQed up the Shiiter, you will become gay! That’s what happens in the Islamic seminary schools of Qom. Tolab religious study students get trained hard by the Hojatol Eslams to become professional clerics! That’s why Mullahs are all gay!

Holy Cleric Ranks of Islam!
The Shiite Hierarchy!

Gay Marriage

It is not that I am against Gay Marriage but I find it comical! When they cannot win the argument with logic, Liberals love to change the definition of the words, for instance marriage!

Marriage is between a man and a woman. If two perverts or mentally disturbed men or women like to hook up, bang each other and hangout together, more power to them, live and let live, you can live together as partners, even have all the legal rights as the married couple. You can shack up and live together but don’t call it marriage!

Gay Adoption

It is a fact that a great number of gay adoptions ends up in pedophilia. Pedophiles use gay adoption as an excuse to satisfy their sexual desires.

It is also a fact that a great number of children adopted by gays, end up becoming gays because homosexuality by 95% is a learned behavior by nurture, society and environment around the child.

It is also a fact that the Climate Cultists, BLM, ANTIFA and Democrat Party’s agenda for the global population control is to destroy the traditional family and procreation by replacing it with the fabricated Gay Family and Gay Adoption which are all liberal made and created out of the liberals’ rectums (literally)!

Put in mathematical formula, it goes like this:

Good Number of
Gay adoption => pedophilia
Gay adoption => children grow up to become gay

New World Order Scam

If you allow liberals to run the world, they impoverish you, immoralize you, take away your manhood and womanhood, make you eat bugs and drink recycled urine! You will own nothing and be miserable under the New world Order.

On the contrary, people who design the New world Order like Clintons, Obamas, Gates, Hollywood, Silicone Valley and Al Gore will make millions, own private jets and purchase oceanfront beach mansions! They preach one thing but they live the opposite! So, do as they say while they live the opposite way and laugh in their private banquets at your ignorant asses who run the streets, protest and carry the torch for the Climate Change, LGBTQIA+ and other liberal fantasies so-called causes!

Gay Pride Year Long Events!

What Pride has to do with sucking schlong? Why do they call it Pride? Is there Pride for men in bending over and getting FAQed up the butt?

Actually, you get cheeky and bold when you suck too much schlong and give away too much butt! At what point have Pride become equal to sexual perversions?

Why Gays have 2 months a year celebration? Pride month in June and LGBTQIA History Month in October? And then a yearlong mix and match gay events here and there?

It is all in the plan via indoctrination, brainwash and mass propaganda by the Elite via Hollywood, Media, Social Media, Tech Giants and Academia to enslave you in to compliance and obedience to the New World Order. It is all about Globalism destroying your Individualism, Manhood and Womanhood.

Globalists tell you to jump and you ask how high?!

Sexualization of Children: Muslims vs. Liberals

In Afghanistan, they groom the boys to look like girls and they dance for adults and are the sexual subjects for adults. They call it “Bache Bazi” (Child Play) which that is the literal translation but the actual translation means “Child Molestation”.

In America, Liberals groom the boys to look like girls and to dance in a Drag Kids Competition as little drag queens. They dance for adults and eventually soon or late, they will be molested by the adults and become gay. In America, they call it “Drag Kids Competition” but isn’t it really “Child Play”?

How come we condemn Afghans for child abuse but Liberals are openly abuse children here?

Videos of Bache Bazi in Afghanistan

Bache Bazi 1

Bache Bazi 2

Bache Bazi 3

Bache Bazi 4

Bache Bazi 5

Bache Bazi 6

Bache Bazi 7

Bache Bazi 8

Bache Bazi 9

Bache Bazi 10

Sexualization and Abuse of Children

Drag Pre-Teen Competition Videos in USA! Yes, many of these kids are pre-teens exposed to the Drag Scene. It all starts with attending Gay Pride Circus Shows, graduating to the Gay Bar Scene Drag Shows, and eventually becoming Drag Kids! It is all in the plan: Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, Drag Queen Story Hours in Schools, Gay Bar Field Trips and Full Indoctrination starting in Pre-School, Kindergarten, Nickelodeon, Disney, MTV and all the way to the college where they graduate with some Bull Shiite major such as Gender Studies, Liberal Arts, Ethnic Studies, Ebonics and become ANTIFA, BLM and Anarchist Activists begging for government to forgive their student debts! They will end up with no jobs, running the streets, rioting and looting, Liberal Style!

As of the result, according to the latest polls, 42% of the Democrat youth believe that violence and assassination of the other political party in office which they do not approve is ok.

Videos of Drag Kids Competition in America

Little boy in rainbow pride skirt pole dancing taught by pedophile

Pennsylvania governor in support of the gay event

Drag Kids 1

Drag Kids 2

Drag Kids 3

Drag Kids 4

Drag Kids 5

This is why gays should not adopt children. This is why liberals’ promotion of LAGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup ends up in pedophilia, degeneration and extinction of procreation which is exactly what liberals want to do to the society.

Kids in Naked Gay Pride Parades!

Watch these videos:

From meeting every gender and sexuality on the spectrum to watching naked men twerk in front of the children, Pride D.C. was nothing short of a booze and weed filled mess.

Watch Kids Get Brainwashed Into Pedophile Death Cult

Horrific: Naked Trannies & Degenerates Takeover D.C.

Sav Says Channel – Banned Videos

Banned Videos

Info Wars

Drag Queen Educators and Role Models for Children!

Biden gay and tranny executive order to make your kids gay and you cannot interfere went in motion.

Taking children under 10 to the drag show filed trips, LGBTQIA drag hour at libraries and schools, middle school LGBB classes (LGBTQIA+), Clinton having underage orgies, liberal men hooking with little boys, preteen drag contests, aren’t these child abuse and pedophilia?

The New American Dream: A ‘Drag Queen for Every School’

Michigan Attorney General Takes Woke to a New Heights. Sexualization of Children Trend Explodes. Children are forced to go to the gay bar field trips and watch the drag queen shows.

Enlighten yourselves with what liberals are doing to America:


Michigan’s Attorney General Wants a ‘Drag Queen for Every School’

Drag Queens Dance in Front of Babies, Toddlers at Dallas Pride Event

NYC Schools Spent over $200K on Drag Queen Shows

Kids at Gay Pride Marches Exposed to “Family Friendly” Nudity, Sex Fetishes and
Chants of “We Have Genitals and Lube”


Dallas protesters show up to 'Drag the kids to pride' family-friendly drag show

NY Library Brings Drag Queens to Kids Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Book Hour for Children

USA School Curriculum for Children is now including Drag Queen Shows!

The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish by Lil Miss Hot Mess

Drag Queen Educators Videos

Drag Queen Educator 1

Drag Queen Educator 2

Drag Queen Educator 3

Drag Queen Educator 4

Degeneration of a Nation

The agenda is degeneration of a nation.

* Gay Bar and Drag Bar Field Trips for elementary school children
* Drag Queen story hours in libraries for children
* Drag Queen shows at elementary schools
* Disney Gay and Drag Shows for kids
* LGBTQIA Curriculum in schools
* LGBTQIA Courses at schools

Every Democrat party action such as open borders, defund the police, prosecuting border patrol, destruction of economy, high gas prices, crime rise, and promoting LAGBTQIA are efforts to create chaos and destroy the American democracy and capitalism.

Biden executive order puts the full force of the federal government to turn your boy to a girl and your girl to a boy, and you will be prosecuted if you avoid it. Converting and avoiding kids from making the greatest mistake of their lives, can put you in jail. Government knows best and the kids will go under crucial disfunctions and pains of sex change.

At some point, Americans will get fed up because enough is enough! Woke corporations, woke liberals, woke government with woke agenda are degenerating your children.

Why Rome had Fallen?

Yes, Rome had fallen because of homosexuality and here is the true history of it.

Liberals twist and change the history but I, as a historian will tell you the true history. The fall of the Roman Empire did not occur due to the European Barbaric Tribes’ Invasions, Economic Reasons, Cultural Differences of the Subject Provinces, Controlling the Vast Empire Issues or such. Fall of Rome did not even occur due to the decades of war with the Mighty Persian Empire, not even because of the Arabo-Muslim Invasion! Fall of Rome happened because of Homosexuality!

Just like early 20th Century UK and Today’s America, homosexuality infected Rome, Real Men become Anti Toxic Masculinity, soft, feminine and gay! Men stopped being warriors and no one left to fight for the empire, so they had to hire mercenaries to fight for the empire. All Roman men wanted to do was to lay around and bang each other up the butt!

Eventually these foreign and barbarian tribes who had been hired as mercenaries to fight for the empire, had become the cause of taking over the empire and changing the Roman Disciplined Culture. Rome got destroyed from the within.

Homosexuality rotted the Greatest Western Empire known for Masculinity, Discipline, Organization, Power and Conquest. Homosexuality destroyed Rome from the within! Yes, not even the Great Persian Empire which ruled the eastern world could destroy Rome but Rome destroyed Rome due to homosexuality!

British Empire also did not get destroyed due to WWII, Economical reasons, vast amount of lands away from each other and the London, or other socio-economic factors. Basically, men turned gay, there was no man power to fight to save the empire, English had to draft all foreign subjects of the British Empire (same as mercenaries in Rome) to fight their battles, English had to import foreigners to attend to their women, foreigners took over UK (also illegal immigration and Muslim Refugees were of help), foreigners ran UK and the English women, while the English men turned poofs, sat around and bang each other’s butts! And that was the end of the British Empire!

Your liberal professors don’t teach that in your liberal universities! I teach you the true history. I have been reading, researching, studying and writing history since age 10. In IPC we teach true history of the globe.

History Index

We are becoming like UK where there are no men left, so they had to import foreign men to attend to their women for procreation! Almost all the British men are gay! Same is happening here! It all started with Obama where we had 1% gays and now, they become 5%! Obama the gay Muslim and his Tranny wife Michelle started all these episodes of Transgender Bathrooms, Transgender Ideology, Gay Pride every month and forcing gay wokeness down people’s throats because Hussein Obama is a Gay Muslim and Michelle (Big Mike) is a manly Transsexual!

Now they will have X Gender in passports!

Biden administration endorses transgender youth sex-change operations, 'top surgery,' hormone therapy and puberty blockers for children.

So, after the fall of the Roman and the British Empire due to homosexuality, America is lining up to be next!

Woke DC and Marvel Superheroes

DC (Warner Brothers) and Marvel (Disney) have ruined our favorite childhood superheroes which we grew up with them. They made them woke and they fundamentally changed the nature of the characters.

Gay Robin, Bi Superman, Lesbian Bat Woman, Black Lex Luthor, Black Green Lantern, Black Hawkman, you cannot change the nature of a character because you are a globalist corporation and want to make profit by being woke!

As the result, someone like me who has been collecting DC and Marvel comic books, graphic novels, animation series and superhero movies all his life has stopped superhero collections all together. I do not read them anymore, watch them anymore and surely not collect them anymore. I am one person, but there are millions like me. Our money finances Warner Brothers and Disney. Well, no more, because you go woke, you go broke! Boycott all woke corporations and teach them a lesson by hurting their wallets.

Corporations Go Woke, Make Them Broke!

Liberal policies are poison for the LGBTQIA Community

Gay community must comprehend that you created a movement to not be discriminated against, but now, not only people will discriminate against you, but they will also hate you! Thanks to the liberals.

2 rapes of a 14 and a 15-year-old highschooler girls in the bathrooms by a boy dressed as a girl and transgender and then the coverups by the 2 schools is a Backlash to the Transgender cause and the transgender bathrooms policy.

You cannot force America to accept feminizing boys and masculinizing girls to promote perversions!

Liberals are making up genders like never before, so far between 6 to 60 genders! The Bull Shiite level is now neck high!

Transgender Attempts To Breastfeed Non-Binary Child

NFL Gone Gay!

NFL like the rest of the Woke Corporations is now gay! Pandering to 2% to 5% of the US population and destroying the most masculine sport in the USA, NFL rating in the upcoming season will be down the Shiite Hole! Wokeness will destroy NFL.

NFL forgets that LGBTQ is not their audience but the most tough or wanna be tough guys and girls watch Football! NFL had already lost a great number of their audience and customers.

NFL Football Gone Gay Woke and Wants to Go Broke!

Too much liberalism results in chaos!

Where have All these Gays Come From?

A few years ago, only 1% of Americans were Gay! Now the number went up to over 5%, how is that? Liberals say that they were always there but in the closet. I say that is Bull Shiite! Since Obama’s presidency in 2008, liberals actively created and promoted 6 to 60 genders of LGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup via 24-hour propaganda, brainwash, and indoctrination in schools, media, entertainment, social media, tech giants and government. Liberals have created the LGBTQIA+ Alphabet Soup 6 to 60 genders.

A while back I had a conversation with Blondie (highly educated liberal aerospace engineer) and it went something like this:

Ahreeman X: Where have all these gays been? How come all of a sudden, they are out of the woodwork and holding Gay Pride Rallies everywhere?

Blondie: They have always been here but in the closet. Now they are out of the closet!

X: I must disagree. I believe that liberal propaganda, professors, media and Hollywood have created all of these LGBTQ due to the decades of mass propaganda and brainwash!

B: I think you are a Sexist, Racist, Xenophobe, Misogynist, and a homophobe.

X: Thank you for all the complements but the reality is that my only crime is that I am not PC. When I enter the room, political correctness goes out the door.

B: You know you are a racist and a homophobe, right?

X: Hey, I am solid behind LGBTQ. I believe they must have equal rights like every other group in the society but they shall not be granted special rights.

B: You’re still a racist ……

X: Hey, I even like them cute little faggots, lesbos and chicks with dicks but once they become Militant Gays and Bull Dykes, then the problem starts! Do not scream in the streets that you love sucking dick, just keep your privates out of my face and in the privacy of your bedroom!

B: Sick!

X: Hey, I don’t mind to time-to-time bang a beautiful shemale but if you are a muscular, hairy and ugly chick with dick like Michelle Obama (Big Michael), then I won’t bang you!

B: Have you ever met someone more racist, sexist and homophobe than you?

X: Hey, I was on the front line of the Civil Rights movement in Jersey in the 1980s …

B: In the KKK Rally or Nazi Rally?

X: I’m not a racist, I’m just not PC.

B: you are racist …

X: C’mon Man, Biden Style! Isn’t generalizing racist? You’re generalizing me with the racists, aren’t you?

B: You’re hopeless!

And that was the end of our political discussion!

LGBTQIA+ are not born that way but the liberal indoctrination by the schools, universities, media and Hollywood created them! Liberals create feminine, sensitive, sissy, faggy men out of so-called toxic masculinity. They want to turn America to England. There are barely any real men left in England, that’s why they import foreign men to take care of their women! Liberals are great with turning real men in to gays!

Liberals have created so many genders, between 6 to 60 genders. On daily basis, liberals shove the LGBTQ doctrine in to kids’ brains at schools. Leave the kids alone. Let the kids be kids. Once they grow up, they will decide to be gay or straight.

Liberals have created a generation of pansies, wussies, sissies, and faggies out of the American boys!

Liberals are Anti-Nature

Liberals are against the laws of nature. Liberals want to destroy every fabric of the civilized society. With their BLM, ANTIFA and Marxist foot soldiers, they are burning down the civilization, business, economy and progress. They are creating anarchy to destroy the “Progressive Capitalist System”.

Liberals are even against the simplest laws of nature and science such as procreation and reproduction! They are promoting unnatural homosexuality to replace the natural heterosexuality. If everyone would become homosexual (LGBTQIA), then how would humanity procreate? Maybe that is the goal: to destroy human population, so in their derange minds and delusional Climate Cult Fantasy, they can save the planet by killing off the human population!

Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!
Learn Your Terminology and Call them Communists!

Gender Pronouns Education Before Entering USA

Soon, just like military, CIA, FBI and other government departments, we will have immigrant gender pronouns education and cultural sensitivity classes before swearing to become citizens!

Just declare your pronouns and come right in, specifically when you enter the bathroom or the Woke Liberal USA Circa! It goes like this:

Male: He, Him, His, Himself
Female: She, Her, Hers, Herself

Then it gets weird:

In Between: They, Them, Their, Themself


Beanstalk Giant: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

Which he went like this:

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum,
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

And for the Lizards:

Lizards: Liz, Lizzo, Lizzy, Lizzette

But you can go like:

Bestiality Lovers: Sick, Sicko, Sickos, Sickness

Got it?!

You don’t need to love America, actually it helps if you hate America, because we are trying to destroy America!!

LGBTQIA Alphabet Soup and all the Muslim Refugees, Illegal Aliens, MS13, Gang Bangers, Drug Cartel Workers, Mojados, Coyotes, and other animals are gathered here, why not you global perverts out there?!

Welcome to America, the Neo Liberal Zoo! All Animals are Welcomed! We are trying to Make America a 3rd World Shiite Hole! Bon Appetite!

Lizard Raping Hindus and Woke Democrats
4 Hindus Gang Raped a Bengal Monitor Lizard in India!
Reptilian Bestiality Supreme Bizarre S&M Act

Gay Disease Epidemics of USA in a Nutshell!

Let us be blunt, Monkeypox same as AIDS came from Black bush people in Africa banging monkeys. Bush people in Nigeria, west Africa and vicinity were banging monkeys and then eating monkeys and rats. This is how it originated and still does. Then some of these monkey-banging Black Africans ended up coming to Mexico and illegally crossed the border to USA and eventually evolved to banging Sissy white boys in USA. Monkeypox mostly transfers from sex via any blood opening. Same as AIDS, it transferred through homosexuals having sex with one another. Monkeypox same as AIDS is a homosexual disease. Gay Bathhouses were the source of infection where the African black dudes banged the white liberal twinks!

Naturally these Big Boned Black African guys were too big for the li’l sissy white boys and ripped their cavities in the rectum and through blood, transferred the disease. Then Bisexual boys transferred it to women and now it goes around! Here we go with another gay disease which Media hides from you that it is a gay disease! Wokeness, political correctness and promotion of LGBTQIA by Democrats avoids the public to hear the truth about AIDS, Monkeypox and more to come gay diseases spreading through USA!

Well, it is always Pride month, so be very proud of butt banging and getting diseases. Just lube up and open wide!

End of the Rainbow!

The Rainbow is all beautiful, majestic, all dandy and tell-tale full, but Rainbows always come to an end, and at the end of the Rainbow, you will not necessarily always find a pot of gold, but sometimes at the end of the Rainbow Pride Banner waving in the sky, you may find a Pile O Shiite Residue leftover from the surgically removed AIDS, Monkeypox, Hemorrhoids and other rectal tissues!

Now sing along boys and girls,

Earl Grant is looking at me left left (chap chap) and turning in his grave!

As Earl Grant recited, let’s sing along a ballad:

At the end of a rainbow,
You'll find a pot of gold.
At the end of a story,
You'll find it's all been told.

At the end of the Rainbow Pride Parade,
You’ll find a Pile O Shiite.
At the end of the Rainbow Banner,
You’ll find some used condoms!
At the End of the Rainbow Lifestyle,
You’ll find Big Hemorrhoids!

But our love has a treasure
Our hearts always spend
And it has a story without any end

But our love has an infection,
Our pain can only tell
And it oozes pus without any end!

At the end of a Gay Bathhouse session,
The juices stop its flow.
At the end of the gay movie,
There's no place you can go.

But just tell me you loved it
And it was all worth it
Cause paybacks are a bitch
Hemorrhoids, AIDS, and Monkeypox
And they will go on till the end of time
Till the end of time .....
Lala Lala Laaaaaa Laloo Loola Looleh Loo …..

That was the ending song!

Persian Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual Galore! - Gay Pride Parade
Iranian Gay Gods in high heels were there and native Blacks were praying to them!

Persian Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual Galore! – 3 Chapters
The Gay Pictorial Report of the Century! – A Net Spoof

By the way, allow me to introduce myself liberal style:

I am a 6’ 2” Bad Ass White Aryan Persian Male often dressed head to toe in black and sometimes in black leather and my pronouns are Kick Ass Forever!

Your Family Doctor

Dr. X


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Liberal Made LGBTQIA+ 6 to 60 Genders!

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